Developing Metadata Standards for GLEON Barbara Benson
In-Lake Measurements water temperature dissolved oxygen concentration dissolved oxygen saturation chlorophyll fluorescence phycocyanin fluorescence pH specific conductance colored dissolved organic matter fluorescence carbon dioxide partial pressure reduction/oxidation potential nitrate concentration chloride concentration shortwave light penetration PAR light penetration turbidity horizontal water velocity vertical water velocity lake level wave height wave period
Meteorological Measurements wind speed wind direction total shortwave radiation photosynthetically active radiation longwave radiation ultraviolet radiation relative humidity air temperature precipitation barometric pressure
Question Are there any other measurements being made on GLEON lakes directly with sensors that should be added to the Measurement Type list?
Water Temperature: Apprise Technology TempLine (with SDI-12 option) Dissolved Oxygen Concentration: Greenspan Model DO1200 (retired); Zebra-Tech Ltd. D-Opto (currently being used) YSI HydroLab Dissolved Oxygen Saturation : Zebra-Tech Ltd. D-Opto Wind Speed: Gill 3 Cup Anemometer (RM Young Model 12102) Relative Humidity: VaisalaHMP50 Air Temperature: Vaisala HMP50 Photosynthetically Active Radiation: LI-COR LI-192 Precipitation: Tipping Bucket (manufacturer unknown) Variables / Sensors
Question What changes should we make to the form for inputting measurement type and sensor information?
Questions How should we add new measurement types and sensors to the list? How should these additions be vetted?
Question What kinds of queries of the knowledge base should be possible? What sites are measuring variable X? Who is the expert contact at each of these sites? List the sensors used to measure X at each site? Similar questions but for lakes What sites have experience with sensor Y?
Metadata play several roles within the information system. For example: 1) instrument deployment/maintenance 2) system configuration and data flow 3) documentation of methods 4) quality assurance 4) interpretability of data by scientists 5) data discovery, data access, and data harmonization 6) data analysis and visualization
INSTRUMENT MANAGEMENT METADATA MODEL North Temperate Lakes LTER (draft) ---- continued
Discussion: Observation attributes Measurement type Unit Location –GPS and geographic description (lake name) –Z coordinate (depth or height) Timestamp Temporal resolution Method (sensor type) Data quality Contributor Access restrictions
Examples of Metadata Standards Marine Metadata Interoperability Sensor Markkup Language Ecological Metadata Language