Workflow-enabled Internet Service Delivery for a Variety of Access Networks ByungDeok Chung*, Hoon Choi**, SeongBeom Kim* Operations Support System Laboratory, KT* Department of Computer Engineering, CNU** Tel : APNOMS 2003
(2)(2) APNOM 2003 Introduction Introduction High speed Internet service users in Korea, exceeds about 10 million these days xDSL/FTTC enables Internet services at minimal cost Big issues with Network Service Provider(NSP) Develop Flexible, Cost effective, Operations Support system(OSS)s Cover Emerging (new compound and Cross-domain ) Internet services Automation of service provisioning and equipment activation Internet service installation cross domains with SLA Hard to support proper management by conventional concepts. Propose the workflow-enabed Internet Service Delivery based on Provisioning Model(PM) Workflow-based OSS-SDM (Service Delivery Management) Distributed, Mission-critical, Enterprise-wide & Inter-enterprise Operator Centric Each Operation Centric Operator Centric Organization Centric Manual Manipulation Customer Centric Business Centric Process Centric Automatic Manipulation Service Management Changes
(3)(3) APNOM 2003 Average Time Duration for service automation for New service with equipment activation typeService/EquipmentT1T2~T3T3~T4T4~T5Total Aver age Type ANtopia Access GW Type BADSL-only Mobile Internet IP-ADSL LLU Modem Inventory Type CCID Type DInternet Public Phone Pass Call ADSL Checkline ADLS Office ADSL Halt Average Type A : New Service / Access Equipment Type B : Current Service / new Access Equipment Type C : new Service on existing Access Equipment (PSTN) Type D : new Service on existing Access Equipment (Internet) Time Lag of Newly Planned Internet Services New Service Plan and launch processes Plan DevelopmentOperation Analysis NE DB Building Work Process Define Lab Test Model Business Start OSS BSS T4 T1 T2 T3 Development Work Process Access Network OSS interface Field Test T5: OSS Works
(4)(4) APNOM 2003 Paradigm Changes of Service Management Properties of Conventional OSSs in Service delivery, Closely related with customers like BSS (Business Support System) Service configuration management system are designed and being operated, based on operation processes and operators preferences Designed for organizational purposes Many different OSSs having similar functions and roles are created. New paradigm moving toward Customer/Operater centric in the design Operators point of view client/server Applications Network Devices Host Systems Customer Cares Telecom Devices Common Foundation ? Consistent View ? Inter- Operability PSTN xDSL PSDN Leased Network Complicated Internet service configuration over heterogeneous domains Internet Service Network Status in Korea Customer Side : Densely populated with apartments and buildings Many types of Equipments and Loops for Internet services
(5)(5) APNOM 2003 Handling manual work orders, Interworking with EMS, etc… in one unique way Propose OSS-SDM manages configuration works for various services and network equipments Cross-domain Service Delivery Automation of Service Delivery Task generation / distribution Task generation / distribution Automated Tasks Task generation / distribution Task generation / distribution Manual Tasks Provisioning Activation NE/NMS/EMS/SMS Design & Assign Internet Service Delivery Access Networks Internet Service Delivery over Access Networks BSSs One SOE Cross-domain SDM One interface Network Elements Handling manual work orders, Interworking with EMS, etc… in different ways SOE-2 SDM-a SDM-b … SDM-x SOE-1 … SOE-3 Interfaces per service Network Elements Note: SOE(Service Order Entry)
(6)(6) APNOM 2003 Workflow-based Service Delivery Workflow management Attractive technology for integration and interrelation of OSSs Workflow engine responsible for: 1) Business process creation, deletion, and management of process execution from instantiation through completion 2) Control of Activity scheduling within an operational (business) process 3) Interaction with management components and/or human resources 4) Monitor and control management processes in execution Telecommunication service business flow and Process Definitions 1. Sales/Order Administration Service 3. Service/Work Order Work order Billing template Work order Service Ids Customer tags Fault Performance 6. Service Monitoring and Repair 7. Billing and Customer Care 5.Access Network Provisioning Branch Office Home Office Headquarters Remote/ Mobile Network Provider OSS DB BSS DB 4. Service Network Provisioning Add Site Network Provider 2. Check Provisioned Customer Service Business Processes Index Management Record Management I/O Processing Remove Data Dependency 1. Remove Flow and Dependency 2. Define processes one by one DBMS Resource Flow Organization Flow Control/Data Flow Network Model(NM) Provisioning Model(PM) Resource Flow Organization Flow Control/Data Flow Network Model(NM) Provisioning Model(PM) Application Programs Network programs WFMS or WFAP Application Programs DBMS Network programs Apply commericaiized Platforms easily
