LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 1 December 2007 Presentation of Findings from Research Around Development in Teton County LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS.


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Presentation transcript:

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 1 December 2007 Presentation of Findings from Research Around Development in Teton County LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS

2 Methodology

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 3 Methodology Lake Research Partners designed and administered this survey which was conducted by phone using professional interviewers. The survey reached 400 registered voters 18 years and older in Teton County, WY. The survey was conducted between November 15 and November 19, Telephone numbers for the sample were drawn randomly from a voter file in Teton County, WY. Data were weighted slightly by gender, party identification, age, education and region to reflect the attributes of the actual population of registered voters. The margin of error is +/- 4.9%.


LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 5 Key Findings  Growth is a significant issue to Teton County voters. Majorities express concern around both the amount and rate of growth in Teton County.  On par with two years ago, voters place a great deal of importance on preserving open space in the county.  There is a strong consensus that Teton County’s resources are a local and national treasure that must be protected, the town of Jackson should maintain its unique character, that it is a community first then a resort, and that high-end development should not crowd out affordable housing.  As the county moves into the future, Teton County voters believe maintaining and enhancing environmental quality, including air and water quality, is the top priority. Sizeable majorities also place as high priorities setting aside scenic vistas and wildlife habitat, maintaining outdoor recreation and adventure opportunities, offering a variety of housing types, especially for resident workers, and promoting economic sustainability that does not depend on population growth.  When thinking about elements of the updated Comprehensive Plan, voters believe it is most important to address wildlife preservation, followed closely by preserving community character, open space preservation, and the rate of growth.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 6  Voters say the following goals would have to be met before they would approve a development plan – must provide affordable housing, must preserve wildlife habitat and migration corridors, and must preserve open space.  Affordable housing is a major issue to voters, though when asked to consider trade-offs, habitat preservation and preserving open space take precedence. They believe affordable housing should be available for a variety of workers, not just emergency service workers.  Voters split between the desire to cap growth in the county versus slowing the rate of growth. They do believe affordable housing should be provided within an overall growth limit, not through additional density. They think there should be a cap on the number of resort developments rather than building more resorts.  Voters across most demographic groups net support more development and population density in Jackson if it means there would be less development and density in Teton County, limiting growth in Jackson due to its proximity to the Grand Tetons, and annexing and developing land adjacent to Jackson if an equal amount of land elsewhere in the County is preserved from development.  There is much less agreement across demographic groups around more development and population density in Jackson when it is not specified that there will be less development and density in Teton County. There is also less agreement around annexing and developing land when it is not specified that an equal amount of land elsewhere in the county is preserved from development. Key Findings

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 7  Majorities of roughly six in ten express willingness to pay $200 more in taxes per year for purchasing open space to ensure wildlife habitat protection and pathways – a significant finding considering how tax averse voters tend to be in many areas of the country. Additionally, narrow majorities are willing to pay $200 more for building more affordable housing and expanding highways and improving roads.  Support for a tax increase drops off when it is increased, with the exception of paying more for affordable housing. While only half of the electorate expresses willingness to pay more in taxes for this purpose, there does not appear to be a difference in asking voters to pay $200 more versus $500 more in taxes.  Voters agree that maintaining the existing character of Jackson will keep the town as the heart of the county.  Nearly half of voters say two-story buildings best represent the desired character of downtown Jackson and a third say three-story buildings. Few would like to see bigger buildings. Women, longer term residents, and those living in Jackson are most supportive of maintaining the two-story building standard.  Teton County voters feel that buildings with landscaping and set backs are most appropriate for development outside the Jackson town square. Key Findings


LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 9 Strategic Summary Attitudes on Growth in Teton County  The rate of growth and development and affordable housing top voters’ list of concerns regarding Teton County. Voters across demographic groups place rate of growth and affordable housing at the top of their lists of concerns.  Majorities express concern around both the amount and rate of growth in Teton County. Additionally, majorities across most demographic groups are concerned about the rate and amount of growth. Younger women and shorter term Teton residents are less likely to express concern around the rate of growth and men and Republicans are less concerned than others about the amount of growth.  Strong majorities place a great deal of importance on preserving open space in the county. This is consistent with findings from two years ago. Women and Democrats express most intensity around open space.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 10 Strategic Summary Teton County Now and the Vision for the Future  Strong majorities agree that Teton County’s resources are a local and national treasure that must be protected, the town of Jackson should maintain its unique character, that it is a community first then a resort, and that high-end development should not crowd out affordable housing.  There is a strong consensus across demographic groups around protecting the county’s resources and the town’s small-town feel, making the county a community first, and that high-end development should not dominate the area.  As the county moves into the future, half of Teton County voters believe maintaining and enhancing environmental quality, including air and water quality, is the top priority.  Sizeable majorities also place as high priorities setting aside scenic vistas and wildlife habitat, maintaining outdoor recreation and adventure opportunities, offering a variety of housing types, especially for resident workers, and promoting economic sustainability that does not depend on population growth.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 11 Strategic Summary Comprehensive Plan  Teton County voters are most supportive of a development plan providing affordable housing and preserving wildlife habitat and open space.  When thinking about elements of the updated Comprehensive Plan, voters place greatest importance on wildlife preservation, followed closely by preserving community character, open space preservation, and the rate of growth. Voters respond with least intensity around the importance of economic development as a components of the updated plan.  When given a number of trade-off situations to consider, by wide margins voters say critical wildlife habitat and open space preservation should trump building more affordable housing.  Voters prefer providing affordable housing for a variety of workers rather than just for emergency service workers. They also tend to prefer that this affordable housing exist with an overall growth limit instead of allowing additional density.  They split between capping overall growth versus slowing the rate of growth. They lean toward favoring building more roads and widening existing highways over a cap on growth. They strongly prefer capping the number of resort developments over building more developments.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 12 Proposals  Majorities support more development and population density in Jackson if it means less development and density in the County and limiting growth in Jackson due to its proximity to the Grand Teton National Park.  Voters across most demographic groups net support more development and population density in Jackson if it means there would be less development and density in Teton County, limiting growth in Jackson due to its proximity to the Grand Tetons, and annexing and developing land adjacent to Jackson if an equal amount of land elsewhere in the County is preserved from development.  There is much less agreement across demographic groups around more development and population density in Jackson when it is not specified that there will be less development and density in Teton County. There is also less agreement around annexing and developing land when it is not specified that an equal amount of land elsewhere in the county is preserved from development. Strategic Summary

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 13 Proposals  Majorities of roughly six in ten express willingness to pay $200 more in taxes per year for purchasing open space to ensure wildlife habitat protection and pathways. Narrow majorities are willing to pay more for building more affordable housing and expanding highways and improving roads. Intensity is strongest around habitat protection and pathways, though it is relatively limited across the board.  Willingness to pay $500 more in taxes per year is substantially lower for purchasing open space to ensure that critical wildlife habitat is protected, pathways, and highway expansion and road improvement.  Voters do not appear to draw a large distinction between paying $200 and $500 for building more affordable housing, though in either case only roughly half of voters say they favor this proposal. Strategic Summary

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 14 Jackson as the Heart of Teton County  Voters agree that maintaining the existing character of Jackson will keep the town as the heart of the county.  Nearly half of voters say two-story buildings best represent the desired character of downtown Jackson and a third say three-story buildings. Few would like to see bigger buildings. There is an interesting gender divide on this issue, with women significantly more likely to favor two-story buildings and men split in their preference for two or three-story buildings. Jackson and longer term residents are more likely to favor the two-story option.  Two-thirds of voters feel that buildings with landscaping and set backs are most appropriate for development outside the Jackson town square. Majorities across demographic groups concur. Strategic Summary

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 15 Attitudes on Growth in Teton County Majorities express concern around both the amount and rate of growth in Teton County. On par with two years ago, voters place a great deal of importance on preserving open space in the county.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 16 The rate of growth and development and affordable housing top voters’ list of concerns regarding Teton County. I am going to read you a list of concerns that some people have. Thinking about Teton County, please tell me which one of these concerns you most. Voters across demographic groups place rate of growth and affordable housing at the top of their lists of concerns. Voters who identify affordable housing as their top issue include: Younger and college- educated women, Democratic women, younger Republicans*, voters who have lived in Teton County for ten years or less, and Jackson residents. *Note small sample size

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 17 How concerned are you about the rate of growth in Teton County today?* How concerned are you about the amount of growth in Teton County today?* *Split sampled question Three-quarters of voters express at least some concern about both the rate of growth and the amount of growth in Teton County, with strong majorities expressing intense concern. 76% 78%

