Terrestrial carbon in aquatic ecosystems: experimental tests of the subsidy-stability hypothesis Stuart E. Jones & Jay T. Lennon.


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Presentation transcript:

Terrestrial carbon in aquatic ecosystems: experimental tests of the subsidy-stability hypothesis Stuart E. Jones & Jay T. Lennon

Producer-Decomposers Phytoplankton-Bacterioplankton Organic Carbon Organic Nutrients Inorganic Carbon Inorganic Nutrients ProducerDecomposer Subsidy

Terrestrial DOC is an increasing subsidy to aquatic ecosystems Findlay 2005 Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment Hudson River, Northeast USA Water color ~ DOC Allochthony Carpenter et al. 2005; Jansson et al. 2007

Does terrestrial DOC influence aquatic metabolic stability?

Carbon Loading

Result of Manipulation Water Color (m -1 ) DOC (mg L -1 )

DOC isnt just a subsidy… High DOC Low DOC

Next steps… Metabolism data Microbial loop coupling ???