Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 1 MINER A (Main INjector ExpeRiment v-A) A High-Statistics Neutrino Scattering Experiment Using an On-Axis, Fine-grained Detector in the NuMI Beam Argonne - Athens - California/Irvine - Colorado - Dortmund - Duke - Fermilab - Hampton - I I T - INR/Moscow -James Madison - Jefferson Lab Minnesota - Pittsburgh - Rochester - Rutgers - South Carolina - Tufts 18 Groups: Red = HEP, Blue = NP, Green = Theorists only Jorge G. Morfín - Fermilab CERN 17 September 2003
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 2 52 Collaborators (so far…) J.Arrington, D.H.Potterveld, P.E.Reimer Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois C.Andreopoulos, G.Mavromanolakis, P.Stamoulis, N.Saoulidou, G.Tzanakos, M.Zois University of Athens, Athens, Greece D.Casper University of California, Irvine, California E.R.Kinney University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado E. Paschos University of Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany D.Dutta Duke University, Durham, North Carolina D.Harris, M. Kostin, J.G.Morfin, P.Shanahan Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois M.E.Christy Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia N.Solomey Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois S. Kulagin Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia I.Niculescu James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia A.Bruell, R. Carlini, R.Ent, D.Gaskell, J. Gomez, C.E.Keppel. W.Melnitchouk, S.Wood Jefferson Lab, Newport News, Virginia M.DuVernois University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota S. Boyd, D. Naples, V. Paolone University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania A.Bodek, H. Budd, P. de Babaro, G. Ginther, S, Manly, K. McFarland, W. Sakumoto, P. Slattery, M. Zielinsky University of Rochester, Rochester, New York R.Gilman, C.Glasshausser, R.Ransome Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey T.Bergfeld, A.Godley, S.R.Mishra, C.Rosenfeld University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina H.Gallagher, W.A.Mann Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 3 For more information… For more details than time this morning allows - Salle B 14:00
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 4 MOTIVATION Why, after nearly 40 years of accelerator experimentation, as we are pushing the energy frontier, are we still interested in lower energy scattering physics?
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 5 NuMI Beamline on the Fermilab Site
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 6 Det. 2 Det. 1 Far Detector: 5400 tons. O(2Kevts/year) Finished! NuMI: Neutrinos at Main Injector 120 GeV protons 1.9 second cycle time Single turn extraction (10 s) Beam: POT Late 2004 Precision examination of atmospheric anomaly Energy distribution of oscillations u Measurement of oscillation parameters u Participation of neutrino flavors Direct measurement of vs oscillation Magnetized far detector: atm. ’s. u Likely eventual measurement with beam NuMI Facility / MINOS Experiment at Fermilab Near Detector 980 tons
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 7 NuMI Beamline Geometry Target-Horn Chase: 2 parabolic horns. 50 m Decay Region: 1m radius decay pipe.675 m Hadron Absorber: Steel with Al core 5 m Muon range-out: dolomite (rock). 240 m Near Detector Hall 45 m
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 8 NuMI Neutrino Beam (zoom-lens) Configurations Horn 1 position fixed - move target and horn 2 to change mean energy of beam. Three “nominal” configurations: low-, medium-, high energy. In addition, “semi-me” and “semi-he” beams. Horns left in le configuration and only target moved.
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 9 NuMI Neutrino Spectrum CC Events/kt/year Use LOW ENERGY Beam
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 10 How Important are Low-energy Neutrinos? Seeing the “dip” in the oscillation probability is a goal of MINOS VERY Difficult at low m 2. CC energy distributions have two important complications at low energy: Difference between E vis and E due to nuclear effects (particularly re-scattering). A required subtraction of NC events that fake low energy CC. In both cases MINOS, as well as all other oscillation experiments, will have to rely on MC.