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 18 Voters across most demographic groups express concern over both the amount and rate of growth in Teton County. *Note small sample size  Majorities across most demographic groups are concerned about the rate and amount of growth.  Women under 50* and those living in Teton County 10 years or less* are the only groups to be less or not concerned about the rate of growth (net –7 points and –16 points respectively).  Groups that are net unconcerned about the amount of growth include: Men (-13) and Republicans (-8).  The language of “rate of growth” raises more concerns among men, Republicans, and those who live outside the Jackson town limits than when they hear “amount of growth.” Similarly, the language of “amount of growth” raises more concern than “rate of growth” among women, voters under 40* and ages 50 to 64,* and those who live in Jackson.*

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS How important is it to you personally to preserve open space in Teton County – extremely important, very important, somewhat important, a little important, or not important at all? A strong majority of voters place a significant degree of importance on preserving open space in the County. Attitudes are similar to two years ago. 86% 90%

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 20 Generally, women and Democrats think it is extremely important to preserve open space in the county. *Note small sample size  Voters who believe it is extremely important to preserve open space include:  Women (43 percent extremely important)  Democratic women (55 percent)*  Strong Democrats (54 percent)  Older Democrats (53 percent)*  College educated women (50 percent)

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 21 Teton County Now and the Vision for the Future Three quarters of voters strongly agree that Teton County’s resources are a local and national treasure that must be protected. Half of Teton County voters believe maintaining and enhancing environmental quality, including air and water quality, is the top priority.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 22 Now let me read you some statements and I want you to tell me if you agree or disagree with each one. [If agree/disagree, Ask: Is that strongly/not so strongly agree/disagree?] Teton County’s wildlife and scenic resources are a local and national treasure Strong majorities agree that Teton County’s resources are a local and national treasure that must be protected, that the town of Jackson should maintain its unique character, that it is a community first and a resort second, and that high-end development should not crowd out affordable housing Agree – disagree 59 The town of Jackson should maintain its unique small-town, Western character Teton County is a community first and a resort second High-end development should not dominate the community at the expense of affordable housing for permanent residents

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 23 There is a strong consensus across demographic groups around protecting the county’s resources and the town’s small-town feel, making the county a community first, and that high-end development should not dominate the area.  At least six in ten voters across demographic groups strongly agree that the county’s wildlife and scenic resources are local and national treasures that we are responsible for protecting. There is greatest intensity among college-educated women (82 percent strongly agree) and strong Democrats (90 percent).  By wide margins, voters across demographic groups net agree that Jackson should maintain its unique small-town, Western character, that Teton County is a community first and a resort second, and high-end development should not dominate the community at the expense of affordable housing for permanent residents.  Women are particularly likely to agree that Jackson should maintain its small-town character (64 percent strongly agree; 50 percent among men). Women also express particular intensity around the idea that high-end development should not dominate the community (59 percent to 47 percent among men). Intensity is even higher among college-educated women (66 percent).

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 24 Jackson town residents express particular agreement around maintaining small-town character and not letting high-end development dominate.  Those who identify as living inside the Jackson town limits express greater intensity than other voters around the town maintaining its small-town character (62 percent strongly agree to 54 percent), being a community first and a resort second (62 percent to 52 percent) and that high-end development should not dominate the community (60 percent to 50 percent).  Additionally, Democrats are more likely than Republicans and independents to strongly agree that the county’s wildlife and scenic resources are local and national treasures that we are responsible for protecting (86 percent strongly agree to 65 percent and 72 percent) and that high-end development should not dominate the community (67 percent to 42 percent and 46 percent).  However, Republicans are most likely to express intensity around the idea that Teton County should maintain its small-town western character (64 percent strongly agree to 52 percent among Democrats).

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 25 Now let me read you some statements around the vision for Teton County as it moves into the future. For each, please tell me what priority you place on each one for Teton County – top priority, high priority, somewhat of a priority, a little priority or no priority at all? We should maintain and enhance environmental quality, including air and water quality As the county moves into the future, half of Teton County voters believe maintaining and enhancing environmental quality, including air and water quality, is the top priority. Strong majorities rate each of these as high priorities. We should set aside scenic vistas and wildlife habitat We should maintain outdoor recreation and adventure opportunities We should offer a variety of housing types, especially for resident workers We should promote economic sustainability that does not depend on population growth

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 26 Women are more likely than men to identify these as top priorities, but both groups focus on environmental quality as a top priority. Now let me read you some statements around the vision for Teton County as it moves into the future. For each, please tell me what priority you place on each one for Teton County – top priority, high priority, somewhat of a priority, a little priority or no priority at all? Percent Saying “Top Priority”

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 27 Younger and older voters respond similarly across most dimensions, though younger voters place somewhat more importance on maintaining outdoor recreation opportunities. Now let me read you some statements around the vision for Teton County as it moves into the future. For each, please tell me what priority you place on each one for Teton County – top priority, high priority, somewhat of a priority, a little priority or no priority at all? Percent Saying “Top Priority” Voters under 40 show slightly more concern around outdoor opportunities and housing types.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 28 Level of education is also an indicator of how high of a priority the statements should be as Teton County moves into the future. More educated voters place them as higher priorities than less educated voters, although for both groups environmental quality is a top priority. Now let me read you some statements around the vision for Teton County as it moves into the future. For each, please tell me what priority you place on each one for Teton County – top priority, high priority, somewhat of a priority, a little priority or no priority at all? Percent Saying “Top Priority”

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 29 Democrats are more likely than Independents or Republicans to feel that maintaining and enhancing environmental quality, setting aside scenic vistas, and offering a variety of housing types should be the top priority for the plan. Now let me read you some statements around the vision for Teton County as it moves into the future. For each, please tell me what priority you place on each one for Teton County – top priority, high priority, somewhat of a priority, a little priority or no priority at all? Percent Saying “Top Priority”

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 30 Comprehensive Plan When thinking about elements of the updated Comprehensive Plan, voters place greatest importance on wildlife preservation, followed closely by preserving community character, open space preservation, and the rate of growth.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 31 Wildlife preservation Preserving community character Open space preservation Rate of growth in the county Preserving existing neighborhoods As you may or may not know, the County Commission is currently in the process of updating the Teton County Comprehensive Plan. I am going to read you a list of some issues that the updated Comprehensive Plan may address. For each item, please tell me if you think it is extremely important to address, very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important at all for the Plan to address. When thinking about elements of the updated Comprehensive Plan, voters believe it is most important to address wildlife preservation, followed closely by preserving community character, open space preservation, and the rate of growth.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 32 Controlling resort development Traffic congestion/ roads Building more affordable housing Economic development Growth limits As you may or may not know, the County Commission is currently in the process of updating the Teton County Comprehensive Plan. I am going to read you a list of some issues that the updated Comprehensive Plan may address. For each item, please tell me if you think it is extremely important to address, very important, somewhat important, not too important, or not important at all for the Plan to address. Voters place on a lower tier resort development, traffic congestion, affordable housing, growth limits, and economic development as areas to be addressed by the Comprehensive Plan.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 33 Most components of the Comprehensive plan resonate across demographic groups. Voters across demographic groups rate as net important each of the plan components tested, with the exception of economic development. Groups that feel economic development is net less important include:  Men (net –6 points less important), men over 50 (-21), college-educated women (-4), Democratic men* (-9), those who have lived in the county more than 20 years (-6), and those who say they live outside Jackson (-7).  Women place greater importance than men on wildlife preservation, preserving community character, open space preservation, the rate of growth, preserving existing neighborhoods, controlling resort development, and growth limits on the number of housing and lodging units.  Democrats express greater intensity than Republicans around wildlife preservation, open space preservation, the rate of growth, preserving existing neighborhoods, controlling resort development, building more affordable housing, and growth limits on the number of housing and lodging units. *Note small sample size

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 34 Teton County voters are most supportive of a development plan providing affordable housing and preserving wildlife habitat and open space. If you were on the planning commission and had to approve a development, which two of the following goals would you insist the development meet before you would give your approval? (Up to two responses accepted)

