Engaging the World The Prepositional Difference of Design/Build/Engage
What’s the Difference? Intellectual solve problems; geniuses prevent them. Albert Einstein
Architecture Schools Revisit Community Boyer report Taking design thinking to the neighborhood Looking for partners in all the right places
It’s All in the Strategy Design Thinking Build Engage Capacity building
What’s New Complexity and variability have increased Plans must fit old into new Things change (and so do cities)
What’s Not New Rational analysis and good judgment Range of choices Taking action is hard
Opportunities Reason to chaos Have tools for change Not just your hometown anymore
Challenges Solutions not diagnosis City limits don’t hold anymore History, demographics, and culture
Three Paradigm Shifts More diversity More local decision-making More complicated and interrelated issues
Problems and Solutions Type I Problem—mechanical and fixable Type II Problem—definable but no clear-cut solution Type III Problem—no definition/no real solution
Leaders for Type II & III Debate, rethinking, reframing More people in the game Vision and persistence
Millennial Conditions Rich-poor gap Energy & Water Shelter Health and disease Population Growth Sustainable Global Development
Question for Today How can our university, and the professions and research that drive our work with communities, regions, and nations, change the odds for successful, sustainable development and urban advantage?
Mega City of the Future