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 11 The dominant oscillation parameters will be known reasonably well from solar/reactor and from SuperK, K2K, MINOS, CNGS The physics issues to be investigated are clearly delineated: Need measurement of missing oscillation probability ( 13 = e ) Need determination of mass hierarchy (sign of m 13 ) t Search for CP violation in neutrino sector t Measurement of CP violation parameters t (Testing CPT with high precision) Above can be accomplished with the e transition. How do we measure this sub-dominant oscillation? 13 small (≤ 0.1) - maximize flux at the desired energy (near oscillation max) u Minimize backgrounds - narrow energy spectrum around desired energy One wants to be below threshold to measure subdominant oscillation Next Generation: NuMI Off-axis Experiment
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 12 More flux than low energy on- axis (broader spectrum of pions contributing) Neutrino event spectra at a detector located at different transverse locations No nasty high-energy tail, which contributes so much background ! The Off-axis Solution
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 13 MINOS: Neutrino Beam NuMI Off-axis Neutrino Beam We need to understand low energy -Nucleus interactions for oscillation experiments! Motivation: Current/Future Oscillation Experiments use a Few GeV on a C, O 2,Fe or ??? Nucleus
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 14 Motivation: Exclusive Cross-sections at Low Energies - Quasi-elastic: DISMAL No one ever lost money by betting against neutrino experiments being correct. -- Don Perkins World sample statistics is still fairly miserable! Cross-section important for understanding low-energy atmospheric neutrino oscillation results. Needed for all low energy neutrino monte carlos. “ K2K near detector data on water was fit with wrong vector form factors. New ( Budd, Bodek, Arrington ) BBA2003 form factors and updated M A have a significant effect on Neutrino oscillations Results.” Quote from Arie Bodek
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 15 n – p 0 n – n + p – p + World’s sample of NC 1- ANL p n + (7 events) n n 0 (7 events) Gargamelle t p p 0 (240 evts) t n n 0 (31 evts) K2K t Starting a careful analysis of single 0 production. Strange Particle Production Gargamelle-PS - 15 events. FNAL - ≈ 100 events ZGS - 7 events BNL - 8 events Larger NOMAD sample expected CC Motivation: Exclusive Cross-sections at Low Energies - 1-Pion and Strange Particle: DISMAL
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 16 How about Tot ? Low energy (< 10 GeV) primarily from the 70’s and 80’s suffering from low statistics and large systematics (mainly from flux measurements). Mainly bubble chamber results --> larger correction for missing neutrals. How well do we model Tot ? D. Naples - NuInt02
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 17 F 2 / nucleon changes as a function of A. Measured (with high statistics) in -A not in Good reason to consider nuclear effects DIFFERENT in -A. Presence of axial- vector current. SPECULATION: Much stronger shadowing for -A but somewhat weaker “EMC” effect? Different nuclear effects for valance and sea --> different shadowing for xF 3 compared to F 2 ? Different nuclear effects for d and u quarks? NUCLEAR EFFECTS EXPLAIN SOME/ALL OF THE NuTeV SIN 2 W RESULT? LET’S MEASURE NC/CC AND NUCLEAR EFFECTS WITH Shadowing Anti-shadowing “EMC” effect Fermi motion Motivation: Knowledge of Nuclear Effects with Neutrinos: essentially NON-EXISTENT
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 18 Motivation: Nuclear Effects A Difference in Nuclear Effects of Valence and Sea Quarks? Nuclear effects similar in Drell-Yan and DIS for x < 0.1. Then no “anti-shadowing” in D-Y while “anti-shadowing” seen in DIS (5-8% effect in NMC). Indication of difference in nuclear effects between valence & sea quarks? This quantified via Nuclear Parton Distribution Functions: K.J. Eskola et al and S. Kumano et al
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 19 S.A.Kulagin has calculated shadowing for F 2 and xF 3 in -A interactions. Stronger effect than for -A interactions Shadowing in the low Q 2 (A/VMD dominance) region is much stronger than at higher Q 2. Major difference between Kulagin and Kumano predictions -Ca/ -D Motivation: Nuclear Effects A Specific Look at Scattering Nuclear Effects: Shadowing Kumano
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 20 Experimental Results in Scattering: Nuclear Effects? Bubble Chamber: Ne/D 2 FNAL E-545 CERN BEBC Where is the “EMC” effect?
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 21 Motivation: Comparison of -A with JLab results on e-A; high x Bj pdf Particular interest in the high -x Bj region where there seems to be a discrepancy between global fits and data. Study of structure functions off various nuclear targets, again at high- x Bj, allows comparison with nuclear structure models where sensitivity is the greatest. Close examination of the non-PQCD and pQCD transition region, in context of quark-hadron duality, with axial-vector probe. CTEQ working group in association with C. Keppel (Jlab) formed to investigate high -x Bj region.