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 35 Preserve critical wildlife habitat and wildlife migration corridors OR Build more affordable housing* 1 st strongly1 st not so strongly2 nd strongly2 nd not so strongly *Split sampled question When given a number of trade-off situations to consider, by wide margins voters say critical wildlife habitat preservation and preserving more open space should trump building more affordable housing. Preserve more open space OR Build more affordable housing* Updating the Comprehensive Plan will involve some trade-offs. I am going to read you some possible trade-offs and as I read each pair, please tell me which one you think should be given greater priority. [Should the FIRST or SECOND item be given greater priority in the updated Comprehensive Plan? Do you feel strongly about that, or not so strongly] Voters across demographic groups favor preserving habitat and open space over building more affordable housing. Women, voters over 50, Democrats, and long term county residents express particular intensity around preserving habitat.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 36 Provide affordable housing in the Valley for a variety of workers OR Provide affordable housing in the Valley for emergency service workers 1 st strongly1 st not so strongly2 nd strongly2 nd not so strongly Voters prefer providing affordable housing for a variety of workers rather than just for emergency service workers. They also tend to prefer that this affordable housing exist with an overall growth limit instead of allowing additional density. Provide affordable housing by allowing additional development density OR Provide affordable housing within an overall growth limit Updating the Comprehensive Plan will involve some trade-offs. I am going to read you some possible trade-offs and as I read each pair, please tell me which one you think should be given greater priority. [Should the FIRST or SECOND item be given greater priority in the updated Comprehensive Plan? Do you feel strongly about that, or not so strongly]

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 37 Opinions are fairly consistent across demographic groups.  Voters across demographic groups favor providing affordable housing for a variety of workers rather than for just emergency service workers.  Most demographic groups side with the idea of providing affordable housing within an overall growth limit rather than by allowing additional development density. The exceptions are voters ages 40-49, women under 50, and Republicans under 50*, who favor additional density. *Note small sample size

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 38 Cap overall growth in the Valley OR Slow the rate of growth in the Valley* 1 st strongly1 st not so strongly 2 nd strongly 2 nd not so strongly *Split sampled question Voters split between capping overall growth versus slowing the rate of growth. They lean toward favoring building more roads and widening existing highways over a cap on growth. Updating the Comprehensive Plan will involve some trade-offs. I am going to read you some possible trade-offs and as I read each pair, please tell me which one you think should be given greater priority. [Should the FIRST or SECOND item be given greater priority in the updated Comprehensive Plan? Do you feel strongly about that, or not so strongly] Widen existing highways and build more roads OR Cap overall growth in the Valley*

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 39  Many groups are fairly split between capping and slowing growth in the county. Groups that favor capping overall growth include non college-educated voters (+10 points), Republicans (+4), and those who have lived in the county for more than 20 years (+5).  Most groups prefer building roads and widening highways over capping overall growth in the county, with the exception of non college-educated men* (net –10), college-educated women* (-4), those who have lived in the county 11 to 20 years* (-9), and those who say they live within the Jackson limits (-11). *Note small sample size

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 40 Build more resort developments OR Place a cap on the number of resort developments Voters strongly prefer capping the number of resort developments over building more developments. Updating the Comprehensive Plan will involve some trade-offs. I am going to read you some possible trade-offs and as I read each pair, please tell me which one you think should be given greater priority. [Should the FIRST or SECOND item be given greater priority in the updated Comprehensive Plan? Do you feel strongly about that, or not so strongly] 1 st strongly1 st not so strongly 2 nd strongly 2 nd not so strongly

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 41  Majorities of all groups, except Republican men, younger Republicans*, net favor a cap on the number of resort developments. Those who respond with greatest intensity include:  Women (61 percent strongly support capping resort development),  Women over 50 (66 percent),  College-educated women (62 percent),  Democrats (68 percent), particularly Democratic women* (71 percent), and  Long term residents (61 percent). *Note small sample size

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 42 Proposals Majorities support more development and population density in Jackson if it means less development and density in the County and limiting growth in Jackson due to its proximity to the Grand Teton National Park. Majorities express willingness to pay $200 more in taxes per year for purchasing open space to ensure wildlife habitat protection, pathways, building more affordable housing and expanding highways and improving roads. Willingness to pay $500 in taxes for these uses is significantly lower, except around housing.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 43 More development/population density in Jackson, less in Teton County* Limit Jackson growth due to closeness to Grand Teton National Park Annex, develop land near Jackson* Annex, develop land in Jackson, preserve equal amount of County land* More development/population density in Jackson* Please tell me if you favor or oppose each of the following proposals. (If favor/oppose, ask: Do you strongly or somewhat favor/oppose?) *Split sampled question Majorities support more development and population density in Jackson if it means less development and density in the County and limiting growth in Jackson due to its proximity to the Grand Teton National Park.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 44 Opinion is fairly consistent across groups.  Voters across most demographic groups net support more development and population density in Jackson if it means there would be less development and density in Teton County, limiting growth in Jackson due to its proximity to the Grand Tetons, and Annexing and developing land adjacent to Jackson if an equal amount of land elsewhere in the County is preserved from development.  There is much less agreement across demographic groups around more development and population density in Jackson when it is not specified that there will be less development and density in Teton County. There is also less agreement around annexing and developing land when it is not specified that an equal amount of land elsewhere in the county is preserved from development.  Those who most intensely favor more development and population density in Jackson if it means there would be less development and density in Teton County include:  Men (40 percent strongly favor), college-educated men* (55 percent), and Democrats (46 percent). *Note small sample size

