Reclamation/Restoration Goals Stabilize Disturbed Areas
Reclamation/Restoration Goals Restore Ecosystem Functions
Reclamation/Restoration Goals Restore Scenic Values
Reclamation/Restoration Goals Enhance Recreational Opportunities and Experiences
Seeding for Success Excellent at Stabilizing Disturbed Areas
Seeding Challenges Limited Restoration of Full Ecosystem Functions
Seeding Challenges Long-term Process for Restoring Scenic Values
Seeding Challenges Limited Effectiveness in Enhancing Recreational Opportunities and Experiences
Seeding + Seedlings for Success Stabilize Disturbed Areas
Seeding + Seedlings for Success Greater Success in Restoring Ecosystem Functions Over Shorter Time Period
Seeding + Seedlings for Success Greater Success in Restoring Scenic Values Over Shorter Time Period
Seeding + Seedlings for Success Greater Success in Enhancing Recreational Opportunities and Experiences Over Shorter Time Period
Kern River Apex Expansion Project Upland and Riparian Reclamation, 150,000 seedlings/cuttings
Silver Mine Restoration in Wyoming After 5 unsuccessful attempts at seed establishment mine is opting to plant 10,000 Antelope Bitterbrush seedlings.
Antelope Island State of Utah is planting 75,000 seedlings on Antelope Island over the next 3 years to improve habitat.
Ruby Pipeline Project Planted 600,000 seedlings to restore habitat for Pygmy Rabbits.
Jordan River Restoration Planted 150,000 seedlings to restore river corridor.
State of Colorado The State of Colorado is contract growing 200,000 Ponderosa Pines
Nation Wild Turkey Federation “Save the habitat…… Save the hunt.”
Now you don’t see it….now you do Seedlings Facilitate Full Achievement of Restoration/Reclamation Goals
US Fish and Wildlife $1.1 Billion Allocated to States for Conservation and Recreation Projects
It Always Starts as a Seed Restoration – Revegetation – Reforestation Fire Mining Exploration Power Corridors Natural Gas and Oil Pipelines Riparian Corridors Wildlife Habitat Flood Control