Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 1 ISM Core Function Teams Kickoff Meeting January 8, 2008 Define Work P e r f o r m W o r k F e e d b a c k & I m p r o v e m e n t A n a l y z e H a z a r d s Develop Controls
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 2 Meeting Outline Opening Remarks ISM Core Function Teams Review of Integrated Safety Management Review of JLab ISM Program Elements HSS ES&H Inspection of JLab HSS ES&H Inspection of BNL ISM Core Function Teams Assessment Review of Assessment Techniques
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 3 ISM Core Function Teams What is the Objective of the ISM Core Function Teams? The objective is to have a constant presence throughout the Lab to continue to assess ISMS effectiveness and identify opportunities for additional system improvement
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 4 ISM Core Function Teams Co-Chair/ Mgr Sup/ Team Lead Co-Chair/ WSC Team Member CF#1Kelly Trembley John Riesbeck Byron Golden Debra Brand Howard Fenker NA CF#2Bill VulcanJoe Beaufait Harry Fanning Manny Nevarez Dave Hamlette NA CF#3Phil MuttonWilliam Berkley Brad Cumbia Kevin Jordon John KellyNA CF#4Tom BriggsDerrick Dail Tom Hassler John LeRose James Coleman Ned Walker CF#5Neil WilsonBrian Bevins Tina Menefee Richard Williams Cindy Saban Brian Kross
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 5 Facilitator Contact Information Bill Rainey Office (757) Mobile (757) CEBAF Center, Room B210 Rick Dion Office (720) Mobile (303)
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 6 ISM Core Function Teams Schedule Cycle I 7-11 January - team training & assessment preps 14 January through 8 February (4 weeks) – conduct assessment activities 11 February - teams brief Director’s Safety Committee 19 February – teams submit Cycle I final report for review and approval Cycle II March - assessment preps 10 March - 4 April (4 weeks) – conduct assessment activities 14 April - teams brief Director’s Safety Committee 15 April – teams submit Cycle II final report for review and approval 19 – 23 May – HSS Team Planning Visit 2 – 12 June – HSS Team Inspection of JLab
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 7 Review of ISM What is Integrated Safety Management? Systematic integration of safety into management and work practices at all levels so that missions are accomplished while protecting the public, the worker, and the environment This is accomplished through effective integration of safety management into all facets of activities conducted at JLab Safety is an integral part of each job -- not a stand-alone program Terms –Integrated Safety Management (ISM) – Concept –Integrated Safety Management System (ISMS) - Process
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 8 Review of ISM 7 Guiding Principles The guiding principles are the fundamental policies that guide actions, from development of directives to performance of work –Line Management Responsible for Safety –Clear Roles and Responsibilities –Competence Commensurate with Responsibility –Balanced Priorities –Identification of Safety Standard and Requirements –Hazard Controls Tailored to Work Being Performed –Operations Authorization
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 9 Review of ISM 5 Core Functions These five core safety management functions provide the necessary structure for any work activity that could potentially affect the public, the workers, and the environment. –Define the Scope of Work –Analyze the Hazards –Develop and Implement Hazard Controls –Perform Work Within Controls –Provide Feedback and Continuous Improvement The functions are applied as a continuous cycle with the degree of rigor appropriate to address the type of work activity and the hazards involved Define Work P e r f o r m W o r k F e e d b a c k & I m p r o v e m e n t A n a l y z e H a z a r d s Develop Controls
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 10 Review of ISM Core Function #1 Define the Scope of Work Identify the nature of the required work Identify the schedule Determine the cost Review associated lessons learned JLab contract work scope Work planning process for each JLab organization Task descriptions Subcontractor work orders
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 11 Review of ISM Core Function #2 Analyze the Hazards Identify work related hazards Analyze identified hazards Hazard ID checklists Experiment safety approval form ES&H 3210 – Hazard Identification and Characterization ES&H 3410 – ESH&Q Aspects of Material Acquisitions Safety SMEs (ESH&Q and Divisional) Utilize Project Knowledge and Lessons Learned
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 12 Review of ISM Core Function #3 Develop and Implement Hazard Controls Select/design engineering & administrative controls Select/design pollution prevention/waste minimization controls Identify appropriate personal protective equipment Apply associated lessons learned into controls Implement controls Include controls in JLab work procedures (SOPs, OSPs, TOSPs) Conduct training Subcontractor safety plan Prepare Task Hazard Analysis Worksheet
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 13 Review of ISM Core Function #4 Perform Work Within Controls Obtain authorization Ensure personnel have appropriate qualifications/training as identified in work control documents Conduct pre-job briefing Perform work and follow controls as identified in the appropriate work control document Shift plan approval & implementation FEL operations plan approval & implementation Daily work plan approval Implementation of Technical Work Documents ATLis Implementation
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 14 Review of ISM Core Function #5 Provide Feedback and Continuous Improvement Conduct post job reviews (worker feedback) Collect and distribute lessons learned Conduct independent, management, and self-assessments Worker Safety Committee Contractor Assurance System Issues management identification, tracking, trending and closeout Corrective Action Tracking System (CATS)
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 15 JLab ISM Program Elements What Documents are Part of the JLab ISM Program?
