Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program S. Nicole Frey, Ben C. West, David Drake
What is the Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Program 4-H program designed to teach young people: – wildlife management – conservation – leadership – communication – stewardship
WHEP One of the most visible 4-H programs across the Nation Conducted at local, state, regional and national levels Began in the 1980s as a state 4-H program in Tennessee. Young adults years of age
Involvement Won Wildlife Society’s Conservation Education award in states involved 100 youth per state Teaching our future leaders
Identifying Common Wildlife Foods
Practices to Improve Wildlife Habitat
Interpreting Wildlife Habitat aerial photos oral explanation
Rural Management Plan Interpreting Wildlife Habitat
Urban Management Plan Interpreting Wildlife Habitat
New Places, New People
The Process 1. Teams 2. Local 3. State 4. Region 5. Nation
Lessons Learned 16 states participated in a survey at last year’s National Competition 21 teams per year at National Competition Coaches had been involved for 7.5 years Had been coaches for 7 years
Lessons Learned 100 participants annually Youth pursued NR management careers Coaches involved because: important learning opportunity for youth, their own children were involved, enjoyed wildlife and wanted to share this enthusiasm
Impacts Teamwork Improved oral communications Improved written communications Interpersonal/social skills Decision making Leadership skills
Impacts Youth feel it improved their understanding of conservation and management Enjoyed meeting new people from different places Improves knowledge of their country Helped understanding of what happens in the world