Learning Classifiers For Non-IID Data Balaji Krishnapuram, Computer-Aided Diagnosis and Therapy Siemens Medical Solutions, Inc. Collaborators: Volkan Vural, Jennifer Dy [North Eastern], Ya Xue [Duke], Murat Dundar, Glenn Fung, Bharat Rao [Siemens] Jun 27, 2006
Outline Implicit IID assumption in traditional classifier design Often, not valid in real life. Motivating CAD problems Convex algorithms for Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) Bayesian algorithms for Batch-wise classification Faster, approximate algorithms via mathematical programming Summary / Conclusions
IID assumption in classifier design Training data D={(xi,yi)i=1N: xi 2 Rd, yi 2 {+1,-1}}, Testing data T ={(xi,yi)i=1M: xi 2 Rd, yi 2 {+1,-1}}, Assume each training/testing sample drawn independently from identical distribution: (xi,yi) ~ PXY(x,y) This is why we can classify one test sample at a time, ignoring the features of the other test samples Eg. Logistic Regression: P(yi=1|xi,w)=1/(1+exp(-wT xi))
Evaluating classifiers: learning-theory Binomial test set bounds: With high probability over the random draw of M samples in testing set T, if M large and a classifier w is observed to be accurate on T, with high probability its expected accuracy over a random draw of a sample from PXY(x,y) will be high If the IID assumption fails, all bets are off ! Thought experiment: repeat same test sample M times
Training classifiers: learning theory With high probability over the random draw of N samples in training set D, the expected accuracy on a random sample from PXY(x,y) for the learnt classifier w will be high iff accurate on the training set D; and N large satisfies intuition before seeing data (“prior”, large margin etc) PAC-Bayes, VC-theory etc rely on iid assumption Relaxation to exchangeability being explored
CAD: Correlations among candidate ROI
Hierarchical Correlation Among Samples
Additive Random Effect Models The classification is treated as iid, but only if given both Fixed effects (unique to sample) Random effects (shared among samples) Simple additive model to explain the correlations P(yi|xi,w,ri,v)=1/(1+exp(-wT xi –vT ri)) P(yi|xi,w,ri)=s P(yi|xi,w,ri,v) p(v|D) dv Sharing vT ri among many samples correlated prediction …But only small improvements in real-life applications
CAD detects early stage colon cancer
Candidate Specific Random Effects Model: Polyps Sensitivity Specificity
CAD algorithms: domain-specific issues Multiple (correlated) views: one detection is sufficient Systemic treatment of diseases: e.g. detecting one PE sufficient Modeling the data acquisition mechanism Errors in guessing class labels for training set.
The Multiple Instance Learning Problem A bag is a collection of many instances (samples) The class label is provided for bags, not instances Positive bag has at least one +ve instance in it Examples of “bag” definition for CAD applications: Bag=samples from multiple views, for the same region Bag=all candidates referring to same underlying structure Bag=all candidates from a patient
CH-MIL Algorithm: 2-D illustration
CH-MIL Algorithm for Fisher’s Discriminant Easy implementation via Alternating Optimization Scales well to very large datasets Convex problem with unique optima
Lung Nodules& Pulmonary Emboli Lung CAD *Pending FDA Approval Computed Tomography AX Lung Nodules& Pulmonary Emboli DR CAD
CH-MIL: Pulmonary Embolisms
CH-MIL: Polyps in Colon
Classifying a Correlated Batch of Samples Let classification of individual samples xi be based on ui Eg. Linear ui = wT xi ; or kernel-predictor ui= j=1N j k(xi,xj) Instead of basing the classification on ui, we will base it on an unobserved (latent) random variable zi Prior: Even before observing any features xi (thus before ui), zi are known to be correlated a-priori, p(z)=N(z|0,) Eg. due to spatial adjacency = exp(-D), Matrix D=pair-wise dist. between samples
Classifying a Correlated Batch of Samples Prior: Even before observing any features xi (thus before ui), zi are known to be correlated a-priori, p(z)=N(z|0,) Likelihood: Let us claim that ui is really a noisy observation of a random variable zi : p(ui|zi)=N(ui|zi, 2) Posterior: remains correlated, even after observing the features xi P(z|u)=N(z|(-12+I)-1u, (-1+2I)-1) Intuition: E[zi]=j=1N Aij uj ; A=(-12+I)-1
SVM-like Approximate Algorithm Intuition: classify using E[zi]=j=1N Aij uj ; A=(-12+I)-1 What if we used A=( + I) instead? Reduces computation by avoiding inversion. Not principled, but a heuristic for speed. Yields an SVM-like mathematical programming algorithm:
Detecting Polyps in Colon
Detecting Pulmonary Embolisms
Detecting Nodules in the Lung
Conclusions IID assumption is universal in ML Often violated in real life, but ignored Explicit modeling can substantially improve accuracy Described 3 models in this talk, utilizing varying levels of information Additive Random Effects Models: weak correlation information Multiple Instance Learning: stronger correlations enforced Batch-wise classification models: explicit information Statistically significant improvement in accuracy Only starting to scratch the surface, lots to improve!