Roman Jeopardy Government Society Military Leaders Fall of Rome Architecture
Government for 100 A government in which people choose their ruler. What is a republic?
Government for 200 Members of these ruling class families had more power in the early Republic and were less important during the days of the Empire. What are the patricians?
Government for 300 This was accomplished during the 200 years of Pax Romana. What is: more trade, standardized laws, peace, the building of roads, start of police/fire brigades
Government for 400 Julius Caesar doubled the size of this branch of the government. What is the Senate?
Government for 500 Augustus started an empire, which is____________________. What is a government in which one person has absolute power?
Society for 100 The poor citizens of Rome. What are the plebeians? Wealthy?
Society for 200 One feature of the Roman family. What is father’s word was law; father arranged marriages; helped each other politically.
Society for 300 What are: playing dice games, attending chariot races and going to public baths? The Romans did this for entertainment.
Society for 400 What is: well-trained soldiers weapons, salt and wages were provided by the government a piece of land was given to soldiers after twenty years of service soldiers volunteered to be in the army. Name two characteristics of the Roman professional army
Society for 500 Who are the all boys and girls? These people were provided an education in school until they were 12 years old. After 12? Poor boys work; rich girls tutored
Military for 100 A soldier received these things for his service in the professional army. What are money, weapons, and salt.
Military for 200 Name of the group that was defeated by Rome in the Punic Wars. What is Carthage?
Military for 300 What a legionary was expected to accomplish. What is -train hard with his unit; -fight as an individual; -cover more space than in phalanx?
Military for 400 Gladiators were from these groups. What are slaves, poor, prisoners of war, criminal, and some wealthy men looking for fun?
Military for 500 Two advantages of a legion over a phalanx. What are: Smaller and faster Soldiers could split up/ change direction Could fight on many terrains Covered more space with fewer men
Leaders for 100 The Romans were afraid this man would make himself king. Who is Julius Caesar?
Leaders for 200 Famous Carthaginian general who brought elephants over the Alps to invade Italy. Who is Hanibal Barca?
Leaders for 300 Two changes made by Julius Caesar while in power. What are: the construction of roads/ buildings, doubling the Senate, establishing colonies, starting a new calendar
Leaders for 400 These government officials protected the rights of the plebeians. What are the tribunes?
Leaders for 500 One similarity and one difference between our law code and the Justinian Code. S= death penalty, innocent until proven guilty, fines, lawyers, judges, juries, right to face your accuser D= Justinian Code includes exile, we have prisons, J. Code has suicide as an option, J. Code judged witnesses based on wealth
Fall of Rome for 100 Name three economic problems at the end of the empire. What is: no money for soldiers’ wages, inflation and high taxes?
Which tribes defeated the western Roman empire? What are the Germanic tribes? Fall of Rome for 200
Fall of Rome for 300 Name one political problem that contributed to the fall of the Roman empire. What is no rule about who would inherit the throne; people were trying to buy/steal the throne?
Fall of Rome for 400 One military invention that gave the Huns an advantage over the Romans. What is the iron stirrup?
Fall of Rome for 500 The name of the eastern part of the Roman Empire that lasted another thousand years after the western Roman Empire fell. What is the Byzantine Empire?
Architecture for 100 This locks an arch in place. What is a keystone?
Description of a barrel vault. What is a tunnel that runs in a straight line? Architecture for 200
Architecture for 300 A hemispherical roof support invented by the Romans. What is a dome? Hole in the roof for light/air? oculus
Architecture for 400 This Roman invention is widely used today in cities. What is concrete? Uses then? Mold, seal, glue
Architecture for 500 Name two architectural features that the Romans used and/or improved upon. What are the column, capital and arch?