ASYCUDA++ Migration Project National Board of Revenue (NBR) Dhaka, 3 July 2001
ASYCUDA++ migration in NBR BACKROUND ASYCUDA project (1992-96) NBR as an IT greenfield, Creation of operative tariff, new Customs form, closed loop, Introduction of ASYCUDA v.2 in DCH and CCH, Decentralised management of ASYCUDA (96-00) Decentralised IT expertise, IT as a tool only, CAM1 project (99-02) Streamlining Customs documentation and procedures, Use of risk management and post-audit methods, Increase the use of Information Technology, ASYCUDA++ migration project (01-02) Executed by UNCTAD as a component of CAM1,
ASYCUDA++ migration in NBR CURRENT SITUATION International trade Changing environment, Electronic nature, International standards (documentation, processes-WCO), ASYCUDA Technical assistance programme Primary objective : Trade facilitation, More than 80 participating countries, Regionalisation strategy, ASYCUDA++ Developed with cooperation from many Customs administrations, Fully compliant with WCO, WTO, UNTDED and other international standards,
ASYCUDA++ migration in NBR IT projecTS According to Pyramid, an IT and telecommunication consultancy, 75% of project fail IT considered as a necessary evil (no strategic standing), No/lack of coordination by contracting organisations, … Academics and Business community say Investment in IT works best when it goes hand in hand with organisational change, According to Erik Brynjolfsson, economist at MIT Investment in IT and organisational investment complement each other each feeds the return on the other,
ASYCUDA++ migration in NBR UNCTAD support Project inputs Capacity building Remote and online support New releases as they become available
ASYCUDA++ - General overview Goods Arrival Direct Carrier Input Goods storage Transit, transhipment Manifest Module Lodgement Declaration Module SELECTIVITY Direct Trader Input Customs Input EDIFACT (CUSDEC) Suspense Procedures Warehousing Payment of duties Accounting Module Cash, cheque, credit, Pre-payment Release of goods Statistics Customs Audit
The ASYCUDA++ System ASYCUDA++ is a complete and fully integrated Customs computer system. The ASYCUDA++ interface makes operation easier for the user by: - Presenting the system to the user in the form of task specific modules... …designed for the needs of an office or of a particular grouping of functions.
The Modules ASYCUDA++ system modules are grouped into main three types, according to function: - General office User modules Specialist office User modules System maintenance and reporting
General User Modules MODCBR 1. Module ‘MODCBR’ is the Customs general (Branch) office module and the central part of the ASYCUDA++ system. MODCBR is for Customs data entry, declaration processing and general controls. 2. Module ‘MODBRK’ is the general office module for Customs brokers or declarants - to prepare and present declarations to Customs by ‘Direct Trader Input’(DTI). MODBRK
MODCBR - Customs Branch Office General User Modules MODCBR - Customs Branch Office Customs Declarations: Data capture and validation Calculations, messaging on Customs controls Storage of data and declaration registration Selectivity, inspection routing and reporting of inspection result Assessment, delivery
MODCBR - Customs Branch Office General User Modules MODCBR - Customs Branch Office Customs Declarations: Data capture and validation Calculations, messaging on Customs controls Storage of data and declaration registration Selectivity, inspection routing and reporting of inspection result Assessment, delivery Linked Functions: Manifest details; cargo discharge Duties and taxes payable or paid Selectivity controls - process routing and nomination of examiners ‘Stock records’ for suspense procedures Management information
MODBRK - Customs Broker’s Office General User Modules MODBRK - Customs Broker’s Office This module has similar (but restricted) data entry and declaration processing functions to MODCBR. MODBRK is used for Direct Trader Input (DTI)*.
MODBRK - Customs Broker’s Office General User Modules MODBRK - Customs Broker’s Office Used in the Custom Broker or Declarant’s office:- To prepare and present Customs Declarations: Data capture and validation Calculations, messaging on controls Storage of declaration data and subject to Customs agreement on acceptable processing flows: Registration and/or Assessment Payment and release Processes where a Customs Server connection is not necessary Customs Server connection is required for these processes
Specialist User Modules ASYCUDA specialist modules are dedicated to specific Customs functions. MODCAR - Carrier or Manifest module MODACC - Accounting module MODSEL - Selectivity Controls module MODTRS - National Transit module MODSDI - SAD Deferred Input module MODCAR MODACC MODSEL MODTRS MODSDI
MODSEL - Selectivity Controls Module Specialist User Modules MODSEL - Selectivity Controls Module Selectivity is the selective inspection of transactions - either by physical examination or check of documents ASYCUDA allows the channeling of declarations to four processing lanes, nominated by colour: - Red lane for physical check; Yellow lane for documentary check; Blue lane for the option of post import/export audit; or Green lane for release
MODSDI - SAD Deferred Input Module Specialist User Modules MODSDI - SAD Deferred Input Module Module MODSDI is used for input and data validation of declarations initially processed through a non-computerised office. This allows for an effective check of the calculations and the other details of the manually processed declaration.. .. and incorporates the data into the ASYCUDA database to facilitate reporting and statistical extractions
Maintenance & Reporting Additional ASYCUDA modules are used for the setup of the system, (National and Office configuration modules), and for system maintenance and statistical reporting. Module MODCHQ is used to maintain the system’s reference tables and gives access to standard statistical extracts. MODCHQ
MODCHQ - Customs Headquarters Module Maintenance & Reporting MODCHQ - Customs Headquarters Module The module called the ‘Headquarters Module’ is used to set up and to maintain the ASYCUDA system’s reference tables. The reference tables contain: the standard international codes, such as the HS Tariff, country and currency codes; national codes, such as office, broker/declarant and company codes; and calculation data, like rates of currency exchange, duty and tax rates, special exemptions and concessions.
MODCHQ - Customs Headquarters Module Maintenance & Reporting MODCHQ - Customs Headquarters Module The headquarters module also gives quick access to standard statistical extractions from the ASYCUDA transaction database. Standard reports give a choice of views of the statistical database. If the preprogrammed views or reports are not sufficient in certain circumstances, SQL queries may be run from the ASYCUDA interface.
MODCHQ - Customs Headquarters Module Maintenance & Reporting MODCHQ - Customs Headquarters Module Name of view: Ordered and totaled by: ‘Customs Database’ Countries/Products Country Products/Countries Products ‘Financial Database’ Duty/tax Account Duty/tax Country Duty/tax Product Duty/tax Customs Procedure ‘Economic Database’ Importer/Exporter/Country Importer/Exporter/Product List of Companies/Country List of Companies/Product ‘Loss of revenue’ (preferences and concessions) - by budget codes, company, commodity and country. Standard Reports
System Integration .. Closely linked to modules for Accounting, Selectivity, National Transit and Cargo Manifesting controls.. MODCBR MODACC The General Office Modules, for Customs and Customs Brokers MODBRK MODSEL MODTRS MODCAR MODSDI For deferred data input MODCHQ .. and Systems maintenance & statistics
Conclusions Fast pace of changes and increasing e-nature of international trade Reform is necessary, and is a continuous process, International standards need to be adopted, IT should become a strategic tool – MIS as a specific wing in NBR ? Short timeframe for the project and scope of change makes cooperation between all stakeholders and timely delivery of outputs a must Measures towards long term sustainability of reformed and automated processes required early in the project Should the above be recognised and accepted by all stakeholders the benefits from the ASYCUDA++ migration project and the associated reformed and modernised documentation/processes will be increased and felt over the long term.
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