ESPON The Role of Small and Medium Sized Towns
TRANSNATIONAL PROJECT GROUP Österreichisches Institut für Raumplanung (ÖIR), Vienna Nordregio, Nordic Centre for Spatial Development, Stockholm NOMISMA S.p.A., Bologna Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR), Bonn Universitat de Lleida (UIA-CIMES), Lleida Laboratoire CITERES, University of Tours, Tours Polish Academy of Science, Stanisław Leszczycki Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization (IGSO), Warsaw West Hungarian Research Institute, Academy of Science (HAS CRS), Győr
OBJECTIVES OF ESPON (1) Provision of a definition of SMESTO – on European level (2) Analysis of roles of SMESTO within spatial development –geographical context –economic performance –functions regarding size/accessibility/specialisation (3) Proposal of typologies for towns (SMESTO) and regions (4) Analysis of specific potentials and challenges (5) Outline of a framework for detailed research on SMESTO (preparatory study)
PROJECT STRUCTURE & METHODS WP 1 Definitions WP 2 Roles/Functions WP 4 Case Studies WP 3 Typologies WP 5 Further Research Needs, Policy Options Methods Applied: MS-Questionaires Literature Surveys Case Study Handbook Locational Demographic Socio-economic Infrastructure Analysis
FRAMEWORK FOR DEFINITIONS OF SMESTO National definitions and description too diverse to serve as a basis (figure)figure 3 basic approaches used in MS, often combined –Morphology –Functions –Administrative Proposal for 2-step approach for Europe –Identification: morphology –Characterisation: “Spheres of influence” based on predefined functions –Empirically viable? Integration of (types of) territorial context (figure)figure
FUNCTIONS AND ROLES OF SMESTO Functions and roles of SMESTO determined by –regional context, –socio-economic fabric of the regions (accessibility, topography, economy…) Furthermore SMESTO as focal point of administrative and social functions (functional, urban, politico-administrative perspective) SMESTO as role model of the “sustainable city”? Threat: classifications might turn out either too complex or oversimplifying Talking about functions and roles – pictures pop-up immediately from romantic little rural towns to dying single factory towns in remote areas.
NEXT STEPS (due 12/2005 – 03/2006) Case Studies Development of Typologies –Integration of findings within –Integration of findings of related ESPON projects (policentricity, urban-rural, …) Screening of available ESPON-Data on SMESTO Identification of research gaps Outline for policy options concerning individual types
Size of population Economic orientation Regional context Territorial coverage