Leadership that builds the local church Chris Parsons NLC 2012
“God wants his church back!”
It’s about… Empowerment of the whole body Mobilisation for mission Discipleship that is demonstrated functionally rather than just intellectually Learning to be facilitators of the church Not drifting back to old models….
This is a spiritual task! It involves everyone! The Senior Pastors Staff Members Ministry Coordinators Ministry Team Leaders House Group Leaders and teams Trustees Congregations who serve on teams
Identifying seven principles
1. Taking personal responsibility Modelling what we want Changing our leadership approach as our team and the church grows Giving ministry away - releases people and teaches a model Developing a team approach to almost everything - discipleship
2. Building good infrastructure That is appropriate to the task That can continue to develop organically That is understood! That involves everyone That honours everyone’s contribution
A possible House Group structure Example 1
A possible ministry team structure Example 2
3. Building teams I R T D M N R is for identify is for recruit is for train is for deploy is for monitor is for nurture is for release Remember to go through the WHOLE process!
13 Team Triangle Tasks Vision Relationships Tired Burn out Disillusioned Not moving forward Strained Lacking direction Too much of X causes symptom Y so move clockwise 4. Staying motivated
5. The importance of vision A big vision helps people see where they fit. Where do we communicate this? A people focus reminds us what business we’re in. Serving on a team has a powerful discipling function not just getting the job done! Being counter intuitive - multiplying not reducing serving opportunities! Teaching what we want to see - looking at the ‘dials’.
Some of our dials Serving GivingAttending House GroupsChurchEvents
6. Being clear about boundaries Between different leadership roles (e.g. trustee and pastoral) Between Ministry leaders and Team leaders (e.g. not being too prescriptive) Between leaders and friends (e.g. being clear about expectations)
7. Working through leaders How many leaders have you got in your church? Building a healthy ratio… Most churches stay small because of this issue Leadership development is critical in developing a small church from