Trimble CCS900 Compaction Control System Overview
Full Suite of Solutions for the Heavy and Highway Contractor Asset Management Solutions Office Software Grade Control Systems Site Positioning Systems Supervisor Systems
What is Compaction? Soil compaction is defined as the method of mechanically increasing the density of soil. How do I measure Compaction, and does this compare to the compaction readings on the Machine?
Trimble Compaction Control Systems Measures soil stiffness as an indication of soil compaction Displays compaction measurements, pass counts, provides guidance to the operator Maps and records compaction data
Conventional Compaction Measurements Nuclear Moisture-Density Drive Core Plate Load Test Clegg Impact & Portable FWD GeoGauge Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
Quality Assurance / Quality Control Limitations of Nuclear Densometer and other traditional methods Difficult to administer in a large work area Greater visual inspection required on behalf of the Geotechnical Consultant (more labor) Potential problem areas go unidentified even though they appear to be fine Unstable sub-grade Moisture level above or below optimum Over compaction Expensive repairs at a later date with premature surface failures
GPS Records & Maps The Compaction Results GCS900 for Compaction GPS Records & Maps The Compaction Results Compaction Module on drum Measures soil stiffness as an indication of Soil Compaction Displays measurements and Guides the Operator GCS900 Compaction This will be covered in considerable more detail in a later stream but here are a few basics. The system measures CMV (Compaction Meter Value). This is a measure of stiffness which is used as an indication of soil compaction. A higher CMV value indicates a higher level of stiffness and so indicates a higher level of compaction. The goal is to determine how to best utilize the machine to reach the required compaction and to avoid over-compaction of the material. Also uniformity of compaction is highly desirable. GPS Base Station = Centimeter accuracy
Compaction Terms CMV Target CMV Target CMV range Target Thickness Compaction Meter Value A measure of soil stiffness used as an indication of compaction. Target CMV Desired CMV value set on the compactor Target CMV range Range of CMV value above and below target CMV deemed to be acceptable (default SVO/GCS900 values 80-130% of target) Target Thickness Maximum desired material thickness Decoupled Drum is not in contact with the soil, based on RMV Amplitude, Frequency and RMV (Resonance Meter Value) Values associated with vibratory compactors Proofing Run Verification pass over a completed layer, normally checked with conventional compaction tests. Typically performed every nth layer in the construction process.
Compaction Measurement The CMV value recorded by the GCS900 system does not directly correlate to the values recorded by traditional methods, for instance it is potentially measuring through a larger column of material. It does, however, provide a good measure of uniformity of compaction and can potentially show up problems with the underlying material. It is recommended that the GCS900 compactor is run over a test bed of the material to establish suitable target CMV values. CMV value is dependent on a number of variables, for example: Machine size Material type Material moisture Direction of travel Machine speed It should also be remembered that the CMV represents the value across the entire drum width. Traditional Compaction Measurement Machine Compaction Measurement =
Introduction – Trimble CCS900 Compaction Control System Trimble’s initial entry into compaction Builds on the Trimble GCS900 platform First product showcase at BAUMA 2007 Compaction control and documentation On-machine and office software components Wireless data transfer Basic and Advanced modes Standard aftermarket and Trimble Ready™ options 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Basic Compaction Control and Documentation Provides base-level functionality No interface to OEM on-board vibratory control or compaction sensor systems Uses standard Trimble GCS900 v11 components No new or special hardware Standard system install on most OEM rollers Single and Dual Trimble MS990 Smart GPS+GLONASS Antennas drum mount configurations 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Basic Compaction Control – Standard Installation Real time display of pass counts and coverage mapping Primary components: Trimble SNR On-machine Radio Trimble CB430 Control Box Trimble MS990 Smart GPS+GLONASS Antenna Trimble AS400 Slope Sensor (optional) 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Basic Compaction Control and Documentation – On-machine Software Pass count mapping and inspection View where compaction has taken place in real-time Data displayed in job site coordinates Reduces over/under-compaction of the work area Layered Lifts Sub-material layers compacted in lifts Defined in the office or cab Allows faster, more balanced compaction 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Basic Compaction Control and Documentation – On-machine Software Cut / Fill Coverage Mapping QA / QC design grade specifications have been met, post-compaction Catch errors prior to the start of paving operations Productivity reporting Includes: System usage Compaction terrain logging Machine productivity statistics Logged to a new *.TAG file Replaces the *.ST file Analyzed in Trimble SiteVision® Office 7 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Basic Compaction Control and Documentation – On-machine Software Wireless data transfer Reduce site visits to update machine data files Real-time machine productivity analysis 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Advanced Compaction Control and Documentation 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Trimble CCS900 – How it differs Common Trimble Components SNR MT900 CM310 AS400 CB430 LB400 MS990