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 22 Motivation: High x Bj parton distributions How well do we know quarks at high-x? Ratio of CTEQ5M (solid) and MRST2001 (dotted) to CTEQ6 for the u and d quarks at Q 2 = 10 GeV 2. The shaded green envelopes demonstrate the range of possible distributions from the CTEQ6 error analysis. Wu-Ki Tung
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 23 Reasonably expect 2.5 x pot per year of NuMI running at start-up. le-configuration: Events- (E >0.35 GeV) E peak = 3.0 GeV, = 10.2 GeV, rate = 200 K events/ton - year. me-configuration: Events- E peak = 7.0 GeV, = 8.5 GeV, rate = 675 K events/ton - year s-me rate = 540 K events/ton - year. he-configuration: Events- E peak = 12.0 GeV, = 13.5 GeV, rate = 1575 K events/ton - year s-he rate = 1210 K events/ton - year. We have the Motivation. Can we perform the experiment? Neutrino Event Energy Distributions and Statistics in the NuMI Near Hall With E-907 at Fermilab to measure particle spectra from the NuMI target, expect to know neutrino flux to ≈ ± 3%.
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 24 MINOS oscillation experiment uses mainly le beam with shorter s-me and s-he runs for control and minimization of systematics. An example of a running cycle would be: t 12 months le beam t 3 months s-me beam t 1 month s-he beam Consider 2 such cycles (3 year run) with 2.5x10 20 protons/year: 860 K events/ton. = 10.5 GeV t DIS (W > 2 GeV, Q 2 > 1.0 GeV 2 ): 0.36 M events / ton t Quasi elastic: 0.14 M events / ton. Resonance + “Transition”: 0.36 M events / ton - 1 production: 0.15 M events / ton. MINOS Parasitic Running: Statistics & Topologies
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 25 Events / ton elastic + resonance MINOS Parasitic Running: x, Q 2 and W 2
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 26 Run he beam configuration! = 13.5 GeV For example, 1 year neutrino plus 2 years anti-neutrino would yield: 1.6 M - events/ton 0.9 M - events/ton DIS (W > 2 GeV, Q 2 > 1.0 GeV 2 ): 0.85 M events / ton 0.35 M events / ton t Shadowing region (x < 0.1): 0.3 M events/ton Prime User: he Event Energy Distribution
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 27 Detector: Physics Requirements Good separation of NC and CC events Good identification and energy measurement of - and e ± Identification and separation of exclusive final states Quasi-elastic n – p, e n e – p - observe recoil protons Single 0, ± final states - reconstruct 0 t Multi-particle final-state resonances Reasonable electromagnetic and hadronic calorimetry for DIS t Accurate measurements of x Bj, Q 2 and W. Multiple targets of different nuclei
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 28 Basic Conceptual Design: Triangular ≈ (2-3 cm base x 1-2 cm height) scintillator (CH) strips with fiber readout. Fully Active ( int = 80 cm, X 0 = 44 cm) / alternate with C planes > and nuclear tgt. Example fid. vol: (r =.8m L = 1.5 m): 3 tons pure plastic or 5 tons with graphite R = 1.5 m - p: =.45 GeV/c, =.51, K =.86, P = 1.2 R =.75 m - p: =.29 GeV/c, =.32, K =.62, P =.93 Surround fully active detector with em-calorimeter, hadron-calorimeter and magnetized -id / spectrometer Nuclear targets: 1 cm thick planes of C, Fe and Pb.- Total mass 2 tons t 44 planes C: graphite planes +Scintillator t 12 planes Fe: backscatter hadron cal t 8 planes Pb: Use MINOS near detector as forward identifier / spectrometer. Attempt to constrain detector size so can be moved to an off-axis position.
