SEE-GRID-SCI Branko Marovic University of Belgrade JRA1 progress PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January 2010 The SEE-GRID-SCI initiative is co-funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Research Infrastructures contract no
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Deliverables Three JRA1 deliverables produced DJRA1.1 - Grid application requirements and commonalities assessment M06, 7 PM, UoB-RCUB, Editor: B.M. DJRA1.2 - Application-specific monitoring and control tools design M08, 12 PM, IPP, Editor: E.A. DJRA1.3 - Application services design report M12, 10 PM, UoB-RCUB, Editor: B.M. DJRA1.4 - Application services implementation and deployment report M22, 30 PM, UoB-RCUB, Editor: B.M. DJRA1.5 - Assessment of operational tools developed M23, JRA1 28,5 PM, ICI, Editor: A.S.
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Milestones MJRA1.1 - Baseline analysis of operational tools M03, IPP: wiki, informal report MJRA1.2 - Application commonalities assessed and areas of development identified M06, UoB-RCUB: DJRA1.1 MJRA1.3 - Operational tools implemented and running M16, IPP: wiki, informal report 5 in production, Logwatch-G and AMS in beta MJRA1.4 - Selected application services implemented and deployed M24 Demonstration at review
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Ongoing Developments and Metrics (PSC06 -> PSC07) 11 AS (7 major, 3 pre-existing as prototypes, 1 small effort with some initial interest) Described in DJRA1.1, DJRA1.3 and DJRA1.4 7 OT Described in DJRA1.2 and DJRA1.5 Black: As in DoW Green: Achieved M0M12M16M19M22M24 MTJRA1.1 AS developed 0/3 preexisting 2/4 production + 4 alpha/beta >1 α 6 MTJRA1.2 OT developed 0/02/4 production + 2 alpha
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Application Services (PSC06 -> PSC07) NameStatusAvailability date Partner s SEE-GRID File Management Java APIProduction/stableAvailableUOB Data Management Web PortalProduction/stableAvailableUOB Event LoggerProduction/stableOctober 08UOB Work Binder Production/live -> Production/stable October 08UOB SDS (Seismic Data Server) Applications Service Beta -> Production/live January 09 ULAKBI M TUBITA K User Level Monitoring ToolBeta Since beginning of 09 Production version in second half of 09 UKIM Common Workflow Repository Extension of P-GRADE Portal Production/live -> Production/stable May 09SZTAKI Environment oriented Satellite Data Processing Platform Production/live 1. October 09 (Phase 1) 30. March 10 (Final) UTCN Mathematical Expressions Web ServiceProduction/liveJune 09ETFBG Rendering Application Service M-PSC06 Alpha -> Beta July 09FGA Advanced-Workflow Development Tool and Orchestration Service AlphaSeptember 09UKIM
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Operational Tools (PSC06 -> PSC07) NameStatusAvailability datePartners JTS, Job Track Service M-PSC06, M-PSC07 Production/liveFebruary 09IPP-BAS/UKIM BBmSAM Extensions M-PSC06 Production/liveMarch 09UoBL Grid Site Software Vulnerability Analyzer Production/live -> Stable March 09SZTAKI No Mercy Trouble Ticketing System M-PSC06 Production/liveMay 09ICI User/application specific grid infrastructure monitoring extension Production/live -> Stable Operational Release in July 09 SZTAKI Logwatch Plug-ins for Grid Services M-PSC06 Beta -> Prod/stable September 09RBI Alert Messaging Service Beta -> Production/live September 09 UoB, IPP/UoBL/ICI
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Status (OT + AS)
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Internal JRA1 Metrics Measure and compare the progress of AS & OT Current status (only one of offered values, maximum is 8 points): 1 - Planning - Conceptual description, possibly with initial functional specification, or architectural description 3 - Development - in progress, no working version available 5 - Alpha - working version exists, available only to developers 6 - Beta - working version exists, available to users 7 - Production/live - released, open to adding new features and bug-fixes 8 - Production/stable - released, developers still work on bug-fixes but it is closed for new features 7 - Production/closed - final version released, development closed NaN - Abandoned/Inactive - project abandoned before being released to production Usage (additive for each named usage, up to 6 points): 2 – per each application currently using an application service (AS only) 1 - per each site having tool deployed (if applicable, OT only) or 1 - per each user (e.g. grid site administrator) using it in last 3 months (for OT only) Presentation (only one of offered values, maximum is 6 points): 0 - No presentation or outdated presentation 2 - Up-to-date brief presentation (based on JRA1 presentation template) available (not more than 3 months old) 4 - Up-to-date detailed presentation available (not more than 3 months old) 6 - Detailed presentation available with usage or performance analysis and live or recorded demo Publications (additive 0.5 for each, up to 6 points) Visibility towards wider community (additive for each fulfilled indicator, but up to maximally 8 points) 1 - Software license defined and declared 1 - Introductory web site or Wiki with basic data and functional overview 2 - Architectural description available, online or within the corresponding JRA1-related project deliverable 2 – User documentation available (preferably online) fully covering typical usage, including deployment, if applicable 1 - Source code available publicly or to all eligible users (in accordance with license), e.g. via download. 1 - Source code repository with version control available publicly or to eligible users
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Visibility towards wider community
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January JRA Metrics Reporting Did not respond by the start of PSC06 BBmSAMeX (Mihajlo) JTS (Emanouil/Dimitar) Logwatch-G (Valentin) NMTT (Alex) RAS (Davor/Mirsad) AWT added in an AP Expected to provide an overview report at PSC07! JRA1 Wiki has been greatly improved – also visible in metrics 51 edit since PSC06 JTS was late in reporting for PSC07 (again) 50 conference and publication references reported In 2 cases there is a slight regression due to outdated presentations
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January General ranking (OT + AS) Presentations and status change helped to some Many presentations become outdated Some were inconsistently weighted on two occasions DevelopmentPartnerM16M19 Comment Work BinderUOB DM-WebUOB2225 ESIP PlatformICI / UTCN2024 Event LoggerUOB FM-J-APIUOB22 AMSUOB1321 ULMONUKIM1220.5Visibility 3 Presentation 2 Usage 2 SDSASULAKBIM2319Old presentation, visibility -4 GSSVAMTA SZTAKI2318.5Inconsistent reporting USGIMEMTA SZTAKI2318.5Inconsistent reporting AWTUKIM918Status 3 Visibility 5 Pubs 1. But WIKI!? MEWSRS-ETFBG16 CWREMTA SZTAKI2010.5Status -3 Presentation -2 Visibility -5 JTSIPP-BAS24- NMTTICI16- BBmSAMeXUoBL12- RASRBI10- Logwatch-GRBI9-
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Access to JRA1 Developments Significant progress since PSC06: 51 edits Missing summary BBmSAMeX JTS NMTT ESIP-P MEWS Issues persist Missing summaries Resource links Missing publications Collaborations (applications etc.)
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Application – AS Alignment
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Per-application conclussions In good standing AMS, DM-Web, Event Logger, FM-J-API, Work Binder, CWRE, USGIME, GSSVA, SDSAS, BBmSAMeX, ESIP Platform, Logwatch-G, JTS Need to improve metrics RAS, MEWS, NMTT, AWT, ULMON Need to improve usage AMS, USGIME Need to improve presentation (PPT and Web/Wiki) Event Logger, FM-J-API, Work Binder, SDSAS, ESIP Platform, Logwatch-G OK, but should improve visibility towards wider community GSSVA, JTS
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Application – AS Alignment Compared without taking SEE-GRID(-2) apps, but with GreenLand RAS desperately needs WRG-ARW, ROMS or whatever CWRE should measure access frequency or something MEWS remains being a solution looking for a problem ULMON was initially very popular, but now only MDSSP-WA uses it Usage of OTs not thoroughly reported…
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Issues and News NMTT – AMS, one way “communication” on integration WRF-ARW - DM-Web: “vantage” IRB User Interface, UI access policy... RAS – not a single image yet! Meteorologists are happy with their 2D tools Target the general public? Or try with ROMS? Possible usage of Work Binder of secondary importance. Announced CCIAQ – JTS (JTS is an OT!?) ROMS – Work Binder? ESIP Platform also used by GreenLand RESEWA uses Event Logger Service authentication – checked with Work Binder, may also be needed elsewhere –CA, VO policies
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Dissemination and Plans Achieved Further publishing of details and documentation of JRA1 developments 1 at EGEE’09 Conference in Barcelona 6 at SEE-GRID-SCI UF Reported 30 (23 in JRA1 wiki) published papers EGEE UF5, call extended until 14 December 2009 Are we exhausting the pool of globally relevant developments? JRA1 umbrella presentation at EGEE UF5? Focus on (unchanged bullets!) Improvement of existing documentation, installation and user documentation Making both code and packaged (installable) software available Start promotion of developments when they reach adequate level of maturity Possible external verification: should advertise our software and collaborate with other related projects and user communities
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Dissemination and Plans EGEE UF5 JRA1 umbrella presentation at EGEE UF5 in Uppsala, Sweden, April by Anastas Mišev Possible external verification: should advertise our software and collaborate with other related projects and user communities Information exchange (and possible collaboration) with Grid Observatory – more details at EGEE UF5 Work Binder and ESIP-P made submissions to RESPECT program Focus on (unchanged bullets!) Improvement of existing documentation, installation and user documentation Making both code and packaged (installable) software available Start promotion of developments when they reach adequate level of maturity
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Possible OT Collaboration with Grid Observatory The initial contacts with scientific and technical leaders. Delayed due to insufficient OT documentation Difficult to communicate the info without representative and up-to-date links Proposed Exchange of ideas and information related to JTS (Job Track Service) and ULMON (User-Level Monitoring Tool). Sharing the (job) traces of gLite-based SEE-GRID infrastructure. Opportunity to compare the behavioral patterns of EGEE and SEE-GRID. Still waiting for a pointing response by GO
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January AS dissemination through RESPECT Candidates must go through RESPECT evaluation The case must be built by Clear description of purpose Existence of supporting documentation Installation procedure well worked out Assistance in running of a test All this is anyway related with DNA4.3 and DJRA1.4 Work Binder – same area as DIANE (Python/Ganga based framework), while we have a multi-application service ESIP-P and SDAAS in good shape, but too domain-specific ULMON could be OK, halfway towards OTs All OTs are out
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January SEE-GRID-SCI User Forum 2009 Good opportunity, also used by applications – indirect dissemination of ASs JRA1 featured participations Experiments on ESIP - Environment oriented Satellite Data Processing Platform - Dorian Gorgan, Victor Bacu, Denisa Rodila, Florin Pop, Dana Petcu Seismic Data Server Application Service and Web Interface - Can Özturan, Bilal Bektas, Mehmet Yımazer Work Binder - a service for quick access and communication with jobs - Branko Marovic, Milan Potocnik Job Track Service: Architecture and Features - Emanouil Atanassov, Todor Gurov, Dimitar Dimitrov DM-Web - Web access and management of application-specific files in LFC catalog - Branko Marovic, Milan Potocnik, Dragan Okiljevic, Jovan Oklobdzija Event Logger – A solution for tracking and analysis of application-generated events Branko Marovic, Milan Potocnik Plus Operational Grid tools developed at SCL - Vladimir Slavnic, Branimir Ackovic, Dusan Vudragovic, Antun Balaz, Aleksandar Belic Grid Site Monitoring tools developed and used at SC Vladimir Slavnic, Branimir Ackovic, Dusan Vudragovic, Antun Balaz, Aleksandar Belic
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January EGEE-SEE/SEE-GRID-SCI SVN-Trac Repository usage XXX: JRA1 - Alert Messaging Service - BBmSAM Portal (Restricted) - Event Logger Application - Work Binder Application Service NA4 - Regional scale multi-model, multi- analysis Ensemble Forecasting System (Restricted) - Advanced Research WRF Can be seen as a infrastructural service provided by HellasGrid NGI to SEE-GRID-SCI NA4 and JRA1 Public access SVN requires a certificate even with Trac opened to anonymous Just contact for public R/O access
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Source code availability and repository usage Source and download 11 Source only 2 Download 2 In metrics, 9 confirmed usage of a repository No source or download links for BBmSAM, JTS, RAS Should provide at least source code, if OK with licensing EGEE-SEE/SEE-GRID-SCI SVN-Trac Repository is available, anonymous R/O access also works Download of binaries is a nice commodity
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Ongoing issues Final push for usage by applications AMS - NMTT? BBmSAM – applications? Alignment with application commitments Usage of sites/admins od OTs E.g.Logwatch-G looks rather handy, Valentin is a bit shy in promotion Missing user documentation RAS, GSSVA, AWT, JTS AWT still alpha! Address reviewer OT recommendations in DJRA1.5 (there is also an analogy for AS in DJRA1.4)
SEE-GRID-SCI PSC07 Meeting, Žabljak, January Actions to be Taken One slide each AS/OT for EGEE UF Contributions to DJRA1.5 Wiki, wiki wiki DJRA1.4 helped AS DJRA1.5 for OT User documentation (4 missing) At least basic installation instructions, as done for RESPECT Make at least source code available Final metrics report at M24