Class Officer Political Statements Know Their Positions Before You Cast Your Vote! 2014-2015 Election Year
Running for Secretary-Samiah Leggett I would like to become secretary of the student council because I believe I should become more involved in school activities, I would like voice my opinions based off the school population, and I feel capable of holding such responsibilities as keeping records and accountability.
Running for Vice- President: Haley Guisinger I would like to engage the student body as a whole. I wish to encourage the students of RHHS to get involved with school functions and events, allowing everyone to be heard and have a say on any issue they deem important. Personally, I am concerned about the achievement gap within our district and would like to adress that head-on by inspiring students to aspire to accomplish even greater tasks than the ones they may have already established. As a student of Richmond Hill schools, I can relate to my peers and view issues within our scool system from multiple angles to aid in formulating efficient solutions. If I am chosen, I look forward to solving any discrepancies among students with the rest of my class. Thank you for considering my application; I hope you'll select me to be a class officer.
Running for Vice-President: Niles Marcela I would like to serve in a class officer position to take charge and become involved in activities that pertain to my peers and myself. If elected, I would complete duties with organization, responsibility, and motivation. The only way things can be done efficiently and successfully is if those trying are determined. I believe that I am well suited for the job.
Running for Vice-President: Madeline Castle I want to improve my student body from the inside out and inspire them to enjoy the opportunities high school has to offer.
Running for Secretary: Julee O’Keefe Navarro I would like to be a secretary because I’m good with organization and I work well with others. I may not be a good leader, but i am good at keeping the leaders focused and caught up with their work.
Running for Vice-President: Vivi Bayens I would like to represent the class of 2018 as their Vice President. I believe I qualify for this responsibility for a few reasons. First of all, I am an exceedingly dedicated person, and am willing to put forth whatever time it takes to make Richmond Hill High School a better place. I am also organized and responsible, and I can say in complete sincerity that I will do my best at all times to help out in whatever way possible. I have been captain of the middle school cheerleading team, so I am familiar with a leadership role and feel that I work well with others. Ultimately, my goal is to lead myself and my fellow class members to reach our full potential.
Running for Secretary: Tiaras Polite I want to serve as the Student Council Secretary so I can be a strong representation of the students. I am involved in many clubs and organizations. I've noticed that sometimes our ideas and opinions can go unheard. Because of this, I want to listen and voice the concerns of the clubs and the student body. As Student Council Secretary I would like to continue building a strong, organized council. I am a hard working, responsible, and dedicated team player. If elected, I will use these skills to have your voices heard. If elected I will create a 'suggestion box' where during homecoming students could suggest opinions and themes. Even though I will be a freshman in the upcoming school year, I want to create fun, entertaining ways to raise money for charities, clubs, organizations, and our school.
Running for President: Jake Hadley My name is Jacob Howell Hadley. I served as your secretary as a freshman and I'm here to lead my sophmore class into success. As president I plan to attend all student council meeting and to attend all events. I'm a trustworthy and reliable person to trust with the position as Sophmore class president as I hope to get the position to lead the class of 2017 into the best it can be.
Running for President: Ady Stubbendeck I would like to be president because I think it would be a great opportunity. I would support and listen to my fellow classmates.
Running for President: Ally Denius As class president I would make sure that each student is offered an opportunity to be involved in class events and have a chance to speak up and state ideas. Student collaboration is my goal, every student's idea should be out into one.
Running for Vice-President: Keira Petermann I would want to be a class officer because I think it will be a great experience to have in highschool. I'm dedicated to making sure that homecoming and all other activities would go smoothly and be as fun as possible.
Running for Vice-President: Zach Lathrop I am looking To change the sophomore class and lead them to success with my political partner jake Hadley. We are going to guide the class of 2017 in the right direction.
Running for Secretary: Lauren Hudson I want to run for class Secretary because I want to help our class be the best it can be.
Running for President: Jackie Buelow Hello, my name is Jackie Buelow and I have all the qualities you are looking for in a class president. I am honest, hardworking, and dedicated to making positive changes in our school. When you vote for me, you are voting for a person who will get things done. My goals include: making sure every junior enjoys their year, really listening to all your great ideas and then working nonstop to make sure they happen. I hope to make your junior year one all will enjoy and remember. So, let your worries go with Jackie Buelow!
Running for President: Jones Sanders Stephens Hi, i'm Jones Sanders Stephens (The First), and i would like to be your class president! Why you may ask? Because i'm good at coming up with good ideas and I will listen to any of your ideas as well! I want to make RHHS a better place and I want it to be fun as well! I also want to stop the war of terrorists on our school as well. I'm the hero RHHS deserves, but not the one it needs right ... Because i'm not your hero. I'm a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A...... Dark Knight. #Sanders4Prez
Running for President: Catherine Willis I dont want to make empty promises so let me tell you what I will try to do for our class and what I will do for our class. I will unite our class for the homecoming float, we have a lot of creative people who I know will enjoy and work well together to make our homecoming float the best our class has made yet. Im not scared to reach out to people, and never have been. What I will try to do is convince our school board to bring back wildcat pride time. I know a lot of students benefitted from those fourty free minutes of class to either do homework before practice to making up missed work for teachers. Being busy students and athletes I feel its necessary to have that extra time. Especially considering our Junior year is when we really have to start considerng the future, so please vote for me! #cat4prez :)
Running for Vice- President: Corrina Shimalla My name is Corinna Shimalla, and I would like to be Junior Class Vice-President to make this next year our best yet. I think I would be a perfect fit for the position because I boldly take initiative and passionately focus on my goals. I cannot wait to work side by side with the rest of our class officers to make a great float and a memorable prom for all of you. I hope you vote me for Vice President. Let’s make our junior year something to be proud of.
