Seminar Schools July Seminar
To develop schools ’ evaluative capability, using evidence to support learning forstudents, teachers and leaders
“ simply gathering data, however systematically and routinely, will not ofitself improve schools. There needs to be acommitment to scrutinise such data, tomake sense of it, and to plan and actdifferently as a result ” - David Hopkins: School Improvement for Real
Being Evaluative Requires the use of evidence throughoutthe teaching and learning cycles so thatthose involved can answer the questions“ Where am I going? ”, “ How am I doing? ” and “ Where to next? ” It is more than just looking at achievementresults and deciding what next. (Hattie & Timperley, 2007) We will explore what building a school ’ s evaluative capability looks like for students, teachers and leaders
It involves: Identifying what outcomes for students aredesired and necessary Identifying the type of information needed towork out how to make judgements aboutattainment and progress The capability to develop a shared understandingof conditions that may limit professional andstudent learning and take action Checking on the impact of new actions in terms ofwhat is desired and necessary and engaging infurther cycles of inquiry – ( Timperley, /McNaughton, Lai, Hohepa, Parr and Dingle, 2010)
Data: Data are typically the results ofmeasurements and can be visualised usinggraphs or images. From data information and then knowledge can be gained
Analysis of data: Analysis of data is a process ofinspecting, cleaning, transforming,and modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information,suggesting conclusions, andsupporting decision making. data
Using evidence for learning
At all levels of the school: Classroom level Team level Senior leaders level BOT/Community/Level/MoE Level
At classroom level: To maximise the probability of enhanced learning andoutcomes the system must be located from the studentlevel outwards Teachers ascertain the nature and use evidence to makea difference to learning Sound diagnostic and formative evidence Need to address teachers ’ expectations and target setting – underpinned by the teachers ’ concept of progression Emphasis needs to be on growth/progress Needs many time points – not just beginning and end ofyear
What this might look like : Mark and enter in a spreadsheet/might be SMS or use e-asTTle/STAR/ PAT graphs Analysis the data Prepare some graphs to present to the students as a wholeagainst expectations and progress as a whole With the students begin to interpret the data by askingand discussing a series of questions: – What was hard ? What was easy? Why? – How could I help you to learn this? – How did you use what we have been learning thisterm? Set some goals/targets with the class
At team level: Each teacher presents their analysis andinterpretation to the team Team leaders collates, analysis and interprets theteam ’ s data using the teachers interpretation as a starting point As a team they interpret the teams data Sets goals and targets aligning with school goals Establish support needed and a plan forachieving them
At senior leadership level Other key people-team leaders, seniorleaders, parents, B.O.T. members and MoEcan then use the evidence, analysis andinterpretation done at students, teacherand middle leaders to inform the school-wide picture. All levels of the system need to beevaluative
What often goes wrong? Parents get the information but cannot understand what it says Students cannot interpret the information for their parents/whānau Boards overwhelmed with ‘data’ but little interpretation and little connection between strategic goals and evidence presented Teachers don’t know what the school targets are and do not know that that implies action on their part! Therefore the interpretation of all evidence must be co- constructed if we are to build buy-in to learning from students, their family and whānau 18
Student Teacher Middle Leaders Senior Leaders Being Evaluative B.O.T. Community
Linking to the matrices: Student - Teacher Leadership