EDUC 5336: Educational Leadership Class 4 Tuesday, September 30, 3008 Dr. J. Barnett
Getting the Synapses Working…. Make a T chart In small groups, from the perspective of a graduate student discuss and answer: How is my life like a machine (rational, orderly)? How is my life like a weather system (unpredictable, uncontrollable, with crises)? Dr. J. Barnett
Paradigm A lens you examine through Dr. J. Barnett
Positivist Paradigm Looking at Leadership There are universal truths in what it means to be a leader The truths are generalizable to other contexts Leadership can be examined separate from its context Predict and describe behaviour/ traits of leaders / leadership Dr. J. Barnett
Social Constructivist Paradigm Looking at Leadership Reality is a social and cultural construct Leadership is social constructs developed through interactions Context is Vital Leadership is not real but is actions and processes attributed to others Language Discourse tells us a lot Perspectives of Leaders Dr. J. Barnett
Critical Paradigm Looking at Leadership Power dynamics need to develop new constructs / ideas is political and a form of activism ; activism by resistance and change Research is not value free deconstruct hidden assumptions / class based society Marxism; how economics, capital and market drive the social Feminist theory – Critical Race Theory – Critical Cultural Studies …. Oppression exists – need to bring about empowermen t Dr. J. Barnett
Postmodern Paradigm Looking at Leadership emphasis on the subjective and local experiences, history and context, fluidity and change universal truths don’t exist beyond our perception s Bring Norms to light so they can be examined the ability of people to share their existence Focus on the direction for leadership; should come from the community of practice Dr. J. Barnett
Task Group A - take the Positivist Approach Group B - take the Social Constructivist Approach Group C - take the Critical Approach Group D - take the Postmodern Approach Dr. J. Barnett