On-board Vibe Controller CMV RMV Freq mV from Accelerometer CMV - Compaction Meter Value Measure of soil stiffness Affected by machine direction, speed, machine weight RMV - Resonance Meter Value Measure of decoupling or drum bounce Frequency – Vibration frequency (impacts/min) Amplitude – Impact force Vibratory Frequency • Frequency is drum vibrations or impacts per minute • Working speed must match frequency • Best results when impact spacing is 10-14 per foot Amplitude • Vertical distance drum moves is amplitude • Amplitude determines impact force • Spinning eccentric weight causes drum movement • Falling drum adds to compactive force
Advanced Compaction Control and Documentation– On-machine Software CMV View compaction levels in real-time Detect where compaction does not meet design spec On-screen inspection of coverage area Immediate QA/QC of compaction Reduce use of traditional methods for validation of problem areas
Advanced Compaction Control and Documentation– On-machine Software Proofing mode and summary On-machine validation of final compaction runs Increases the quality of the final compacted material 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Quickly quantify large areas and multiple layers of compaction data
Trimble CCS900 – How it differs Portability GCS and CCS systems transferred between machines Lowers cost of entry Increases return on investment Mention JREC’s importance or portability. Mention that customers have the same: mixed fleets.
Trimble CCS900 – How it differs After market installation Any compactor from any manufacturer Used and new machine Open cabs and enclosed cab System designed for harsh construction environments
Trimble CCS900 – How it differs Trimble Connected Construction Site Site Positioning Systems Grade / Compaction Systems Paving Control Systems Fleet Management Systems Site Office / Supervisor Solutions ? We’re focusing heavily on compaction and machine grade control here. But today’s technology allows contractors to tap into other sources of increased efficiency as well surveying, grading, quality checking Paving Managing the assets Both contractors and DOTs should benefit from benefits these technologies can bring in terms of time savings (finishing the projects months earlier) , material savings, safety benefits, environmental impacts, etc. SEE NEXT SLIDE Multi-Site Solutions
Trimble CCS900 – how it differs Expertise Many compaction solutions struggle with: Rugged, daylight readable displays, computers Site setup for RTK GPS, radio communications Local coordinate systems Design data (importing, preparation, management, display) Office software solutions All are Trimble core competencies!
Trimble SiteVision® Office v7.x – Compaction Module Data referenced to job site coordinates Compaction meter value (CMV) mapping Pass count mapping Detailed data views and analysis Target CMV Target Lift Thickness Actual CMV Lift Thickness per pass Compaction and grade control QA/QC Design and compaction data archival Wireless data transfer to and from office
Trimble Compaction Control System Basic versus Advanced Functionality Basic Advanced Number of Passes Yes Pass count spot checks Lift Detection SBAS Support CMV / CCV Mapping No CMV spot checks RMV / Decoupling Frequency Indication (Vibratory) Proofing Mode 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
Trimble SiteVision Office/ AccuGrade Office Compaction
Compaction Reporting Module Target customers Site Engineer & Project Manager Clients (DOTs) Contractors instructed to use this technology by clients in project specifications This module provides A high level summary view to quickly quantify large areas and multiple layers of compaction data Tools to view detailed pass by pass progress in areas of interest, including all the compaction data, not just a proofing pass The customer gain is Improved detection of potential problems Better utilization of machinery Verification that target criteria have been met
Compaction Reporting UI Compaction menu Additional Display maps Proofing Run filters Additional Timeline data types Graphical pane in Detailed Data Viewer Summary Views & Compaction Options buttons
Graphical Views Select required display type from drop down list Draw Profile Right click to edit legend settings Graphical Views Additional Compaction Displays CMV CMV% Pass Count RMV Amplitude Frequency Profile View Passes in the profile view are grouped into layers (See Detailed Data Viewer slide next). The layer is colored according to the CMV of the last pass on that layer.
CMV versus CMV% Target CMV changes Different sized compactors Common frame of reference CMV versus CMV % The Target CMV can be changed at any stage on a compaction machine. Additionally it is likely that different sized compactors will have different Target CMVs. This makes viewing CMV maps difficult, especially when viewing a whole day’s or even week’s worth of data where there may be numerous different Target CMVs involved. To overcome this problem the CMV data can be displayed as a percentage of the target CMV set at the time. Target CMV Color & Decoupled Color These two options are available for display in the CMV and CMV % tabs of the Production Data Color Settings. The CMV Color indicates CMV values that were within the Target CMV set at the time. The target CMV range used is that set on the Compaction Options dialog. This is particularly useful when using the CMV map and the target CMVs have changed throughout the selected data set. The Decoupled Color indicates when decoupling has occurred in the plan view map (it is not applied to the profile view or detailed data viewer).
