Clackamas River Basin Council Lower Columbia River Conservation and Recovery Plan Implementer’s Perspective August 19, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Clackamas River Basin Council Lower Columbia River Conservation and Recovery Plan Implementer’s Perspective August 19, 2013

Clackamas Watershed Impassioned citizens created the Clackamas River Basin Council in 1997 Looking back, member comments reflect Passion, Perseverance, and Dedication: – “A typical meeting could last until after midnight.” Various CRBC Members – “I wondered if we’d ever save a fish.” Jackie Tommas – “I represent the critters.” Cole Gardiner – “It’s a beautiful river that provides peace and solitude and wildlife habitat.” Carol Murdock – “The River will treat us as well as we treat it.” Bill Monroe Landowners Council Members Volunteers Agency Partners Our Mission: To foster partnerships for clean water, to improve fish and wildlife habitat, and enhance the quality of life for those who live, work and recreate within the Clackamas River Basin Size Fish species Fish populations Limiting factors

Why We Do What We Do: The Clackamas Is an Ecological Gem Recognized as a Salmon Stronghold with Coho, Chinook, and Steelhead species Clackamas River is a high priority area and federally- recognized critical habitat for salmon recovery Important to the Greater Willamette and Lower Columbia Systems Clackamas River is the source of water for over 400,000 people “Wild and Scenic Designation” and a valuable recreation resource close to the Metro population center

Our Council Activities Participate on Community Advisory Committees where planning for future benefits to the watershed occurs In-stream and stream-side restoration projects for improved fish habitat and protections for our water quality Monitor stream health Outreach to landowners, community members, and school programs and engage volunteers

What We Do: Outreach Outreach, Education and Stewardship 11 th Annual Down the River Clean Up - September 8, 2013 Tour de Clack- watershed restoration project bike tour Community work parties and events Student education Landowner outreach, education, and assistance Watershed hikes Restoration site tours

What We Do: Monitoring Water Quality Monitoring and reporting - nutrient levels and macro- invertebrates Pesticide factsheets, education and Pesticide Round-Up Stream channel (DEQ monitoring)

What We Do: In-Stream Fish Passage Restoration Remove culverts, fords, and weirs Over 150 miles of habitat opened/60 crossings addressed since Spring Creek Culvert removal 2011 Little Clear Creek Fish passage 2010 Spring Creek Culvert removal 2011 Delph Creek Culvert removal

What We Do: In-Stream Habitat Enhancement Install large wood debris (LWD) jams Alcove and off-channel habitats Complexity riffles and pools 2012 Lower Clear Creek, LWD/Alcove Enhancement 2010 Upper Clear Creek, LWD 2012 Eagle Creek, LWD

What We Do: Riparian Vegetation Restoration Invasive species treatments, maintenance and monitoring Native plantings- over 100,000 planted in 2013

Upcoming Projects Rock Creek Confluence Habitat Restoration: LWD, floodplain connectivity, 12 AC riparian revegetation Fisherman’s Bend Side- Channel Habitat Enhancement: historic off- channel rearing habitat

Challenges Funding!!- general, technical assistance, maintenance & monitoring Clackamas ‘urban watershed’ misconception Compounding limiting factors- where to start? Evolving priorities- geographic, Action Plan Long term project planning Taking advantage of opportunistic priorities Landowner outreach and support

Next Steps Involve partners in the PIP Team (CRBC Project Implementation and Planning Team) Technical assistance grant to update Basin Action Plan, identify anchor habitats, prioritize geographic areas and identify projects Involvement with OWEB Willamette SIP (Special Investment Partnership) Diversify funding to support restoration projects Continue project implementation to support and contribute to LCRCRP

Clackamas River Basin Council Partners