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 29 Basic Conceptual Design : ( A. Bodek, D. Casper and G. Tzanakos) Overall dimensions and relative volumes currently being determined X U V VUX 15 mm 2 mm EM Calorimeter: 2 mm = 1.5 mm Pb and two 0.25 mm stainless on each side Magentized Hadron Cal + Id/spec. Coils - bottom sides only Active Scintillator / Graphite detector Downstream end: EM Calorimeter plus HadCal Fiducial Volume
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 30 Downstream End - just upstream of MINOS near
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 31 Scintillation detector work at Fermilab Scintillation Detector Development Laboratory Extruded scintillator Fiber characterization and test Thin-Film facility Fiber processing: Mirroring and coatings Photocathode work Diamond polishing Machine Development Diamond polishing Optical connector development High-density Photodetector packaging PolymerDopant Scintillator Cost < $ 5 / kg Continuing development of D0 VLPC readout with $750K grant. Produced D0-type arrays for detailed device analysis at low cost compared to D0 Goal: Demonstrate X10 cost reduction for VLPC. Why plastic scintillator with fiber? Scintillator/Fiber & VLPC R&D at Fermilab
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 32 Example of Event Profiles in Scintillator Detector S. Boyd and D. Casper CC: E = 4.04 GeV, x =.43, y =.37 “Elastic”: E = 3.3 GeV, x =.90, y =.08 CC: E = GeV, x =..34, y =.94 NC: E = 29.3 GeV, x =..25, y =.46
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 33 Read-out/Photo-Sensors to Consider H. Budd - coordinator MAPMTs - very safe - currently most favored solution t Well-understood technology, know draw- backs, stable development t Relatively low QE t Not too pricey for M-64 (MINOS price order $20/channel) t Electronics cost: less than MINOS (no QIE chip) CCD + I I - relatively inexpensive t Commercial off-the-shelf with integrated readout - inexpensive/channel t Relatively low QE t Slow device - no intra-spill timing
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 34 Read-out/Photo-Sensors to Consider - continued VLPC - “Cool” Devices t Not yet commercial but intense R&D development t For D0 cost order $50/channel - Bross speculates $10/channel “soon” t High QE t Requires cryogenic cooling to reduce noise - system integration task HPD and APD - Becoming commercial t High QE but low gain t Need high-gain electronics and some significant cooling (not like VLPC) t Less pricey than MAPMT but electronics could cost a bundle t Still need several years R&D + - Intrinsic Region Gain Region Drift Region Spacer Region Photon eh Substrate
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 35 NuMI Near Hall: Dimensions & Geometry ≈ 100 m underground Length: 45m - Height: 9.6m - Width: 9.5m Length Available for New Detector: 26 m
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 36 Center of the NuMI Neutrino Beam 2 m x 2m detector cross-section MINOS Near Detector in the NuMI Near Hall 1cm thick CH (4 cm transverse granularity) between 2.5 cm thick Fe plates Even “Partially Instrumented” MINOS planes provide fairly complete coverage for the new detector Plastic & Steel
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 37 Many Detector Questions Still Unanswered (aside from fundamental question of readout/electronics choice) We have a detector with sufficient granularity to resolve 1, 2, 3… particle final states. How do we determine the mass and momentum of these particles? How much can we do without a central magnetic field? - We can measure stopping proton energy by range. What about the ± /K ± /P ambiguity? Can we see the pion decay? How much does de/dx in the last few cms of track help resolve /P ambiguity?. If we need a B-field would the first 20 planes of MINOS do? Will a TOF system help the particle ID? - can we resolve the + / - - ambiguity via observation of the + /e + chain? Can we use the MINOS detector to resolve + / - - ambiguity? Can we measure the charge and momentum in MINOS? How well do we measure the 1 0 - state? How does the plastic perform as an hadronic calorimeter? What is the error on the hadronic energy?
