Literary Terms PIB English 9 & Honors 10
Plot: a series of related events, each connected to the next Basic Situation—opening, introduction Complication—rising action, events leading to the climax Climax—key scene, turning point in the action Falling Action—loose ends being tied up Resolution—”lived happily ever after”
Conflict: struggle Internal—man v. self External—man v. man, man v. nature, man v. society, man v. machine, man v. supernatural
Setting: the background against which the action takes place Geographical location, including topography, scenery, and such physical arrangements as location of windows and doors in a room Occupations and daily manners of living of the characters The time period in which the action takes place; ex., epoch in history or time of year The general environment of the characters, such as religions, mental, moral, social, and emotional conditions
Flashback: a device by which a work presents material that occurred prior to the opening scene of the work Recollections, narration, dream sequences, reveries
Foreshadowing: preparation of material in a work in such a way that later events are prepared for A character says something to make us believe something is going to happen; cryptic In movies and TV, a popular method is using music: the warm fuzzy moment, the ax murderer in the kitchen, the kissy scene
Author puts it in... Tone: the attitudes toward the subject and toward the audience implied in a literary work
…reader gets it out Mood: the emotional and intellectual attitude of the author toward the subject
Characterization: the creation of imaginary persons so that they seem lifelike Direct: the writer tells readers outright what the character is like Indirect: readers make inferences and draw conclusions based on textual evidence Speech Appearance Thoughts Others’ feelings Actions
Protagonist: the chief character in a work; contestant of the antagonist
Antagonist: the character directly opposed to the protagonist; rival, opponent, or enemy of the protagonist
Round Character: a character sufficiently complex to be able to surprise the reader without losing credibility Flat Character: a character constructed around a single idea or quality; usually represented by a single statement
Static Character: a character who changes little if at all. Things happen to them without modifying their interior selves Dynamic Character: a character who develops or changes as a result of the actions of the plot
Point of View: the vantage point from which a writer tells a story Omniscient—all knowing Can see everything Provides details that are intimate to the character The storyteller is outside of the story’s action
First Person—”I” or persona The “I” tells the story Direct participant in the action Represents only what “I” sees, hears, knows, things, and feels Bias: credibility is in question
Third Person Limited—”Zooming in” Story is told by an outside observer who may or may not be involved in the action Uses he, she, they pronouns Plot events are limited to those observed
Narrator: anyone who tells a story
Satire: a work or manner that blends a censorious attitude with humor and wit for improving human institutions or humanity; the satirist attempts through laughter not so much to tear down as to inspire remodeling
Diction: word choice
Theme: a central idea, the subject of the piece Theme must be expressed in a complete sentence! Theme ≠ Topic Topic: Racism Theme: Racism eats away at the fibers of society and weakens the structure of humanity. Theme = Topic + Opinion
Irony: the reality of a situation is different from its appearance Verbal—saying something other than what is meant; not as harsh as sarcasm Dramatic—the audience knows something the characters do not Situational—a situation that is expected to happen, or that is intended to happen, is not what actually does happen
Ambiguity: the state of having more than one meaning, with resulting uncertainty as to the intended significance of the statement Teachers strike idle kids War dims hope for peace Enraged cow injures farmer with ax Miners refuse to work after death Include your children when baking cookies
Symbolism: the use of one object to represent or suggest another
Allegory: a form of extended metaphor in which objects, persons, and actions in a narrative are equated with meanings that lie outside the narrative itself