BRC project BRC – BUILDING RESPONSIBLE COMPETITIVENESS Responsabilità Sociale d’Impresa e Competitività nel settore delle costruzioni Daniele Ganapini
PHASE 1 - partners NuovaQuasco (partner in charge of Phase 1): is an in house society, founded and held by Local government and other Public bodies from Emilia-Romagna; is charged with realizing and managing informative systems and observatories in the following fields: Public works, supplies and services; Health and safety at work; Housing policies and building quality; Environment; functions as technical support, dissemination of data, promoter of quality in the management of contract procedures, public actors’ training and professional update, support to the participation in EU programmes. BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Activities Desk research: European regulatory framework (focus on public procurement) Claudio Rangone – subcontractor European overview on the state of art of CSR within the construction sector– CSREurope and NPOs network National report for each country (Hungary, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Italy) Analysis of normative context in the sector on the 4 BRC CSR dimensions Analysis of economic trends and characteristics in the construction sector (Euroconstruct Country Report) Analysis of the state of the art of CSR BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Qualitative interviews Objectives: to gain an overall overview of the construction sector thanks to the main stakeholders’ point of view; to find the perception of the operators within the sector with regard to the relationship between competitiveness (cost, price, other – relational advantage) and a CSR approach. Two pilot test Duration: 2 hours Total n.: 39 interviews Actors interviewed: companies (cooperative and industrial); public authorities; private customers; national company associations; trade unions; universities. BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Questionnaire contents Contextualization of the 4 CSR BRC dimensions with regard to Rimas’ study Personal data of people interviewed and organizations data Focus on each BRC CSR dimension: relevance potential competitiveness advantages most important advantages (cost, price, other – relational) in public procurement, private procurement and real estate markets best practices Public authorities and BRC CSR dimensions Main legislative reference frame on the BRC CSR dimension focus on the construction sector) Competitive expectations and CSR in each of the three market Most important stakeholder and formalized agreement BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Matrix for analysis *Please, in the last column give a level of importance among the three advantages mentioned. used for each of 4 BRC CSR dimensions (health&safety; equal opportunities; eco-compatibility; supply chain) BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Practices and Parameters BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Markets and avantages Please, cross out with “X” the boxes that correspond to real competitive advantages, with “XX” those that are particularly relevant. It is important to fill in the most relevant oxes; It is not compulsory to fill in all of them. *Please attribute a value to the different issues, giving 1 to the most important and 9 to the less. This part is very relevant for the research. Matrix for analysis used for each of 3 markets considered (public procurement; private procurement; real estate) BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Principal results (three markets) Similar trends for the three markets (public and private procurement, real estate) regarding Supply Chain (the most important with an average of over 52%), but… Public procurement: maximum advantage in health&safety (cost and others) Private procurement: maximum advantage in equal opportunity and h&s (price) Real estate: maximum advantage in eco-compatibility and Real estate: more frequent the crossing between maximun value for CSR topics and maximum value for competitive advantage BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Most important issues Environment: particularly relevant for customer relation, perceived as an important topic but as insert in a more wide context of environmental awareness Training: is the topic considered most connected to cost benefits Significant perception of the “socio-economic development” benefit, connected to many CSR topics: Health & Safety: considered an important topic without direct competitive benefits (no valorization of good behaviours) Brybery & corruption: considered as the most important topic for the “capital acquirement” benefit Sustainability supply chain: considered a fundamental topic for the sector but without relevance from a competitive point of view, because of the legislative context BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
PHASE 1 – Other principal results Gender equality: despite of a strong and evident discrimination, is considered not relevant at all for the sector Level of CSR diffusion: is confirmed that there are few big companies that present a strategic CSR approach is confirmed that there are many small and medium enterprises that work in irregular or illegal conditions are finded many small and medium enterprises interested only in some CSR topic, but not necessary socially responsible at all. BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
QUESTIONNAIRE PRINCIPAL RESULTS Competitive expectations and CSR issues BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
QUESTIONNAIRE PRINCIPAL RESULTS Focus on each BRC CSR dimension BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
QUESTIONNAIRE PRINCIPAL RESULTS Most important advantages BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
QUESTIONNAIRE PRINCIPAL RESULTS - Global BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness
THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR– main features BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness characterized by an intense action of legal standard and technical specification (Eurocodes, Directives on building products 89/106, health and safety in building sites 57/92, on Public Procurement 17 and ) combines backward and innovative aspects on a planning and organization level for all sorts of construction enterprises Innovative sector in its peculiar contracting, productive and work articulation (see also the European Parliament Resolution on “The Social Responsibility of subcontracting undertakings in production chains” adopted by the European Parliament on 26 March 2009)
BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness Quality and responsibility do not concern only Construction Enterprises, but also Developer and Real Estate operators, Contracting Authorities, professional technicians, suppliers, subcontractor, other Public and Private bodies. The social dialogue has promoted activities in the field of sectorial responsibility that, on one hand, limit the adoption of social responsible behaviours by enterprises but, on the other, strengthen the efficiency of stakeholder (through bilateral bodies) In this sector the Public Authority is a rule-maker but also a promoter and a buyer: it can decide to buy or promote Green and Social procurement. THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR– main actors
BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness SRPP – Buying Social in Public Procurement Employment Opportunities Decent Work Social Inclusion SMEs Accessibility and Design for all Fair or Ethical Trade Adherence to SR Assisting compliance with social and Labour Law Stimolating socially-conscious markets Demostrating socially-responsive governance Addressing issues about markets Stimulating integration More effective public expenditure, buying social standards New Social Standards and Best value for Money
BRC project - Building Responsible Competitiveness THE CONSTRUCTION SECTOR– Which social responsibility? Ethic codes (bribery and corruption, labour rights, etc) Subcontract (extension and sustainability of supply chain, cooperation and loyalty among different enterprises, labour rights) Green and social behaviour in Public and Private Procurement (buying social and green) Sectorial social responsibility, social dialogue and bilateral bodies (Labour rights, Health and Safety, Training and Education) Competitive advantages (Gender opportunities, Eco- compatibility, Local or sectorial education and development) with Socially Responsible Buyers.
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