Domains of Controlllllllllll
Signal processing in aquatic ecosystems
Mission statement Developing approaches to detect change and characteristic frequencies in GLEON monitoring data at differing regional and limnological scales
PLAN! 1. At this meeting: test datasets using the Excel add-in Rodionov shift detection method(detecting significant changes in mean and variance) 2. ID other datasets that we want to work with – particularly biological, chlorophyll, DO... Sergei Rodionov (Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, University of Washington) A sequential algorithm for testing climate regime shifts GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 31
PLAN 3. Are there indices of lake mixing that we can work with? 4. Look at when an ecological shifts occur in different datasets – zoo fish? Are there characteristics frequencies? 5. Compare traditional sampling and high frequency monitoring? 6. Long-term goal: try to utilise s-scan data (in three lakes in Sweden, Finland and Estonia) = sub-surface spectrophotometers – range of absorption bands); need first to develop methods first; deploy more in western lakes?
Next six months We want to encourage maybe a student (?) to join us who like add a chapter to their thesis and maybe get a publications out of this but who would time to give to data analyses.