Computer Graphics ( Course Introduction ) Jehee Lee Seoul National University
Syllabus Instructor: 이제희 –jehee (at) mrl (dot) snu (dot) ac (dot) kr –Office: –Phone: Teaching assistant: 박노열 –noy (at) mrl (dot) snu (dot) ac (dot) kr –Office: –Phone:
Syllabus Textbooks –D. Hearn and M.P. Baker,Computer Graphics with OpenGL, 3rd edition, Prentice Hall –OpenGL Programming Guide, Addison Wesley. This book is available online at Pre-requisites –A good knowledge on C or C++ programming
Syllabus Grading policy –Homework: 10% –Programming assignments: 50% –Exams: 40%
What is Computer Graphics ? Narrow definition –The pictorial representation and manipulation of data by a computer –The research field of visual computing, where one utilizes computers both to generate visual images synthetically and to integrate or alter visual and spatial information.
What is Computer Graphics ? Broader definition: Interactive Computer Graphics –Man-machine graphical communication Ivan Sutherland’s Sketchpad –“Interactivity” is as important as “visual output” –Nowadays, the term computer graphics includes almost everything on computers that is not text
Sketchpad (Ivan Sutherland 1963) The first program ever to utilize a complete graphical user interface using CRT and light pen In 1963, most computers ran jobs in batch job mode only using punch cards or magnetic tapes A major breakthrough in the development of computer graphics The ancestor of modern CAD(computer-aided design) and HCI(human-computer interaction) video
A Brief History of Computer Graphics 1885: CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) 1960: William F. Boeing coins “Computer Graphics” 1961: John Whitney, Intro to Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo [vertigo1.avi]vertigo1.avi 1961: Spacewars, 1 st video game 1963: Ivan Sutherland, Sketchpad 1963: Douglas Engelbart, The first computer mouse
A Brief History of Computer Graphics 1974: z-buffer, Ed Catmull 1975: Phong shading 1980: Tron, 1 st feature film by CG (tronBike.avi)(tronTransfer.avi)tronBike.avitronTransfer.avi Mid 1980’s: Emergence of graphical user interfaces 1986: Luxo Jr. nominated for Oscar ( 1995: Toy Story, 1 st full CG feature film 1999: Cheap consumer 3D graphics Short films of Pixar :
What is Computer Graphics About? Replicate the real world in computers
What is Computer Graphics About? Visualize your imagination in computers Computer graphics = reality + imagination
Example – Final Fantasy FinalFantasySiggraph.avi
Uncanny Valley Human psycological reaction to animation –Coined by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori –Emotional response against similarity to human appearance and movement