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 45 Purchasing open space to ensure that critical wildlife habitat is protected Build more affordable housing in Teton Co. Highway expansion and road improvement Pathways Now I have a few questions on a different topic. If someone proposed a tax increase of 200 dollars per taxpayer per year to provide funds for specific uses in Teton [TEE-TAHN] County, tell me how willing you would be to pay more taxes for each of the following -- very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing.* *Split sampled question Majorities of roughly six in ten express willingness to pay $200 more in taxes per year for purchasing open space to ensure wildlife habitat protection and pathways. Narrow majorities are willing to pay more for building more affordable housing and expanding highways and improving roads. Intensity is strongest around habitat protection and pathways, though it is relatively limited across the board.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 46 Now I have a few questions on a different topic. If someone proposed a tax increase of 500 dollars per taxpayer per year to provide funds for specific uses in Teton [TEE-TAHN] County, tell me how willing you would be to pay more taxes for each of the following -- very willing, somewhat willing, not very willing, or not at all willing.* *Split sampled question Purchasing open space to ensure that critical wildlife habitat is protected Build more affordable housing in Teton Co. Pathways Highway expansion and road improvement Willingness to pay $500 more in taxes per year is substantially lower for purchasing open space to ensure that critical wildlife habitat is protected, pathways, and highway expansion and road improvement. Voters split over willingness to pay more for habitat protection, affordable housing, and pathways, while majorities are unwilling to pay this amount for highway expansion and roads.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 47  Men express greater willingness than women to pay $200 more in taxes to support pathways (63 percent willing to 55 percent), while women are more willing than men to pay more for building more affordable housing (56 percent to 48 percent).  Support tends to drop off across most demographic groups when the proposed tax is increased from $200 to $500 per year. Paying more to build more affordable housing is one exception with some demographic groups. Voters who maintain, or even increase their support for this policy include:  Men (48 percent willing to pay $200; 50 percent willing to pay $500),  Democrats* (52 percent; 61 percent), and  Those who identify as living within Jackson (52 percent; 56 percent). *Note small sample size

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 48 Jackson as the Heart of Teton County Voters agree that maintaining the existing character of Jackson will keep the town as the heart of the county.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 49 Voters agree that maintaining the existing character of Jackson will keep the town as the heart of the county. On a different topic – The Comprehensive Plan refers to the town of Jackson as the Heart of Teton County. Which of the following descriptions of the town as the heart of the county do you agree with most? There is agreement across demographic groups, except among Democratic women*, who say the town is the cultural and social hub of the county.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 50 Nearly half of voters say two-story buildings best represent the desired character of downtown Jackson and a third say three-story buildings. Few would like to see bigger buildings. Historically, buildings in Jackson have been two stories tall, but re-development in the past seven years has included three story buildings. What height do you think best represents the desired character for downtown Jackson?

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 51 Women, longer term residents, and those living in Jackson are most supportive of maintaining the two- story building standard. There is a significant gender divide on this issue, with 56 percent of women favoring two-story buildings, while men are more split between two-story buildings (38 percent) and three-story buildings (34 percent). There is little difference along partisan lines, with Democrats, independents, and Republicans all favoring the two-story option. Shorter term residents tend to find three-story buildings acceptable (42 percent three-story; 35 percent two-story), while longer term residents favor two-story buildings. Jackson residents are more likely than those living outside Jackson to favor two-story buildings (51 percent to 43 percent).

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 52 Two-thirds of voters feel that buildings with landscaping and set backs are most appropriate for development outside the Jackson town square. The town square has traditionally had buildings built from lot line to lot line, while outside of the town square buildings are built with landscaping and set backs. Which type of development do you think is more appropriate for outside the town square? Majorities across demographic groups say landscaping and set backs are most appropriate for development outside the town limits.

LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS 53 December 2007 Presentation of Findings from Research Around Development in Teton County LAKE RESEARCH PARTNERS