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 16 JLab ISM Program Elements
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 17 JLab ISM Program Elements ISMS Versus EMS ISMS Core FunctionsEMS ApplicationsEMS Terminology Define the Scope of Work ID environmental aspects related to the process, activity, or service Plan Analyze the HazardsReview risks, hazards, and consider less environmentally harmful or wasteful alternatives Plan Develop and Implement Controls Develop engineering/administrative controls to minimize or eliminate aspects & put in place Plan Perform Work Within Controls Ensure controls remain in place as activity is performed. Monitor, measure, assess as you go. Do Provide Feedback and Continuous Improvement Review…and improve practices as identified; share good practices Check, Act, Improve
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 18 HSS ES&H Inspection of JLab Inspection Schedule By 1 May – Provide all materials needed for inspection to team 19 – 23 May – HSS Team Planning Visit 2 – 12 June – HSS Team Inspection of JLab Who is Coming to do the Inspection? DOE Office of Independent Oversight (OIO) which is part of the DOE Office of Health, Safety, and Security (HSS) Up to 8 team members
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 19 HSS ES&H Inspection of BNL Occurred August – September 2007 Objective – “Assess the effectiveness of ES&H programs at BNL…” Assessment Focus –Implementation of ISM Core Functions for selected BNL facilities and activities focusing on work planning and control systems –Effectiveness of managing environmental management system (EMS) implementation –Injury and illness investigation and reporting –Feedback and continuous improvement systems
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 20 HSS ES&H Inspection of BNL Identified Weaknesses (1) Clear ES&H requirements are not being accurately communicated through implementing procedures –Cite lockout tag out in compliance with Natl. Fire Protection Assoc. –Requirements described using wrong terminology or optional (should vs. shall) –Routine procedure review not being implemented
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 21 HSS ES&H Inspection of BNL Identified Weaknesses (2) Established safety controls not always implemented –Found most in experimental and research facilities –Chemical and cryogen handling safety requirements not followed –Managers and supervisors often aware of deficiencies and did not act
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 22 HSS ES&H Inspection of BNL Identified Weaknesses (3) Some workplace and construction hazards not adequately analyzed –Lead solder, sharps, welding fumes and asphalt fumes
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 23 HSS ES&H Inspection of BNL Identified Weaknesses (4) Contractor assurance system does not sufficiently communicate expectations, requirements or drive improvement of safety performance –Self assessment, work observations, records review lacking or insufficient –Issues management limited to events or outside assessments and lack causal analysis –Similar findings for occupational injury and illness investigations, lessons learned program
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 24 ISM Core Function Teams Assessment Each team is to assess how JLab work planning and execution processes are aligned with a specific ISM Core Function: 1. Are we doing a good job defining the SCOPE OF WORK 2. Is the work HAZARD ANALYSIS being conducted consistent with ISMS 3. Are HAZARD CONTROLS being developed and implemented properly 4. Is our WORK PERFORMANCE process consistent with ISMS 5. Are we maximizing our LESSONS LEARNED and feedback opportunities
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 25 ISM Core Function Teams Assessment (Review of ISM Core Function Teams Assessment Plan)
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility Page 26 Review of Assessment Techniques Document reviews Observation of activities Interviews Evaluation of information Documentation of results