National Network of Tobacco Cessation Quitlines Mary Anne Bright Office of Communications National Cancer Institute Cancer Information Service
HHS Initiative Provide smoking cessation resources to the 46 million people who smoke in the U.S. Provide the highest level of assistance to smokers across the country Establish a single toll-free number that serves as a single point of access to a national network of quitlines
Current Status In 2005: 205,583 calls (U. S. calls to QUIT-NOW) – 390 calls from Canada – 88 calls from U.S. Territories 8 States Using QUIT-NOW as Primary Number –Alabama, Hawaii, Idaho, Kentucky, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia 5 State Planning to Use QUIT-NOW –Indiana, Louisiana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Tennessee
Marketing and Promotions Generate a 25% yearly increase in calls to QUIT-NOW Generate an increase in smokers reached or counseled from 2% to 4/5 % Increase market penetration every quarter of the year Continue to cultivate NNTCQ image as premier access point to providing tobacco cessation services
Marketing and Promotions Strategic Promotion Planning –4 Tier Approach Materials Development –2 English TV PSAs; 3 English Radio PSAs –1 Spanish TV PSA; 3 Spanish Radio PSAs Marketing and Promotion Strategies –Internet Users –Rich Media Banners Advertisements –Educational Videos for Healthcare Providers –Conference Promotion –Earned Media
Target Populations Primary Target Audience- Adults, 18 to 29 Subsets: –#1- Military Personnel –#2- Persons of Low SES –#3- Spanish-speaking Adults
Target States Promotions will focus on: –States with the highest tobacco use rates –States with the highest tobacco-related mortality rates Promotional activities will be conducted in all 50 States and the District of Columbia