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 38 Other Detectors with Similar Concept 2 cm 1cm 3m EOI for an Off-axis Near Detector. 2 cm x 2cm granularity EOI for a nearer MiniBooNe Detector. Similar detector and granularity New K2K Near Detector
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 39 H_2/D_2 MINOS Near Fid. vol: r = 80 cm. l = 150 cm. 350 K CC evts in LH K CC evts in LD 2 per year he- running. Technically easy/inexpensive to build and operate. Meeting safety specifications the major effort. Planes of C, Fe, Pb For part of run After initial (MINOS) run - add a Liquid H 2 /D 2 (/O/Ar) Target
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 40 Event rates (2.5 x protons per year) MINOS Off-axisPrime User Prime User Parasitic Parasitic (3 years) (1 year, me- ) (1 year, he- ) (2 year, he - ) CH2.60 M2.10 M4.80 M 2.70 M C0.85 M0.70 M1.60 M 0.90 M Fe0.85 M0.70 M1.60 M 0.90 M Pb0.85 M0.70 M1.60 M 0.90 M LH M 0.35 M 0.20 M LD M 0.80 M 0.45 M Detector (3 ton fid. vol. ): Event Rates; CC - E > 0.35 GeV
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 41 Measure during initial MINOS exposure Quasi-elastic neutrino scattering and associated form-factors. ( Contribution of the strange quark to proton spin through elastic scattering. ) Resonance production region. Nuclear effects involving neutrinos, including NC/CC ratio. Need antineutrinos for (maximal) physics output sin 2 W via the ratio of NC / CC ( as well as d /dy from -e scattering) to check the surprising NuTeV result. Very high-x parton distribution functions. Nuclear effects for valence and sea quarks. Parton distribution functions (pdf) via all 6 structure functions. Leading exponential contributions of pQCD. Charm physics including the mass of the charm quark m c (improved accuracy by an order of magnitude, V cd, s(x) and, independently, s(x.). Strange particle production for V us, flavor-changing neutral currents and measurements of hyperon polarization. -Scattering Physics Topics with NuMI Beam Energies and Statistics
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 42 Measure absolute el and ie 1 to ± 3% (Beam) ± Expt. Systematic: Minimal statistical errors (> 400K events each elastic and 1 ). In the 2-year run, this experiment would accumulate: 430 K events in CH, 145 K in C/Fe/Pb and 90 K in D 2. Could also search for or measure Physics Result: Exclusive States; - Elastic and Resonance Cross-sections and Strange Particle Production
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 43 Physics with the Elastic Scattering Sample > 400,000 events produced R. Holt - ANL Q2<0.3 Region, Interest 1.Determine Ma=radius of axial proton 2. Compare to Ma from pion electroproduction 3. Determine quaielastic cross section where most of the events are - for neutrino oscillation in the 1 GeV region, e.g. K2K,JHF MiniBoone. 4.Sensitive to both Pauli Exclusion and final state ID if a nuclear target is used, e.g. Carbon, Water. Lose Quasielastic events, or misID resonance events. -> - Need to use Jlab Hall B data on D2, C and Fe - Manly Analysis proposal 5.Low recoil proton momentum P=Sqrt(Q2) Q2 > 1 GeV2 Region, Interest 1.Determine deviations from Dipole form factors is it like Gep or Gmp. 2.Not sensitive to Paul Exclusion, but sensitive to final state ID. -> - Need to use Jlab Hall B data on D2, C and Fe - Manly analysis proposal 3.Higher recoil proton momentum P=Sqrt(Q2)
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 44 Physics with the Resonance (+ Transition Region) Scattering Sample: > 1,000,000 events (400 K 1 ) produced
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 45 Coherent Pion Production 00 NN P Z Order 200K NC coherent pion events during MINOS parasitic run
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 46 Ratio Fe/C: Statistical Errors From MINOS Parasitic Run x B j MINOSMINOS all DIS % xxx % ( running only) Physics Results: Nuclear Effects Q 2 = 0.7 GeV 2
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 47 The particular case of what is happening at high- x Bj is currently a bit of controversial with indications that current global results not correct: Drell-Yan production results ( E-866) may indicate that high-x Bj (valence) quarks OVERESTIMATED. A Jlab analysis of Jlab and SLAC high x DIS indicate high-x Bj quarks UNDERESTIMATED ≈ Statistical Errors for 1 year of he- x 1.5 for MINOS parasitic run in CH) x Bj CHLH 2 LD %2.2%1.5% Measured / CTEQ6 CTEQ6 SLAC points Might be d/u ratio Physics Results: High-x Bj Parton Distribution Functions
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 48 Physics Results: Parton Distribution Functions: What Can We Learn With All Six Structure Functions? Does s = s and c = c over all x? If so..... Using Leading order expressions: Recall Neutrinos have the ability to directly resolve flavor of the nucleon’s constituents: interacts with d, s, u, and c while interacts with u, c, d and s.
