Semantic Interoperability and Retrieval Paradigms Paradigms and conceptual systems in KO February 23, 2010 – February 26, 2010 Prof. Winfried Gödert Felix Boteram Jessica Hubrich
2 Retrieval Focussed search Expansion Exploration
3 Classifications Thesauri Semantic networks Ontologies Knowledge organization systems Retrieval
Interoperability 4 Knowledge organization systems Retrieval Technical Structural Semantic
interoperability 5
Semantic interoperability 6 Retrieval
7 Aims Strategies for retrieval and exploration in distributed systems Integration of structurally and typologically different systems Overall system consisting of an ontological spine and attached satellites Features Simple hierarchical core system Detailed bilateral mappings Expressive multidimensional definition of intersystem and interconcept relations Shared inventory of standard relations Overall model for semantic Interoperability
8 SW SWD SW LCSH SW Rameau SW S Syn. SW L Syn. SW L SW R Syn. SW S SW xy Syn. SW xy SW R SW L Localized semantic networks with typed relations as link to the ontological spine Core System*) Syn. possible extensions with satellites
9 Retrieval paradigms Simple pattern matching Thematic exploration Conceptual queryConceptual exploration TREE
10 Levels of interoperability Basic interoperability Conceptual interoperability Enhanced conceptual interoperability TREE
11 Features Easy implementation No indexing languages required Limited access and limited search functionalities No modification / expansion possible Methods Mapping on word level Unspecified one-to-one equivalences represented in a simple cross-concordance. Basic interoperability Simple pattern matching TREE
12 Basic interoperability Simple pattern matching
13 Features Focus on the conceptual level Multiple access points via synonyms Structural transparency Simple expansion strategies Methods Mapping concepts independently from their actual representation in the various indexing languages. Structural and typological differences should be taken into account. Conceptual interoperability Conceptual query
14 Conceptual interoperability Conceptual query
15 Features Modification / expansion of queries Conceptual exploration of a knowledge field Query-clarification as a useful pre-search mechanism Requirements Various types of expressive semantic relations have to be specified in great detail. Well-structured relational inventories Control- and selection-mechanisms to handle the complexity of the relational structure Enhanced conceptual interoperability Conceptual exploration
16 Methods Differentiated conceptual mappings Interpretation of the semantically enhanced relational structure Relations between concepts have to be specified Enhanced conceptual interoperability Conceptual exploration
17 Enhanced conceptual interoperability Conceptual exploration
21 SW SWD SW LCSH SW Rameau SW S Syn. SW L Syn. SW L SW R Syn. SW S SW xy Syn. SW xy SW R SW L Localized semantic networks with typed relations as link to the ontological spine Core System*) Syn. possible extensions with satellites
22 Thank you for your attention Prof. Winfried Gödert Felix Boteram Jessica Hubrich Institute of Information Management (IIM) Cologne University of Applied Sciences
Thematic exploration / thematic interoperability ? Thematic exploration requires navigation and interpretation on the conceptual level via an enhanced conceptual interoperability and an exploratory component on the syntactical level. Thematic entities / Syntagmata are always combinations of semantic entities and syntactic rules. Need for a clear-cut distinction between the enhanced semantic level and the syntactic level.
Thematic exploration / thematic interoperability ? Syntagmata can only be accessed by a careful analysis of their semantic components and syntactic structures. Themes / Syntagmata can never be part of the semantic level, therefore the idea of a thematic interoperability as an advanced level of semantic interoperability is problematic. Semantic interoperability between individual KOS can function as an intermediary when accessing / matching syntagmata.
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 1 Data basis: ca documents of the German National Library (DNB) which are heterogeneously indexed (DDC, SWD) Search interest:Gemüseanbau Search result Subject headingTitleFull text 0613 Semantic environment: Gemüseanbau -> Gemüsebau Search result Subject headingTitleFull text Integration of all narrower SWD terms 20 hits
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 1 Transition to DDC Gemüsebau (Register)->635Gartenpflanzen (Gartenbau) ; Gemüse Search for 635:198 hits (as notation) 351 hits (as part of a built number) 600 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften 630 Landwirtschaft Einzelne Kulturpflanzen 635 Gartenpflanzen (Gartenbau) ; Gemüse Geräte, Ausstattung, Materialien GartenbauComputereinsatz Gartenbau - Unternehmen - Verzeichnis *Anbau, Ernte, verwandte Themen Gartenbaufortlaufende Sammelwerke Gartengemüse Blumen und Zierpflanzen Context:
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 1 Connected to the class are: 12 index terms 4 SWD headings of high relevance 27 SWD headings of average relevance 8 SWD headings of low relevance Gemüsebaubetrieb Blattfrüchte Exotisches Gemüse Feldgemüse Feldgemüsebau Frühgemüse Gemüse Gemüsebau Gemüsegarten Gemüseproduktion high average low Selection:
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 1 Option 1: Structure search results according to the mapped SWD headings
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 1 Option 2: Modified queries by selection of mapped SWD headings, for example: Search for: Exotisches Gemüse:1 hit Feldgemüse:1 hit Gemüse:36 hits Gemüsebau:11 hits Gemüsegarten:23 hits Gemüseproduktion:1 hit
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 2 Data basis: ca documents of the German National Library (DNB) which are heterogeneously indexed (DDC, SWD) Search interest:Jagen Search results: Subject headingTitleFull text Semantic environment: Jagen -> Jagd Search results: Subject headingTitleFull text Integration of all narrower SWD terms : 160 hits
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 2 Transition to DDC Jagd (Register)->639.1Jagd [Alternative: 799.2] Search for 639.1: 27 hits (as notation) 137 hits (as part of built number) Search for 639.1*: 162 hits 630 Landwirtschaft 639 Jagd, Fischfang, Erhaltung, verwandte Bereiche Jagd Jagd auf Säugetiere Jagd auf Vögel Jagd auf Amphibien Jagd auf Reptilien Context:
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 2 Connected to class are: 6 index terms 3SWD headings of high relevance 12 SWD headings of average relevance 8 SWD headings of low relevance Jagd Abschuss Abschussplan Ansitz Beutefang Brackieren Hege Nachsuche Rufjagd Wildbestand high average low Selection:
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 2 Transition to DDC Jagd (Register)->799.2Jagd [Alternative: 639.1] Search for 799.2: 4 hits (as notation) 12 hits (as part of a built number) Search for 799.2*: 37 hits 790 Sport, Spiele, Unterhaltung 799 Fischfang, Jagd, Schießen Jagd Verschiedenes Methoden Jagd auf einzelne Arten von Tieren Historische, geographische, personenbezogene Behandlung Context:
From retrieval to knowledge exploration: example 2 Connected to the class are: 4 index terms 3SWD headings of high relevance 18 SWD headings of average relevance 12 SWD headings of low relevance Jagd Abschuss Abschussplan Balg Beutefang Gesellschaftsjagd Jagdunfall Trophäe (Jagd) Waldjagd Wildbestand high average low Selection: