Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS Aim: To deliver training so that young people in Manchester receive high quality, diverse and creative programmes as part of the youth work curriculum
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS Objectives: For participants to be able to: Understand the theory behind programming to needs and objectives Understand and use Manchester Youth Service’s Curriculum Framework Design programmes which are creative, enjoyable and educational and meet identified needs and objectives Understand how to involve young people in developing programmes
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS N N eeds A A ims O O bjectives M M ethod I I mplement E E valuate
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS R R esearch O O bserve L L isten E E valuate NEEDS We can identify needs by:
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS AIM The purpose of the programme i.e. what is to be achieved. OBJECTIVE Specific and measurable steps towards achieving the aim.
Youth Service Curriculum Objectives Independent Living Education, Training and Employment Health Relationships The Environment Europe and the World Justice and equality Culture and Diversity PROGRAMMING SKILLS
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS METHOD The content of the programme designed to meet the identified needs and the desired objectives
Youth Service METHODS Some examples: PROGRAMMING SKILLS Physical Activity Performance Art Creative Art Computer games Cookery Group Work One to One Projects Invention Speaker Impart Skills Debate/Discussion Accreditation Fundraising Learning Meetings Newsletter/Magazine Media e.g. Radio/TV Single Gender Work Peer education Peer Mentoring Youth Forum Petitions/Lobbying Research/ Survey Quiz Trips/Walks Outdoor Activities Residentials Conferences Events Sport Treasure Hunts Awards
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS IMPLEMENTATION How will you put the programme into practice?
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS IMPLEMENTATION Factors to take into account: What will be the set-up? What will be the set-up? How will you split into groups, if needed? How will you split into groups, if needed? Where will you get information and resources? Where will you get information and resources? How will you use staff, volunteers and young leaders? How will you use staff, volunteers and young leaders? How will you involve them in planning? How will you involve them in planning? How will you evaluate the programme? How will you evaluate the programme? What are your objectives? What are your objectives? What young people’s needs are being met? What young people’s needs are being met? What methods will be used? What methods will be used? How will you publicise the programme? How will you publicise the programme? How will it start? How will it start? What ice-breakers will there be? What ice-breakers will there be? How will you move between parts of the programme? How will you move between parts of the programme?
Youth Service EVALUATION The purpose of evaluation is to confirm that you have met the objectives set for the programme. It can also be used to confirm whether you have met the needs of young people. Evaluation must be a part of the process and not be seen as a separate activity. It should be based, clearly, on the objectives set. MONITORING Monitoring is ongoing checking of progression to enable changes to be made to the programme where necessary. PROGRAMMING SKILLS
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS EVALUATION Evaluation must be a part of the process and not be seen as a separate activity. It should be based, clearly, on the objectives set. How to undertake individual interviews happy faces knowledge tree focus groups quantitative questions qualitative questions group feedback knowledge checks QualitativeReflective Easy for evaluatee QuantitativeScientific Easy for evaluator vsvsvs
Youth Service PROGRAMMING SKILLS N N eeds A A ims O O bjectives M M ethod I I mplement E E valuate W W ho W W hy WW W hy / W hat WH W hat / H ow HWW H ow, W here, W hen E E valuate