GT Release Manuals Cristina Williams, ISI/USC plus all GT committers
Goals of the Project l Provide information about technologies in the Globus Toolkit that developers, admins and end-users need to use GT. l Make sure information is complete and more easily digested. l Assist project committers with getting their information into the appropriate format – edit, copyedit as needed. l Maintain and dev.globus
Relationship to Other Globus Projects l Related to all Globus Projects that are in the Globus Toolkit.
Current Work l Maintaining release notes and documentation for 3.2, 4.0 and current development releases (4.1.x), and the wiki, l Analyzing 4.1.x docs to see where information can be more complete, clearer, more easily scannable/digested online for l Adding how to indexes (that directly link to information about doing common/important tasks) as well as back of the book indexes for each project.
Planned Next Steps l Release notes, documentation and website updates for and l Bubble up topics to TOC while still providing user/admin/dev guides. l More complete top-level admin guide l Re-org of info/ and security/ sections for 4.2 l Top-level Cookbook/Recipes, especially those that incorporate multiple projects l Modular DocBook/olinks l Encouraging input from user communities
Critical Issues l Need to supplement reference material with higher level docs. l Because of lack of resources, need to encourage outside contributions – wikis are problematic – gdp didnt really take off – what other options?
Other Thoughts l Feel free to file documentation bugs with ideas and suggestions as well as doc issues. l Encourage discussion on l need to advertise somehow (?) l Dont let DocBook intimidate – primer (for your reference), assistance. Templates include starter code for you that is relatively easy to parse ( ). If nothing else, include text in appropro files and I can get the code in final shape. Can also customize for your project. l When in doubt, me: