EOC ACTIVATION & IET LESSONS LEARNED & IET DOC DRILL Debbie Lauriano, Zack O’Donnell, Laine Keneller, Bob Ono November 4, 2009
DOC activation anytime EOC is activated Clearly define DOC activation procedures Establish list-serve for notification Update Go-kit with procedures and contact information IET Lessons Learned
DOC Drill Monday Oct 19, 10:00 at the EOC Drill Goals: Increase awareness of the pandemic planning within the departments. Practice intradepartmental and interdepartmental communications between the Vice Provost’s office, Directors, Managers and EOC during an incident when the DOC is activated. To increase familiarity with the DOC activation procedures. Identify any items in the plan that may need to be changed.
DOC Drill Monday Oct 19, 10:00 at the EOC Drill Highlights: Table Top exercise at the EOC Validated Roles and Structure of IET DOC Discussed what each role would do at each juncture of the exercise Decided on pre-designated location for physical DOC meeting Will use Adobe Connect Pro for collaborative logging Discussion of authority of DOC to commit resources Need to clarify the role of the IET DOC and connection with EOC Logistics
DOC Drill Monday Oct 19, 10:00 at the EOC Drill Highlights: Need to clarify with EOC Finance regarding the process for high ticket items Need to review the rules around expense accounting Need to clarify the role of the IET DOC and connection with EOC Logistics Need to collaborate with UComm regarding alignment regarding communication plans