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 49 Physics Results: Six Structure Functions for Maximal Information on PDF’s X = Q 2 = GeV 2 Kinematic cuts in (1-y) not shown + y 2 F L (1-y) 2 R = R whitlow Neutrino 1 year he-beam Anti-Neutrino 2 years he-beam
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 50 Summary - Physics of the Proposal Quasi-elastic Reaction - (A.Bodek), H. Budd and A. Mann Precision measurement of E ) and d /dQ, constrain -beam systematics t Precision determination of F A t Study of nuclear effects and their A-dependence e.g. proton intra-nuclear rescattering Resonance Production ( , N*..) Exclusive channels - A. Bodek and S. Wood Precision measurement of and d /dQ for individual channels t Detailed comparison with dynamic models, comparison of electro- & photo production the resonance-DIS transition region -- duality Study of nuclear effects and their A-dependence e.g. 1 2 3 final states Nuclear Effects - A. Bruell, J. G. Morfín and D. Naples Measure and p multiplicities as a function of E and A : convolution of quark flavor- dependent nuclear effects and final-state intra-nuclear interactions t Measure NC/CC as a function of E H off different nuclei t Measure shadowing, anti-shadowing and EMC-effect as well as flavor-dependent nuclear effects and extract nuclear parton distributions
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 51 Physics of the Proposal - continued Total Cross-section and Structure Functions - C. Keppel and J. G. Morfín t Precision measurement of low-energy total cross-section t Understand resonance-DIS transition region - duality studies with neutrinos t Detailed study of high-x Bj region: extract pdf’s and leading exponentials Coherent Pion Production - H. Gallagher and Precision measurement of for NC and CC channels t Measurement of A-dependence t Comparison with theoretical models models MINER A and Oscillation Physics - H. Gallagher and D. Harris MINER A measurements enable greater precision in measure of m, sin 2 23 in MINOS MINER A measurements fundamental for 13 in MINOS and off-axis experiments MINER A measurements as foundation for measurement of possible CP and CPT violations in the sector
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 52 Physics of the Proposal - continued Strange and Charm Particle Production - (A. Mann), V. Paolone and N. Solomey, Exclusive channel E ) precision measurements - importance for nucleon decay background studies. Hyperon Production yielding new measurements of CKM using t Exclusive charm production channels at charm threshold to constrain m c Generalized Parton Distributions - R. Gilman, W. Melnitchouk and R. Ransome t Provide unique combinations of GPDs, not accessible in electron scattering (e.g. C-odd, or valence-only GPDs), to map out a precise 3-dimensional image of the nucleon t Provide better constraints on nucleon (nuclear) GPDs, leading to a more definitive determination of the orbital angular momentum carried by quarks and gluons in the nucleon (nucleus) t provide constraints on axial form factors, including transition nucleon --> N* form factors
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 53 Rough Costs Scintillator(3m x 3m, 20 K channels)$100 - $200 K Fibers(20 K channels) $100 K Steel for ID/spectrometer (40 cm thick) $50 K MAPMT - M64 t Per channel tube ($15)$300K t Electronics $75/channel$1,500 K t SUM$1,800 K SUM ≈ $2.1 M + construction and installation costs ≈ $ 5.0 M
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 54 Response of the Fermilab PAC to EOI We are “encouraged” to continue developing the physics, detector and collaboration in order to submit a formal Proposal. An indication (quantitative) of how these results would aid neutrino oscillation experiments would be welcome. A combined R&D program (representing the multiple EOIs) for detector + readout technology is encouraged. ON SCHEDULE TO HAVE A COMPLETE PROPOSAL READY TO SUBMIT TO THE PAC BY THIS NOVEMBER.
Neutrino Scattering in the NuMI Beam 55 NuMI Beam is Intense and the ideal (perhaps only) place to do these measurements: t yielding ≈ 860 K events/ton during MINOS approved run* t yielding ≈ 1.6 M events/ton-year in the he-mode and 0.7 M events/ton-year in the me-mode. NuMI Near Hall : t Plenty of space for new detector(s) in a fully outfitted experimental hall NuMI Scattering Physics : t As just outlined. NuMI Scattering Detector studies underway, phased installation : t “solid scintillator” + planes of various A: ton fiducial volume t Plenty of Questions still to be answered t liquid H 2 / D 2 (/O/Ar): large target technically no challenge Preliminary costing suggests an experiment costing O($5M) ! Real and growing interest from both the NP and HEP communities. A very encouraging response from the Fermilab PAC to produce a formal Proposal! Proposal preparation underway with goal of submitting to PAC November 2003 Conclusions: NuMI Scattering Experiment