FI$Cal Change Discussion Guide Projects/Contracts Guide March 2015
Legend Pre-Wave Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 FI$Cal Accounting Solution FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.2 Refunds Grants General Ledger / Commitment Control Project Mgmt Accounts Payable Project Costing Billing Contracts Asset Mgmt Deal Mgmt Cash Mgmt Loans Journals, F&A, Budgets Expenditures, Payables Purchase Orders Goods Received Expenditures Encumbrances Capital Assets Project Details ePro / PO Encumbrances Asset Additions, Depreciation, Retirement GL Journals Award Data Unbilled AR, Revenue Revenue, AR Revenue, AR, Cash Customer Invoices Billable Transactions Loan Data GL Journals Project Data Billing Status Updates Cash Data Accounts Receivable Vouchers Bond Transactions March 2015
Legend Pre-Wave Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 FI$Cal Budgeting Solution - Appropriations FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.3 SCO Payroll Other Sources (Spreadsheet Templates) Hyperion Public Sector Planning & Budgeting Smart View for Office PDF HTML Actuals and Budget Data HR Data Statistical Data Budget Books Final Budget Data View/Update Data General Ledger / Commitment Control March 2015
Legend Pre-Wave Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 FI$Cal Budgeting Solution – Departmental Projects and Grants (State as a Grantee) FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.4 Project Costing General Ledger / Commitment Control March 2015 Grants Departmental Projects Grants
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.5 March 2015 Process Overview Project Costing (PC) is a cost collection and processing tool that acts as a data warehouse PC is required for use if your Department has Capital Outlay projects or uses Federal Funds (0890) Projects are directly linked to Grant Awards (State receiving funds) to collect associated expenditures and facilitate billing/drawdown Costs are collected from: Commitment Control – Budget Grants - Budget Purchasing – Encumbrance/Committed Costs Accounts Payable – Actual Expenditures and Commitment reversals General Ledger – Expenses and/or Revenue Journals Labor Distribution – Direct Charged Labor Hours and Labor Cost Customer Contracts – Amount Based Billing and Revenue Billing – Billing Adjustments Project Costing
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.6 March 2015 Process OverviewKey Impacts Integration with Grants Management Integration with Customer Contracts Process Facilities & Admin Automated billing through Customer Contracts Automated Revenue Recognition (accounting entries) through PC and CA Automated updates from Billing for manual billing adjustments made to Project related invoices (BAJ Transaction) Interface from CA to PC for fixed amount based billing and revenue amounts Integration with Labor Distribution for daily detailed timesheets Enhanced reporting options Project Costing Heavy integration between Project Costing (PC), Customer Contracts (CA), and Billing modules PC Collects, Processes, and Prices Costs (Expenditures and Labor) PC Produces Billable rows to be sent to Billing to create invoices CA contains the Customer Agreement and Billing Terms Project/Activity is linked to a Customer Contract CA “releases” the billable rows from PC into the Billing interface CA recognizes revenue on the billable rows from PC
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.7 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows: [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Project Costing will change as follows: [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed: [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Project Costing
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.8 March 2015 Process OverviewKey Impacts The Create and Maintain Project process covers all activities related to Project and Activity This includes the following sub- processes: Create Project Create Activity Create Project Team Standardized project reporting capability across departments through consistency and use of common system configured fields Statewide reporting for emergencies Project Costing Create and Maintain Project
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.9 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows: [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Projects will change as follows: [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed: [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Create and Maintain Project Project Costing
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.10 March 2015 Process OverviewKey Impacts The Collect, Distribute, and Price Project Cost process covers all activities related to project transactions This includes the following sub- processes: Collect Costs from other modules Fund Distribution Project Accounting Project Costing Pricing Funds distribution functionality allows source and target rules to be defined, producing new accounting distributions that will be sent to General Ledger Project Costing Collect, Distribute, and Price Project Cost
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.11 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows: [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Project cost will change as follows: [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed: [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Collect, Distribute, and Price Project Cost Project Costing
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.12 March 2015 Process OverviewKey Impacts The Project Capitalization process covers the activities related to capitalizing expenditures identified as applicable to be capitalized from Project Costing to the Asset Management (AM) Module This includes the following sub- processes: Define Asset Relate Transaction to Defined Asset Send the Asset to the AM Module Integration between PC and AM allows for automated tracking of WIP in projects, and automated interfacing of assets to AM when the asset is ready to be capitalized Project Costing Process Project Capitalization
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.13 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows: [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Project Capitalization will change as follows: [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed: [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Process Project Capitalization Project Costing
FI$Cal End-User Roles Project Costing FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.14 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User RoleDescription Department Project Processor The department end user who is responsible for additions and updates to the Project, Activity, and Team Definitions. Department PC Job Processor The department end user who has access to all PC batch processes needed to run on an ad hoc basis. PC ReporterThe central and department end user who has access to all PC batch reports and PeopleSoft Query Viewer. PC ViewerThe central and department end user who has inquiry access to all project information. This end user typically submits the Project request form. Department PC Configuration Maintainer The department end user who is responsible for updates to department PC configuration values.