(7)(7) APNOM 2003 Process Definition for Service Delivery Based on WFMC Model Service delivery process based on workflow Key Modelling Points Process Structure Activities & Navigation Roles & Participants Trigger Conditions Application invocation Process Analysis Modeling/ definition Tool Business Process (i.e.. what is intended to happen) Process Definition is defined in a Activities composed of Manual Activities Automated Activities which may be Workflow Management System is managed by a Sub-Processes Process Instances via Activity Instances include one or more Work Items Invoked Applicati ons Which include used to create & manage Activate Network Elements Report Completion Handle Order from/to Customer Care Systems Break Complex Orders into Simple Orders Manage Workflow to Activate Network Manage Order Printouts and Results Manage Workflow to handle Manual works Provision Network Elements Service Delivery Process Modeling
(8)(8) APNOM 2003 Models of Networks and Provisioning Network Model(NM) Model capable of supporting OSS solution at all TMN layers PM (including its base (NM)) domain specific models A service : implemented over a set of services, supported by lower layer networks
(9)(9) APNOM 2003 Provisioning Model over a Variety of Networks Advantages of PM based Activation 1) Supports new business rules and new services definitions No need to re-develop service provisioning and activation system 2) Supports complex services and lifecycle management Each service request is an atomic operation, which can be fully implemented, rolled back if fatal errors occurred during service implementation, cancelled before the service is fully implemented Supports network topology and protocol change Network Model (NM) LL Service Model Internet Access Service Model VPN Service Model BML/SML NML/EML Provisioning Model (PM) Provisoining Model Service Model Network Model Cable MPLS MDF DSL ATM Fber Mobile Service Model VPN Service Model PSTN Service Model Internet Access Over Cable Internet Access Over PSTN Internet Access Over LL Internet Aceess Over AP ……. …… Conceptualization of Provisioning Model over Network Model
(10) APNOM 2003 Administration & Monitoring Tools Workflow Client Applications Process Definition Tools Workflow Enactment Service Workflow API and Interchange formats Other Workflow Enactment Service(s) Workflow Engine(s) Invoked Applications o Interface 1 : Process Definition o Interface 2 : Workflow Client o Interface 3 : Invoked Applications o Interface 4 : Interoperability o Interface 5 : Audit Data Specification Workflow Engine(s) Workflow Interfaces for Service Delivery A Workflow Reference Model ServiceAction1Action2Action 3…Action n-1Action n New ServiceA3An ChangesA3 An-1 Move Add serviceAn ………………… Mobile Service A2A3A n-1An ReferenceWhere A1 = Action, The basic Work assignment is as follows. The first colunm with value is the initial action of the Service delivery. If the first colunm with A3 exit, A1 is the initial action of the Service, If A1 is complete, do A3 next. Do this process to the end. Determine business categories Workflow Rules Service Start Check-if not null Choose action Do the action Check next action If true else if … … Process transition controls by definition tables (Interface 1)
(11) APNOM 2003 Service provisioning and Activation function provides complete life cycle management of services across multiple technology domains. In Core of integrated SDM, Workflow engine controls and manages progress status. Workflow rules are made prior to a new services introduction. In workflow rules, there is a matrix type description representing business flows according to service type, service order type and specific conditions. Workflow Refence Model vs. SDM Workflow Cross-domain Service Delivery Management domain-1domain-2 domain-n … Workflow Management (Cross-domain coordination) Workflow Management (Cross-domain coordination) End-to-end service provisioning, Activation and work Control Determine the involved domains for each service order Determine the involved domains for each service order Workflow Rules Business Requirements … Create Modify Delete validate, analyze, and decompose to workflow SO Servic e Delive ry Workf low built-in Facility distribute order / activation results Order Tracking Customer-Resource Work Orders Leased Line Workforce/ NMS/Servi ce Nodes Ntopia Metro -Ethernet Metro -Ethernet VPN Provisioni ng Pre- ordering Pre-Ordering xDSL Cross-domain coordination and management
(12) APNOM 2003 Conclusion and Future Work Experience from designing workflow enabled OSSs, Workflow (coupled with distributed systems) technology offers a very powerful and flexible basis for implementing automated management tasks. Workflow can assist business process automation and flow-through. Workflow offers significant benefits to automated and managed component integration Workflow engine can handle the gradual re-engineering of legacy system access and its integration with new (or replacement) components. Scalable and Flexible to rapidly changing environment of various aspect Workflow-enabled OSS-SDM Increase automation to reduce cost and improve service Good for the large organizations like NSPs Manual WorksSDMSDM with PM (expected) Subscriber No 270 thousands3 millionsOver 5 millions Service Order No 500 per day20,000 per day30,000 per day Computerization & Provisioning Manual Order Handling & Provisioning Automate Service Order Flows Automate service provisioning, activation and Service Order Flows Reliability and Scalability PoorGoodExcellent ( prepared for new services) Delivery time Several weeks1-2 daysOn time Service commercialization 5-6 Months4 Months2 Months