1.Workshop process 2.Key Actions EASW Scenario Workshops Footwear Cluster (San Mauro Pascoli) Packaging Cluster (Montecchio Emilia) Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy Walter Sancassiani – Focus Lab Prague – April 2012
1.Process San Mauro Footwear Cluster EASW – 2 Dec focus group follow (11 January) Montecchio Packaging Cluster EASW – 29 Febbruart focus group follow (19 March) Stakeholders involved: around 80 stakeholders (25 each EASW + 10/15 each focus group) Scenario Workshops – EASW San Mauro Footwear Cluster Montecchio Packaging Cluster Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy
Stakeholders involved in each workshop and focus group: Local Companies Industry Associations SME Associations Public-Private Agency for local Development University Technichal High School Local Authority Majors and Deputy Chiefs Scenario Workshops – EASW San Mauro Footwear Cluster Montecchio Packaging Cluster Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy Engagement Stakeholder Map Invitation Letter + project brochure + EASW brochure + module of participation + direct calling
Key issues discussed in the 2 workshop: San Mauro Footwear Cluster 1.Cluster Marketing 2.Networking (Companies and Local Authorities) 3.Role of Local Develoment Agency 4.Supply Chain and company role Scenario Workshops – EASW San Mauro Footwear Cluster Montecchio Packaging Cluster Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy Montecchio Packaging Cluster 1.International promotion 2.Innovation 3.Access to Credit 4.Networking (Companies and Local Authorities)
Scenario Workshops – EASW methodology San Mauro Footwear Cluster Scenari per XX Scenari per XX Sessione Plenaria ObiettiviIntroduzioneMetodologia Video Sector Scenarios BusinessLocal AuthoritiesUniversitiesServices Plenary SessioN Idea-Action Development 20 ACTIONS (5 per each groups) Votation of 5 priorities Common Vision Ideas ? Tools ?, Roles ? MarketingNetworkingCredit Supply Chain 1.Cluster Marketing 2.Networking 3.Local Develoment Agency 4.Supply Chain Negative/Positive Scenarios
Process in each Cluster: San Mauro Footwear Cluster Montecchio Packaging Cluster Scenario Workshops – EASW San Mauro Footwear Cluster Montecchio Packaging Cluster Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy 2 EASW workshop 1.SWOT analysis 2.Scenarios 3.Action Planning Ideas generation Perspective Discussion/Dialogue 1 focus group 1.Key questions 2.Action Priorities Report
Scenario Workshops – EASW San Mauro Footwear Cluster Montecchio Packaging Cluster Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy
EASW Adaption in each Cluster: San Mauro Footwear Cluster Montecchio Packaging Cluster Scenario Workshops – EASW San Mauro Footwear Cluster Montecchio Packaging Cluster Emilia-Romagna Region - Italy 2 EASW workshop 1.From 1 Day to Half-Day (Stakeholder availability) 1.Time Reduction No mix of key stakehoders in Action Planning in 1st workop No Negative Scenarios 1 focus group 1.Key questions 2.Action Priorities EASW + WorldCafé 1.SWOT / Neg Scenarios 2.Mix Stakeholder
1.Process adaptation (Mix EASW – World Café) Scenario Workshops – EASW In Packaging Cluster
Content structures 1.SWOT on 4 key issues 2.Scenarios on 4 key issues 3.Common Scenario 4.Action Planp on 4 key issues Ideas/Actions > What to do ? Tool to implement > How ? Roles > Who ? Workshop Action Plan Report
1.Action to promote the District Area Identifying a brand linked to the territory by exploiting the network of relationship between Cercal and Technical Schools. A "supplement" common to all producers to be included in the shoebox: eg. wrapping paper A contest of ideas with students could be set up, with the Professional School M.Curie, University, Cercal. Themes which could be used for the promotion: Poet Giovanni Pascoli Stampe Romagnole The kitchen maker Artusi The Piadina food The beautiful countryside The well-being technologies (Technogym) Made in Italy 0 km Shoe San Mauro Footwear District - Actions
1.Action to promote the District Area Definition of a Marketing Territorial Brand involving the network of relationship between Cercal and Technical Schools and University. Promotion of a contest / Ideas Award involving students of the Professional School M.Curie, University, Cercal to stimulate graphic design development of the Brand. Creation of a "supplement" product shared by all Shoes producers to be included in the shoebox: eg. wrapping paper containing cultural/touristic theme information on key excellences of the Cluster such as: Poet Giovanni Pascoli Romagna textile printings The kitchen maker Artusi The Piadina typical food The beautiful countryside The well-being technologies world best-in class (ie. Technogym) Made in Italy (flag colors on shoes) 0 km Supply Chain Shoe San Mauro Footwear District – Key priorities Actions
2. Activities to meet business world and academic world Meeting/confrontation Workshop between research and business world Meeting with researchers and in a two-way exchange of experience and explicit demand and supply of innovation and research. This moment may fall within the initiative "Researchers' Night” (September 28) San Mauro Footwear District - Actions
3. Activities to support CERCAL (Service Center in the district) Meeting with Marketing managers of Brand groups in the area to share some actions for promoting the Cluster Brand and a Green / Sustainability/ CSR profile of the Cluster. Enhancing participation in international Trade Fairs in order to reach a critical mass, outlining the Made in Italy excellence on shoes San Mauro Footwear District - Actions
1.Resource Centre Which should be at the same time: A sector strategic Centre for the activities of the district Will parallel the forms of coordination and governance at the institutional level. Could meet different skills and act as a coordination center Could promote collaboration between institutions and enterprises, and between universities, schools and companies on the other. Related to this, emerged also the idea of creating a “Campus" with new laboratories: As an initiative of partnership between local companies, Institute Silvio D'Arzo and the City of Montecchio The empty property owned by the Municipality can potentially provide 35 laboratories. Val d’Enza Packaging District - Actions
2. Exchanges between foreign companies and technical school EU Stage to educate students/future workers to deal with foreign countries Define European Stages for students in foreign companies through local partnership project C-Plus 3. Territorial promotion A contest/Ideas competition to develop a "Val d'Enza / Packaging Valley” brand to be realized together with the Institute S. D 'Arzo and the Resource Centre Val d’Enza Packaging District - Actions
4. Activities of Network-building with some local companies Identification of a Network Manager figure to to set up a project network with at least 3 companies in the Val d'Enza 5. Activities to meet business world and academic world Organization of a meeting between research and business world with particular attention to agro-processing and packaging companies on 17 October in Parma, in the context of European SME Week Val d’Enza Packaging District - Actions