Detailed Data Viewer Graphical displays for CMV/CMV % maps When the CMV or CMV % display maps are selected the Detailed Data Viewer displays a graphical window in addition to the textual information. As mentioned earlier the Detailed Data Viewer displays information about every pass of the selected cell. Select a cell for display in either the Plan View Map or Profile View. To open the Detailed Data Viewer either: Right click on the plan or profile view and select Detailed Data Viewer Select Production / Detailed Data Viewer. Deselect Pass Thickness and CMV(%) to display separate plots of elevations and CMV values for each pass. The elevations are color coded according to the selected CMV or CMV % legend. The horizontal line displayed on the CMV graph indicates the Target CMV set at the time (for CMV % this will of course be 100%). Note: The Target CMV Color setting in the Production Data Color Settings does not apply to the Detailed Data Viewer (DDV), it may help to turn this option off when using the DDV in conjunction with the Plan View Map data. Alternatively use the Summary View mode which is applied to the plan view map, profile view and DDV. Select Pass Thickness to view the passes organized into layers The layer groupings depend on the Target Lift Thickness set and the Layer Detection Limits on the System Settings tab on the Production Data Model Properties dialog. The most recent layers are displayed at the top of the window with lower layers displayed down the screen. In addition lines are drawn across to the column to the right of the layer graphs to help provide context to the layers being viewed. The layers and relative thickness of the layers displayed in the column are based on the last pass CMV and thickness for each layer. The thickness of each layer is the height difference from the last pass on the previous layer. If a Target Lift Thickness value was set on the machine (or if an override is applied) a grey horizontal line is drawn across the graph at that thickness. Select CMV (%) to view a line graph overlay of the CMV values for each pass. This information is displayed in red (or a yellow contrast color), with the graph’s axis displayed to the right of the data. If a Target CMV value was set on the machine (or if an override is applied) a red horizontal line is drawn across the graph at that value. Use the >> or << to expand or collapse the textual portion of the view. The data is color coded into layers with the CMV color displayed beside the pass count number for additional reference.
Summary Views Quickly check against: Top layer or all layers Target CMV Target Lift Thickness Top layer or all layers Applies to: Plan View Map Profile View Detailed Data Viewer Review large areas and multiple layers Summary Views To toggle the Summary View on and off have the display map set to either CMV or CMV % and then do one of the following: Click on the View CMV Summary tool Select Compaction / Summary Views Use the legend to toggle the different checks on and off. Right click on the legend to set whether the summary is of the top layer only or of all the layers. When the summary of all layers is selected the plan view map will display outliers from any layer occurring in that cell, the cell will only appear green (complete) if all of the layers in that cell are within the selected target checks. In some cases multiple colors are displayed in a cell. Complete Layer A complete layer means that the cell is within the Target CMV range (if compaction check is selected) and/or within the Target Lift Thickness (if thickness check is selected). If the summary of all layers is selected then the plan view map will only display green for that cell if all of the layers are within the selected target checks. Work In Progress This is intended for use when the summary of all layers is selected. This is used to help distinguish outliers occurring in lower layer from those occurring in the top layer. Any outliers occurring in the top layer will be colored with this color. Under/Over Compacted Layer This checks the compaction values against the Target CMV and Target CMV Range. The Target CMV set on the machine can be viewed in the Detailed Data Viewer and Timeline windows. Alternatively a global override can be applied in the Compaction Options dialog. The Compaction Options dialog is where the Target CMV Range is defined, it is written as a percentage of the target CMV (80-130% by default which matches the settings on the GCS900 grade control system). Too Thick Layer This checks the layer thicknesses against the Target Lift Thickness set. The Target lift thickness set on the machine can be viewed in the Detailed Data Viewer and Timeline windows. Alternatively a global override can be applied in the Compaction Options dialog.
Trimble CCS900 – why compaction control? More efficient compaction operations The right number of passes (No more, no less) Reduced fuel, labor and machine costs Early detection of “soft” spots Prior to importing material & during fill operations Fix it before it becomes a problem More consistent compaction results Higher pass rates on inspections Equals less re-work Archival of data For warranty documentation Evidence of good practice Strong defense if there is a future problem 022482-1745 (02/09) 022482-1087 – HH-Z5 022482-1087 – HH-Z5
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