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.15 March 2015 Role Changes –Wave 1 to Wave 2 Project Costing Wave 1 RoleWave 2 Change Department PC Batch Processor This role has been renamed to Department PC Job Processor in Wave 2.
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.16 March 2015 Process OverviewKey Impacts Contracts enables you to: Capture contractual terms and conditions of awards and reimbursable projects Choose when and how to bill the sponsor/customer Choose when and how to recognize revenue in a suitable manner Manage changes through amendment processing Link Project Costing to the Billing and Accounts Receivable modules Set contract or transactional billing/revenue limits Complete documentation and processing for fixed and rate-based contract agreements Contract amendment processing and tracking Prepaid deposit functionality for tracking and utilizing advanced payments Automated billing for Project Costing transactions Automated deferred revenue processing and revenue recognition Contract Billing History page where invoices can be tracked Ability to drill from Contracts Billing History to review associated Receivables Payment Customer Contracts
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.17 March 2015 Key Impacts Amendments provide historical change control for modifications made to the contract header and lines The following are reasons to amend a contract: Addition or subtraction of overall contract and contract line amounts Addition of new lines to the contract Modification of billing and revenue events Contracts uses limit processing to enable you to set limits on the amount billed, revenue recognized, or fees processed for a contract Limits can also be set on specific transactions (such as labor, materials, or travel) that occur against a contract Contracts allows you to define and administer the billing and revenue rules for contractual agreements required for grant sponsors and reimbursable project customers Customer Contracts
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.18 March 2015 Department-Specific Impacts and Notes As we transition to FI$Cal roles and responsibilities will change as follows: [ROLE] – [CHANGE IN ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES] Department business processes around Customer Contracts will change as follows: [ENTER CHANGE IN BUSINESS PROCESS] Increased communication and integration between the following business areas will be needed: [ENTER AREA 1 & AREA 2] – [ENTER ACTIVITIY THAT MUST BE COMPLETED TOGETHER] Customer Contracts
FI$Cal End-User Roles Customer Contracts FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.19 March 2015 FI$Cal End-User RoleDescription Customer Contracts Processor Departmental user that creates and maintains contracts. Customer Contracts Approver Departmental user that maintains, amends, and activates contracts. Customer Contracts Billing Job Processor Departmental user that processes project and contract billing and project process (milestones) Customer Contracts Revenue Job Processor Departmental user that processes project and contract revenue. Customer Contracts Viewer Departmental or Central user with display access to all contract information and all contracts reports and inquiry. Customer Contracts Reporter Departmental or central user with display access to all contract information and all contracts reports and inquiry (same description as above).
FI$Cal End-User Training Project Costing FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.20 March 2015 Course IDCourse NameDurationDelivery FS101*Introduction to FI$Cal 4 hours WBT FS102*FI$Cal Navigation 4 hours WBT PC101Introduction to FI$Cal Project Costing 4 hours ILT PC112Managing Projects in FI$Cal 4 hours WBT PC113Processing Project Costs 4 hours WBT PC114Analyzing Projects 4 hours WBT *FS101 and FS102 are mandatory for all FI$Cal end users
FI$Cal End-User Training Customer Contracts FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.21 March 2015 Course IDCourse NameDurationDelivery FS101*Introduction to FI$Cal 4 hours WBT FS102*FI$Cal Navigation 4 hours WBT GM112Managing Grants and Customer Contracts 4 hours WBT *FS101 and FS102 are mandatory for all FI$Cal end users
FI$Cal: Transparency. Accuracy. Integrity.22 March 2015 For additional information on end-user training, visit the Training page of the FI$Cal Project website at : FI$Cal End-User Training