Running for Vice- President: Elisabeth Malloy As Vice President, my goal would be to help the entire class officer leadership meet all of our goals, and of course, to serve you guys. My job would be to collaborate with the President and make the coming year run smoothly and make it as fun as possible. I wish to help us upcoming upperclassmen have the most amazing next two years and to have all sorts of great experiences and make awesome memories. Let's go 2016!!
Running for Secretary: Alexis Arai I would like to be junior class secretary next year because I want to be more involved in the activities for our class. I am hard working, responsible, and a great listener. I want to help make junior year a great one. Thank you.
Running for Secretary: Veronica Thompson My name is Veronica Thompson and I am running for Junior Class Secretary of 2015. I have always been an all-A student and am a dedicated member of various clubs such as Beta Club and HOSA. I believe that I am perfect for the job of junior class secretary because I am very organized, punctual and will take great care to organize the meetings and take detailed notes. As a student, I did not hear very much about our student council and I plan to change this. I believe that this office should be run by the students and I will achieve this by getting your opinion. I will create a more inclusive student council and will diligently work to meet all of your needs or concerns. Thank you for considering me as your Junior Class Secretary.
Running for Treasurer: Abby Eichorn I think I would make a great treasurer for the upcoming junior class due to many reasons. The main reason being the fact that I am currently enrolled in the Business pathway, allowing me to know an abundant amount of information including assets and liabilities, both of which are important to know when running for treasurer. Another reason being I am responsible, and will get any work done in the appropriate time allotted.
Running for Treasurer: Rachel Hammesfahr Hi. My name is Rachel Hammesfahr and I am running for Junior Class Treasurer. I am perfect for this job because I am very organized and a well-rounded student. I am able to juggle not only school but two sports, four clubs, and three brothers! As your class treasurer I will make sure to keep detailed accounts of the finances and make sure our money is being spent where it is needed most. This school is all about the students, so I will always be open to any new opinions or suggestions. I plan to make this a great year for the class of 2016! Thank you for considering Rachel Hammesfahr as your Junior Class Treasurer.
Running for President- Mosha Patel Becoming Class President of Class of 2015 as always been a goal of mine. Getting to know the class as the whole, and understanding their needs was always on my mind as Junior Class President. I’ve gotten to comprehend their wants on a personal level as well as guidance they have given me to make senior year the greatest year for the best class. The major responsibilities include homecoming, Prom, and of course the many class reunions to come. Who else better then someone who has been through these experiences on making these events happen and know the behind the scenes of it all. I’ve gain many leadership qualities from all the extracurricular activities I partake in. This is no job for a slacker, especially when their class expects nothing but the finest. I also hope to include many senior gatherings for us to get closer and make this year worth it all! #PrezMosha2k15 #BringSeniorYearOn
Running for President- Ryan Skibiki I believe this school can and will be better than it needs to be through the use of our own students and our power as a community of people to be a mature group of young men and women. We are the future of America, though we are also the past of Richmond Hill High School. We can change this school for the future.
Running for Vice-President- Shirley Senefield As summer starts and you all head to the beach, my first year as VP will end. This past year has been an incredible success, full of experiences that brought us closer and helped me prepare to be a better Senior VP. All of you know Im very artsy and hardworking.. don't you want someone with these qualities in charge of your senior year? Its the most important year, and you need a VP with creative ideas and a work ethic to make homecoming, prom, grad bash, and graduation crazy exciting! A lazy VP will lead to a unmemorable senior year, so if you're ready to get pumped and make senior year rock, make the smart choice and reelect Shirley for VP.
Running for Vice-President: Sam Woodie As Vice President of your class I plan on doing everything I can to make your senior year the best that it can be. I will be hardworking and a great leader.
Running for Secretary- Amanda Henman I, Amanda Henman, am running as your senior class 2015 secretary. We are finally reaching the end of our high school careers so I want to make it as memorable as possible. I am already starting to plan out things for next year like a senior trip, a class cookout, and even a "senior bash" (which includes a water balloon fight) to celebrate our last days at Richmond Hill High school. This upcoming year, it is extremely important to me to create more of a family out of our class and I believe events like this will help create it. Most importantly, I will be open to each and everyone of your ideas and work along with the other officers to make it happen. I am beyond excited and ready to work hard each day for a senior year that lives up to its name! "Don't be a chicken, vote Henman!"
Running for Treasurer- Taylor Davis I, Taylor Davis, promise to do my best to make our senior year the best year of our lives. I promise to work hand-in-hand with the president, vice president, and secretary to give us a senior trip and many other opportunities that the previous classes did not have the chance to take part in. This upcoming year is our last year as not only high schoolers, but also kids. After this year, we move on to bigger and better things, and I want to make our last days in high school as memorable as possible.
Running for Treasurer- Diana Malave I want to be involved in making our senior year the best it could be. I really want to help make our class achieve greatness.