J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 1 Johann M. Heuser, GSI Darmstadt CBM Collaboration Meeting JINR Dubna, 15 October 2008 CBMCBM Review of the first in-beam.


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Presentation transcript:

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 1 Johann M. Heuser, GSI Darmstadt CBM Collaboration Meeting JINR Dubna, 15 October 2008 CBMCBM Review of the first in-beam test at GSI — — with focus on the STS —

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 2 Parasitic to the HADES beam time: 8h *) 2.3 GeV proton beam Location: GSI, Cave C

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 3 Testbeam Setup design and construction: W. Niebur, GSI 3 CBM experiments (STS, GEM, FPGA + DAQ) 1 standalone PANDA experiment (DIRC) beam diagnostics box

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 4 Preparation of the beam table – September 2008 Mechanics designed and prepared by Wolfgang Niebur et al., GSI Beam stand (blue structure) and adjustable tables for different test experiments. The STS box will be located in the most upstream position.

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 5 STS Test Setup – "Plan A" CBM01 CBM01 B1 CBM01 B2 postponed to 2009 reference tracking station

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 6 CBM01B2 test detectors, GSI-CIS 8/2007 4" wafer, 285 µm Si CBM01 CBM01 B1 CBM01 B2 mounted on test boards first multi-purpose tool for detector tests, 2/ strips to connector

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 7 FEB1nxGen rev. B 32 of 64 ch FEB1nxGen rev. B 32 of 64 ch ROC STS Test Setup – "Plan B" pos. signals neg. signals 32 strips bonded on p-side 32 strips bonded on n-side overlap area strips p-n side: 1.6 × 1.6 mm 2 CBM01 B2 CBM01B2 Test board

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 8 STS Test Setup 10 cm 2 stations mechanical mounting of PCB plus: FEBs with cooling body on back-side of n-XYTER chip 10 cm box FEB detector beam

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 9 Preparation of STS test beam box – September 2008 Mechanics designed and prepared by Wolfgang Niebur et al., GSI Al box, 40 cm  40 cm  20 cm. Covers removed. Legs ~ 50 cm high lift the box from a table to the beam line. Holders of two microstrip detector test boards (10 cm  10 cm) and two front-end boards (one mounted board shown). rotation w.r.t. beam: study of cluster size

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 10 on the beam line: 2 detectors CBM01B2 2 FEB-1nx-gen rev B 2 ROCs power supplies

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 11 low threshold: noisy threshold adjusted: no noisy raising detector bias: more and more hits from 90 Sr source Commissioning with 90 Sr β - source: Hits versus time

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 12 ADC spectra of several channels

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 13 Masking of noisy channels

Successful test of CBM prototype detector systems at GSI, September 28-30, Double and triple GEM detectors2 Double-sided silicon microstrip detectorsRadiation tolerance studies Full readout and analysis chain: Front-end board with self-triggering n-XYTER chip Readout controller Data Acquisition System online offline Go4Go4 Analysis Detector signals Successful test of CBM prototype detector systems with self-triggering read-out electronics using proton beams at GSI, September 28-30, 2008 GSI and AGH Krakow VECC Kolkata KIP Heidelberg

Successful test of CBM prototype detector systems at GSI, September 28-30, GSI, Darmstadt, Germany JINR, Dubna, Russia KIP, Heidelberg, Germany VECC, Kolkata, India AGH, Krakow, Poland 90 Sr  - spectra... Detector commissioning:... in several channels of a silicon microstrip detector... and in a GEM detector Operation on the beam line: Participants: Beam spot seen on a GEM detector (every 2 nd channel read out) Correlation of fired channels in two silicon microstrip detectors www-cbm.gsi.de

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 16

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 17 The Data... more digging into the data in the following presentation by R. Karabowicz... first impression by P. Nomokonov

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 18 Summary: First system tests of STS: Everything new - Detector, FEE, DAQ 4 detector boards produced from tested CBM01B2 sensors 3 boards passed acceptance test – 1 drew current after wire-bonding 2 detector boards installed in beam. Operation: OK - about 250 nA current in both 50 V bias (900 70V) - few noisy channels – can be masked A third detector: - started to draw current beyond 20V bias when connected to FEBs - insight into AC insulation quality of CBM01??? We learned already a lot from the commissioning – and first analysis of data. Follow-up with a long-term setup of the test system in the lab.

J.M. Heuser — CBM Silicon Tracker 19 Radek Karabowicz, Anton Lymanets, Rafal Lalik, Petr Nomokonov, Wolfgang Niebur, Johann Heuser The STS Test Beam Team