Curves in Space “flying around”
Flying Around Suppose we have a friendly fly buzzing around the room. How do we describe its motion?
The fly at time t = 0.5 sec
The fly at time t = 2 sec
The fly at time t = 4 sec
Describing the motion We give the coordinates of the fly’s position at each point in time. The x-coordinate, the y-coordinate and the z-coordinate are functions of t (time).
Parametrically defined curves We can (in principle) define any curve in the plane or in space by thinking of a fly flying along that trajectory and specifying the coordinates of its position at time t. You will learn to think about parametric curves with the parametric plots project.
A familiar example You already know one of the most useful sets of parametric equations! Suppose our fly is constrained to move in two dimensions and is tied to a point on the floor by a “tether” of length one meter? It will then fly around in a circle. What if it revolves once every 2 seconds? t
Why do people care about parametric equations? Describing curves in space. Finding the intersections of parametric curves--- intersections in time vs. intersections in space.
Design Pierre Étienne Bézier ( ) French Engineer and Mathematician Created Bezier curves and Bezier Surfaces that are now used in most computer aided design and computer graphics His interest in computer assisted design was automobile design. He worked as a designer for Renault (French Automobile designer.) Check out Bezier curves on wikipedia. There’s a cool animation!