Technical Developments and Cultural Trends in Sport
Historical Perspective Historically sport was for entertainment, participants could receive money for competing and betting was common. Commercialisation of sports began in the 19 th century following the industrial revolution. Urbanisation, effective means of communication and transportation coupled with more disposable income enabled professional sport to grow.
Commercialisation of Sport Today sport is heavily commercialised. Widespread TV coverage has attracted businesses. Entrepreneurs realised that money could be made from media rights, sponsorship and merchandising. Sporting goods were once a specialised market. Today it is an industry producing mainstream fashion also. Technology has enabled sports equipment to be cheaper which opens access to certain sports e.g. Golf. Sports companies are global businesses. Product endorsement has huge impact on global sales
The Role of Media Early types of newspapers provided short detailed reports. General newspapers then gradually began to include sport sections bringing sport to those who originally had little contact with it Today there are two types of newspapers Tabloids – have a large section devoted to sport but concentrate on particular sports i.e. Those with a broad appeal and are male dominated Broadsheets – cover and analyse sport in more depth, offer more variety but are still male dominated.
The Role of Media Radio started reporting on events in the 1920’s Television has the main advantage of being able to broadcast instantaneous sporting action. It has also helped bring lesser known sports into the foreground. It has also helped develop the “superstar”. The advancement of technology enables viewers to watch a game from different angles, provides player cam etc. However some sports have been adapted to suit TV coverage e.g. One dy cricket
The Development of Private Gyms and Health Clubs The number of private gyms and health clubs in the UK far outnumber public facilities. The disadvantage is that they tend to be exclusive due to high membership fees. Advantages are the standard of equipment and instruction that these clubs have. Many prefer to pay out to join in order to keep healthy because of the exclusivity and standard of these clubs.
Adrenaline and Adventure Sports These are increasing in popularity as individuals look for new challenges. TV has helped increase interest with shows on adrenaline sports. Companies now offer adventure experiences at reasonable prices. Street sports such as rollerblading and skateboarding have increased tremendously in popularity and many local authorities provide skate parks to accommodate those athletes
London Olympics 2012 There is a huge feel good factor associated with staging an Olympics. This will encourage many youngsters to take part in sports. Increased participation leads to a healthier society. Diversity is celebrated and this should help break down divisions in age, gender, religion or race. There will be an improved infrastructure including the provision of 4000 new homes in East London. Creation of 9000 new full time jobs, 3000 in the local East end economy.
London Olympics 2012 Provision of facilities for both elite and grass root sports. Training venues will be required and these will be provided from refurbished schools and community facilities. There will be a massive increase in tourism. The games will have a beneficial impact on UK exports. Increase in the convention industry with more business conferences being held in the UK. Other British cities would benefit too through preparation and training camps as well as the staging for football and sailing.