Looking Outward: Looking Forward Diocese of Carlisle Church School Leaders Conference 20 May 2015 Revd Nigel Genders, National Society.


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Presentation transcript:

Looking Outward: Looking Forward Diocese of Carlisle Church School Leaders Conference 20 May 2015 Revd Nigel Genders, National Society

Church of England Schools 1.A unique past

What’s the narrative for education? Tony Blair: “Best Economic Policy we’ve got: Education, Education, Education” Qualifications Job Money Consume Happiness

Education in whole not in part I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly John 10:10 The flourishing of every child. Going for Growth: Every child and young person having a life-enhancing encounter with the Christian faith and the person of Jesus Christ Why are we involved in Education?

Why education and why Church of England education? What is our Vision for Education?

Change of emphasis from ‘What?’ to ‘Why?’ a transforming vision for children and young people Formation of children and young people, for the transformation of the world. I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly John 10:10 Our involvement in Education?

Church of England Schools 1.A Unique Past 2.An Influential Present

Church school performance Principles and tasks More than producing efficient units of economic production and consumption, education is a route to liberation and justice Rooted in Christian character Building on our high standards No child in an underperforming Church school Drawing on capacity and good practice within the system

Academies ● Interdependence not Independence ● 400+ Academies but move to Diocesan or ‘Church school led’ Multi- Academy Trusts ● A new spirit of partnership ● A system that works for the whole family of schools.

Academies: Independence or interdependence?  A change in language  A recognition of inability of Secretary of State to relate to 20,000 individual schools  New Regional approach and Regional Schools Commissioners  The knowledge that schools improve most when they support and challenge one another  Interdependence has always been our language.

Collaboration and partnership: The primary goal  Not academy driven, but partnership driven  Academy (or not) a secondary issue  Hence the need to find ways for schools to group together  Especially with our number of smaller, rural schools  Building a resilient and sustainable family of schools

Partnership and Collaboration: Vital for the future  An opportunity today to shape Church schools for the future  Need to build the strength of our system for the good of the whole  Interdependence, partnership, and collaboration: the way to continue to develop a full and rounded education which truly promotes the human flourishing of every child.

Working Together: The Future of Rural CofE Schools Securing a future for education at the heart of our villages Proactive, not reactive

57% of Church of England primary schools are situated in a ‘Rural’ OA compared to only 21% of Non Church of England primary schools.

CofENon-CofE Urban 210+1,261(28%)7,723(63%) Urban Small564(13%)1,851(15%) Urban Very Small75(2%)152(1%) Rural (7%)698(6%) Rural Small879(20%)929(8%) Rural Very Small1,343(30%)995(8%) Numbers of small and rural primary schools

Numbers of pupils in different sizes of primary school

Education Funding David Cameron: “With a Conservative government, the amount of money following your child into school will not be cut.” However, “I accept that that is a difficult decision for some schools because the amount of cash per child is not going up by inflation, the amount of cash is staying the same.” Institute for Fiscal Studies economic think tank said the real-terms budgets would be eroded in the next parliament because they were not inflation- proofed. The impact would amount to a 7% fall in real terms.

Education Funding Schools will have to pay 5% more to fund rising teachers’ pension and national insurance contributions 10% cut in real terms? Questions about impact on most poorly funded LAs and particularly the place of rural schools within them.

Working Together: The Future of Rural CofE Schools Embracing new opportunities to enhance our provision. Dioceses and schools to be innovative and demonstrate a willingness to seize the initiative under three broad headings: Structural Collaboration Dare to be Different Face the Future

Structural Collaboration Schools need to form effective structural partnerships and collaborations if they are to survive into the future. The need to offer a broad educational experience, whilst facing the challenge of sustaining experienced leadership under increasing financial pressure, is such that the days of the individual autonomous small school are numbered. It is only as our schools work more intentionally in structural collaborations that they will find the strength and resilience they need to continue to offer an outstanding education in the heart of local rural communities.

Next Steps “Doing nothing is not an option!” Self Review by Governing Body: Quality of Education Leadership and Staffing Governance Demographics Links with community Partnership and collaboration

Church of England Schools 1.A Unique Past 2.An Influential Present 3.A Confident Future

4,700 1 million ,000 22,500 Impact? Occasional courses for ITT about Church schools A few examples of diocesan leadership training An optional ‘faith school’ module for NPQH Stronger Together What we have….

A Church of England approach: rooted in theology underpinned by high quality research offering understanding of childhood development and spirituality providing training, leadership, pedagogy, approach to curriculum building expertise in Theology and Religious Studies In order to produce exceptionally talented teachers, leaders and governors who understand and share our vision for education and can be consistently trained as teachers and developed as leaders for our schools. What we need….

World-class training and development, harnessing our network of 11 Anglican foundation universities, 4,700 schools, 66 teaching schools and parishes across the country Nationally co-ordinated, locally delivered Fostering and equipping: A Christian vocation to teach, lead, govern The Church of England National Institute of Teaching and Educational Leadership