L’Arche Our Journey toward Servant Leadership by Dr. Dan R. Ebener
Annalyn Grace Ebener
The world desperately needs leaders. And a new model.
“ Servants, not Lords” Leading like Jesus: “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lorded over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant” (Mt 20: 25-27).
Words of Jesus “The greatest one must be a servant” (Matt. 23:11). Last Supper reminder (Luke 22:24-27 ). “Whoever wants to be first must become the servant of all” (Mark 9:33-36).
Read the Beatitudes. Read Matthew 25.
Parables for Leaders: Discerning the Wisdom of Jesus from His Parables Dan R. Ebener
The Sower and the Seed Matt 13:1-23
Fell on the Path Fell on Rocky Ground Fell on Thorny Ground Fell on Fertile Ground Too Busy Too Shallow Too Distracted Generative Listening
Active Listening Active listening requires full attention. We cannot rehearse what we are going to say and listen at the same time. eye contactMaintain eye contact expressionsBe aware of your expressions – emotional intelligence Let the other person finish emotionsAcknowledge emotions Pause
Generative Listening Generative listening requires that we get outside of ourselves and focus on the needs and interests of the other person. It requires great empathy. Empathy: Identifying with the needs and interests of the other person Getting outside of ourselves so we can see the issue from the perspective of the other
Generative Listening Generative listening requires focus. The two biggest obstacles to focusing on the present are our thoughts about (1) the past and (2) the future. Being mindful Being fully present to the moment Being aware of what is happening in the room Being self-aware of what is happening in YOU
Proprioception Close your eyes. Take your right arm and swing it above your head. Somehow, you know where that arm is without looking at it. This is due to Proprioception. We have the power to think about what we are thinkingWe have the power to think about what we are thinking And our “thoughts”And our “thoughts” And our intentions.And our intentions. We have the power to think about what we are feelingWe have the power to think about what we are feeling And our “felts”.And our “felts”.
Wisdom versus Knowledge We grow in wisdom by taking time to reflect on our thoughts, emotions and intentions. Get on the balcony Take time for reflection Wisdom requires reflection
The Wise Builder Matt 7:24-27 Listen to these words… And act upon them! Rain fell, floods came but house on rock stood Rain came, floods came but house on sand fell Wise man is one who built his house on rock – The foundation of Wisdom is the Word
The Wise and Foolish Braidesmaids Matt 25:1-13 To the wise: “Give us some of your oil”. To the master: “Open the door for us.” “Some things are not mine to give.” – Jesus Wisdom and character cannot be given. Leadership is not a position. It is a choice.
The Ten Talents Matt 25:14-30 Master knew his people: – Ten thousand talents. – Two thousand talents. – One thousand talents. We can invest in others. Developing talent takes initiative of that person.
The Mustard Seed and the Leaven Matt 13:31-33 Story comes at point where disciples are worried about small size. Mustard seed as smallest of all seeds. Leaven as rotten bread. Paradox of the Kingdom.
The Good Samaritan Luke 10: Answers the question, “Who is my neighbor?” Priest and Levite asked, “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?”. Samaritan asked, I do NOT stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”.
The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32 Also known as “The Lost Son” or “Two Brothers”. Follows parables of the Lost Coin, Lost Sheep. Here the person is intentionally lost. Lasting image: God is waiting patiently for us.
Love, Truth and Beauty Aquinas Three ways that God enters into human lives. God gives us free will. Great model for human leadership. Leadership is not coercion.
Matthew 25:31-46 Inasmuch The Unexpected: Jews expected to be judged on two factors: – Keeping the law – Being Jewish Jesus is shocking his audience with this new criteria.
Matt 25: Works of Mercy: – The work of The Righteous. – Straight-forward. – Unconditional – Indiscriminate – Jesus calls those in need his Brothers and Sisters
The world desperately needs leaders. And a new model.
White Water Rafting The Speed of Change in our World
Given the Speed of Change…. Become faster. Become flatter. Become more flexible.
Without Internal Change… Entropy Every organization needs to re-invent, re-new and re- create itself.
An Interactive relationship to bring about Change: in thinking, action, attitude, policies, structures, culture and strategy. COMMON GOAL FOLLOWERS LEADER Leadership: Two Factors
Relationship Side of Leadership Leadership is: Interactive, voluntary relationship moving toward common goal
Relationship between Leaders and Followers Nothing coercive about leadership
Leadership Management Task Relationship Change Vision Strategy Structure Order Day-to-Day Operations Invite Inspire Influence Position of Authority Assigning roles Control / Direct
“I want my people to lead, not manage” Why do you think this is the sentiment of so many CEOs?
Leadership Studies Michigan: One continuum between task and relationship (1950s). TaskRelationship
Achieving Results Developing Relationships Dual Focus of Leadership
Leadership Through People SkillsQ1AssertiveHostile Q2SubmissiveHostile Q4AssertiveWarm Q3SubmissiveWarm Assertive Passive Hostile Warm
Task or Relationship? Which way do you lean?
Servant Leadership What is it anyway? Greenleaf: Motivated to serve, then to lead.
Robert K. Greenleaf The Servant Leader (1971) Servant as Leader : begins with natural instinct to serve; to serve first, then to lead. Two roles – servant and leader – are often seen as opposites: – Servants - who put the needs and interests of others ahead of their own; – Leaders – who change the thinking, the actions and the attitudes of others.
Leadership in the Gospels Matt. 23:11 - The greatest one must be a servant. Mark 9:35 - The first will be last and servant of all. Mark 10: Leaders are servants, not lords. Luke 22: Last Supper reminder. John 13: Jesus washes the feet of his disciples. Phil. 2:3-7 - Imitating Christ by being a servant. 2 Cor. 6:6 - Paul lists the qualities of a servant. 1 Timothy 3: List of qualities
Servant Leadership is Par adoxical Sharp contrast to “Pedestal” Leadership. Followers will be stronger, healthier, more autonomous.
Servant Leadership Putting the needs and interests of others ahead of your own. Serving the people, and the organization, instead of the other way around. Placing the mission, vision and values of the organization first.
Servant Leaders Can emerge from anywhere. Devoted to the success of the organization. Place yourself at the service of others.
Servant Leaders Humility: – Virtue necessary for the servant leader. Ultimate test of the servant leader: – Are those being served healthier, wiser, freer? –
Servant Leader Behaviors Recognizing the gifts, talents and efforts of others. Serving the needs and interests of others. Empowering members of the parish.
Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: Stewardship Helping Initiating Participating Self-Developing Cheerleading Sportsmanship
The best training for Leadership is Courageous Followership: Helping Initiating Participating Self-Developing Cheerleading Sportsmanship
Delegation: A Key Leader Behavior Delegation (like Moses and Jethro - Exodus 18:13-37): – Opportunities for leadership and discipleship. – What activities must be done by the person in my position? – What activities can be done by others? – How can I find meaningful work to delegate? – Then: Support - be positive Feedback – be specific
Matthew’s Journey toward Leadership From the Great Invitation to the Great Commission From students to teachers. From followers to leaders. From disciples to apostles
Leadership Development The best test of leadership is not how many followers you lead but how many leaders you develop.
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