A Free Future? Dr Piet Bakker University of Amsterdam
Free dailies 2006 Spain: 4 national, 20 local (54% circulation) Denmark: 5 (64% circulation) Prague, London, Paris: 4 titles Switzerland, Italy, Athens, Stockholm: 3 title
Europe % circulation + 30 new titles + 80 editions > 24 million circulation > 20% of total circulation
Paid circulation Europe
Paid & Free Europe
The secret of their ‘succes’ Newspaper advertsing valued –Dropping market share of paid papers –Younger readers harder to reach –Internet & tv fragmented Economic recovery –Rising advertising budgets Free no longer suspect –Quality content –Options for advertisers
Myths: content & readers Readership is the result of distribution, not of content Majority of readers of an average free daily don’t belong to targeted ABC1 group
Trends in distribution I.Afternoon –Switzerland, France, Spain, Denmark II.Non public transport –Hawkers, kiosks, restaurants, racks III.Door-to-door –Iceland, US, Denmark, Czech Rep. IV.Saturday –Denmark, Iceland V.Mixed paid / free models –UK, Denmark, Italy, Switzerland
Trends in content I.Local II.Sport (Italy, Spain, France) III.Ethnic (US) IV.Bussines (UK, Germany, Switzerland) V.Political (Spain, Denmark, Iceland)
Non-dailies Weeklies, Bi-weeklies, Monthlies –Entertainment / leisure (Poland) –Tourism (Spain, Netherlands) –News, daily look-a-likes (Sweden) –Sports (Spain, UK, France, Italy) –Business (France, UK, Germany, Switzerland) –Real estate (Sweden, Finland, France) –Women (UK)
Paid versus Free Can both models co-exsist? Vulnarable –Single copy sales, tabloids, 2 nd papers, ‘general audience’ papers Survivers –Strong local brands, well-defined up- market readership, business papers
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