IAA Health Section AGM Emile Stipp Chairman Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong
AGM AGENDA Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Welcome Chairman’s report, including Committee membership Secretary and Treasurer’s report The way forward General
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong When looking back at our AGM in Cape Town, at ICA 2010, one of the defining features of the period under review is the growth in membership: – From 399 in 2010 – To 600+ now Much of this growth is attributable to our programme of webcasts
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Webcasts offered so far: – Microinsurance (Dr David Dror) – Stochastic Modelling for Health Actuaries, sponsored by Milliman (James Stolzfus, Andrew Dalton, Richard Kipp) – Risk Adjustment: lessons learned in 3 countries (John Armstrong, Heather McLeod) – The Impact of Gender Equalisation on the EU Health Insurance Industry, sponsored by RGA (Peter Banthorpe and Emile Stipp)
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Webcasts offered so far: – Health Insurers and Solvency II, sponsored by PWC (Andreas Sanner and Julia Schüller) – Drivers of utilisation increases in health care claims around the world, sponsored by Milliman (Joanne Buckle, Pang-Hsiang Chye, Simon Moody, Eduardo Lara and Luis Maldonado) Webcast are available for downloading on the website
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Other activities: – Organising this Colloquium – Participating in the IAA Task Force on The Role of the Actuary (in healthcare) – Updated the Rules of the Section and submitted it to IAAHS members and IAA Council for approval – Providing content for, and attending, several international conferences in Seoul (South Korea), Mumbai (India), Kunming (China), Newport (Wales)
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong IAAHS Section Rules – It has been necessary to update them in order to make them more in line with the updated IAA Statutes and Internal Regulations, and other sections’ rule. – Distributed to IAAHS members on March 9, 2012 – Motion to approve the amended the IAAHS Section rules
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong The current IAAHS Committee: – Chairman: Emile Stipp (South Africa) – Secretary and Treasurer: Yair Babad (USA / Israel) – Members: Cheng Hock Chi (Singapore), April Choi (USA), Claude Ferguson (Canada), Andrew Gale (Australia), Froylan Puente (Mexico), Eduardo Lara (Mexico), Ermanno Pitacco (Italy), Sheree Swanson (USA), Dan Skwire (USA) – IAA appointed members: Ulrich Stellmann (Germany), Junichi Sakamoto (Japan)
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong The current IAAHS Committee: – The following members’ terms expire as of this meeting: Yair Babad Claude Ferguson – Sincere thanks to both Claude and Yair for their enormous contribution to the Section over the years. – Yair, as Secretary and Treasurer for the last number of years, has worked tirelessly to ensure that the wheels keep turning
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Appointment of the new Secretary and Treasurer: – April Choi has agreed to accept the nomination of Secretary – Cheng Hock Chi has agreed to accept the nomination of Treasurer Ratify decision to appoint April Choi as Secretary and Cheng Hock Chi as Treasurer of the IAAHS
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Dino Mon Vasquez, a Committee member from Panama, resigned in February 2012 We have three IAAHS members who accepted nominations to be on the Committee: – Denis Garand, from Canada, who was a Topic Team leader for microinsurance until now – Wang Wenliang (Richard), from China, a member of the Section and Associate of the American Society of Actuaries – Adrian Baskir, from United Kingdom, who was President of the Actuarial Society of South Africa
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong CVs of the proposed Committee members presented in more detail Ratify decision to elect Denis Garand, Richard Wang and Adrian Baskir to the Committee
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Topic Team Leaders: – Long Term Care (Allen Schmitz) – Microinsurance for Health (Lisa Morgan and Denis Garand) – Critical Illness (Bill Baker). Sue Elliott has resigned after many years of leading this Topic Team – sincere thanks to Sue! – Income Protection (Dan Skwire) – Medical Expense (Ulrich Stellmann)
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Topic Team Leaders: – Risk Adjustment (Sheree Swanson) – Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicine (Heather McLeod) – Health Risk Capital and Risk Management (Ulrich Stellmann and Claude Ferguson) – Comparative Health Systems (Eduardo Lara and Cheng Hock Chi)
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong A huge thank you to all the Committee members and Topic Team leaders, who have made it possible for us to present an interesting programme at this Colloquium, and who have sourced webcast speakers Thank you also to the IAA Secretariat, and Christian Levac in particular, for all the support and help
SECRETARY AND TREASURER’S REPORT Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Highlights: – New Rules submitted to Council – Membership at 600+ at last count – Assets at $ – Retained earnings at $ in 2011 – This allows us to also offer non-sponsored webcasts and, in future, hopefully also contribute to bursaries for actuaries from developing countries to attend Congresses and Conferences
THE WAY FORWARD Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong We will continue to seek out interesting webcast topics and good speakers 8 sessions from the Hong Kong Colloquium will be video recorded and made available to members If you have any suggestions, please let us know We will also work hard on putting together an extensive Health programme for the International Congress of Actuaries in Washington in 2014 Hope to see you all there!
GENERAL Joint IACA, IAAHS and PBSS Colloquium in Hong Kong Any questions? Any suggestions?