Game design: Content: 2006 Talibiddeen Jr. Directions: 1.On the scoreboard, click on a dollar amount. 2.A question will appear, answer the question. Click anywhere on the screen to view the correct answer. 3.When you are ready to return to the scoreboard, click the home picture. 4.Click anywhere on this screen to start.
Hijri CalendarFastingEid ul FitrZakatul Fitr
Row 1, Col 1 How many days are in Ramadan? There are 29 or 30 days.
1,2 What is the meal we eat in the morning during Ramadan? Suhoor
1,3 What is the date of Eid ul Fitr? Shawwal 1.
1,4 Who must pay zakah? Zakat-ul-Fitr is incumbent on every free Muslim who possesses one Sa` of dates or barley which is not needed as basic food for himself or his family for the duration of one day and night.
2,1 Ramadan is the _____ month of the Hijri Calendar ? Ramadan is the ninth month of the Hijri Calendar.
2,2 What is the meal we break our Fast with called? Iftar
2,3 Should we eat something before the Eid prayer or after it? We should eat before the Eid prayer.
2,4 When is Zakatul Fitr due? Zakat-ul-Fitr is due at the end of Ramadan
3,1 What month comes before Ramadan? Shabaan is the month before Ramadan.
3,2 At what time do we break our fast? We break our fast at maghrib.
3,3 How many takbeers are in the first rakah of the Eid prayer? 7
3,4 Is it obligatory for children to give Zakatul Fitr? Every free Muslim must pay Zakat-ul-Fitr for himself, his wife, children, and servants
4,1 What month comes after Ramadan? Shawwal is the month after Ramadan.
4,2 Does vomiting break our fast? Vomiting does not break the fast, unless it is induced.
4,3 How many takbeers are in the second rakah of the Eid prayer? 5
4,4 How much Zakatul Fitr is to be given? one Sa` of food
5,1 On what day did the Battle of Badr begin? Ramadan 17.
5,2 What is the duaa said when breaking our fast?
5,3 What is the Eid greeting? Taqabbala Allahu minnaa wa minkum May Allah accept it from you and us
5,4 How much is a Sa’? Sa` is a certain measure which equals 4 mudds (a mudd equals a handful of an average man).