Approaching Core Knowledge and Student Skills as “Instructional Leaders" Robert C. McCracken, Ed. D.
Approaching Core Knowledge and Student Skills as “Instructional Leaders“ Perceptions and Realities The Importance of Reading Diverse Learners and Accountability Looking at Core Areas; Virginia Style Curriculum versus Assessment Data..Data..Data..Data
Perception and Realities Teaching to the Test Standards of Learning (SOL’s) – Nothing New? Accountability Norm Reference vs Criteron referenced
The Importance of Reading Reading Sample/Examination Traditional Beliefs – Reading/Language Arts and Vocabulary Alignment Issues in Virginia; Materials and Standards Local/State Curriculum?
Diverse Learners and Accountability SOL’s IDEA NCLB
Looking at Core Areas; Virginia Style Complexity and Confusion; Where’s Waldo? Language Arts; Reading, Writing, and Literature Mathematics; Statistics in Kindergarten Social Sciences/History; Practical Issues Science; Accreditation versus NCLB
Curriculum versus Assessment Revisit “Teaching to the Test” How Do You Determine Success; Multiple Criteria or Not? How Will You Lead Teachers; Can You Master all Knowledge in all Content Areas – Habla Espanol?
Data..Data..Data..Data What Data Do You Have? What Tools Do You Have to Analyze Data? How Will You Ensure Data Analysis by Faculty and/or Staff? How Will You Create Ownership in Data versus Perception? Use of Technology is a MUST for Leaders, Instructors and Students