Enhanced Hot Water Drill Season Drill Operations Overview Berkeley Meeting March 19-23, 2005
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Talk Outline: Brief overview of the season’s achievements Drill setup and commissioning Drilling Camp Breakdown Personnel Schedule Interaction with Raytheon Plans to resolve issues and make improvements for 05/06 season.
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Season Achievements Set up and commissioned a very complex piece of equipment in one field season. Gained valuable data about system performance and required improvements. Gained valuable operational experience with the system. Gained an insight into the scheduling requirements. Managed to drill and instrument a hole. Disassemble and winterize the drill.
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Drill Setup and Commissioning MDS setup completed ahead of schedule MDS fit out went smoothly and faster than expected. Rod well start up was slower than planned for. Hose winding went slower than expected. Hose did not lay properly on the hose reel. Constant requirement for fork lift to change spools. Some shifts did not have enough personnel. Work began to slip behind schedule just before Christmas. Coincided with testing and commissioning phase. A lot of people weren’t familiar with system. We had equipment and reliability issues. Some shifts had hands full just maintaining system operation. Some required personnel had not yet arrived. Weather delayed 4 personnel, including key personnel for a week.
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Firn Drilling Start of drilling was not greatly affected by CEE delay. Potential for delay if weather hadn’t intervened. Firn drilling proved fairly slow. hours to firn drill Possibly not getting enough heat transfer between firn drill and ice face. Progress was stop/ start. Drill bulb hangs on ice in hole. Can do more trials next season. May have to firn drill with main drill
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Main Drilling Fact is the drill is capable of drilling holes to 2500m. We can and did achieve full thermal power. Melting performance matches thermal models. Demonstrated drill can drill and ream in one operation. Hose/ Cable tensioning algorithm worked. Basic design is sound Need to work on some reliability issues Need some modifications
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Main Drilling Main drilling hampered by drill speed issues. Drill stem couplers proved difficult to fit together. Difficult to start Required over tightening to fit properly Inadequate tower height made installing drill head difficult. Lack of consistent heat output from drill caused slow downs. Issue that may have been a factor in first hole problems and weight stack loss:- Inexperience with system Possibly an E-stop situation Lack of familiarity with display system Ordinary stainless steel, rather than hardened bolts, used on some stack couplers. Overcrowding in the control booth. Accident caused significant delays. Situation was rectified and new procedures written. Moving sites was untested this season. Could take up to 2 days. Anchors on some equipment not necessary. There is room for other improvement.
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Camp Breakdown Went to schedule Had to improvise with surface hose storage to meet schedule. How buried will hose get? Biggest concern was freezing of main hose or surface hoses. Submersible pumps proved difficult to remove. Went back to two shifts and a skeleton 3 rd shift to have an effective number of people per shift. Went to one shift once water was completely flushed from system.
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Personnel Issues Great Crew Dedicated with great perseverance. Need them back. Not enough people Lost one person early on in season. Illness took a toll early on in season. From around mid Dec. there were not enough people to maintain 3 shifts. Working on getting more drillers. Shifts need a rethink There was evidence of burnout. Need to reduce work hours. Better plan shift times Must have enough people per shift to allow meal breaks. Need to plan the arrival of staff with particular talents. Need to clearly inform staff of job expectations before they get to the ice. Need to make the job more attractive. Could offer seasonal drillers more incentives. Some off season work. Offer medical insurance
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Scheduling Schedule was a great help in knowing what to do. Refit of MDS’ was completed quicker than scheduled. Some equipment arrived in a different order to schedule. Not really a problem Some equipment which was required early was scheduled to arrive later. Schedule tracking was done haphazardly from mid Dec. May need to consider a dedicated schedule tracker Daily work sheets
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Interaction with Raytheon Went exceedingly well. Tom Hutching and Jay Bollinger were excellent interfaces between IceCube and Raytheon. Support was readily available when requested. Did not utilize electricians and UT’s as much as planned for in schedule. Vehicle support was available as soon as possible after a request. Delays were experienced on occasions. Sometimes during night shift the forks were not operating Need to consider allowing IceCube personnel to drive forks. Preferably need to consider having a dedicated IceCube fork if at all possible.
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, SES drill issues and improvements Plan to drill up to 10 holes. Possible fuel shortage Issues to be resolved: Drill speed limitations Motor controller reliability Heater and safety system reliability Condensate system collection improvement Network reliability Computer user interface improvement Improvement to drill system and main camp: Place electrical cable tails on all submersible pumps. Brake on Rod well winch. A more robust sheave assembly over the Rod well hole Provide a large tent as DNF storage and office work space.
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Tower Operations site improvements Improvements to tower site set up. Improvements to Return water pump winches. Electrical slip ring on cable reel? Improve braking system. Reduce number of anchors. Improve anchor design on required anchors Provide reel stop switch inside TOS. Install guide rollers on drill cable sheaves to prevent cable jumping,
Enhanced Hot Water Drill – 2004/5 Season Drill Ops.Mar 19-23, Tower operations site improvements Reduce number of cables by making cable tails for main hose and cable reels. Investigate is 4-100Amp cables to tower site are really necessary? Power TOW from TOS? Investigate if a generator at Tower site is feasible?