NYS Department of Environmental Conservation DRAFT SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) (GP ) March, 2010
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Summary of Changes Fact Sheet Designation Criteria Permit Changes – About 10 Major –A Few Less Significant
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Major Changes Additional Designations Criterion 1: MS4s discharging to waters for which an EPA-approved TMDL is issued –East Hampton (V) –East Hampton (T) – areas along the South Shore –Southhold (T) – areas along the North Shore and Fishers Island –Putnam Valley – areas tributary to Oscawana Lake Criterion 3: Automatically designated MS4 areas are extended to Town, Village or City boundaries, Minimum Control Measures 4 & 5
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Permit Coverage Public Review Process Existing covered entities authorized under GP automatically continue for 180 days Existing have 180 days to file new NOI (revised annual report form) MS4s not authorized under GP must file an NOI if they are required to gain coverage In accordance with EPA guidance, court decision (EDC v. EPA, 9th Circ. 2003), submission of NOIs will be listed in the Environmental Notice Bulletin with a 28 day period during which comments may be submitted on the NOI
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Single Entity (Alternative to RSE) An opportunity is provided for a single entity to be authorized (all or any MCMs) –Further encourage larger scale coordinated implementation –Supported by the conclusions of the 2008 National Research Council’s report and the participants of the public review group 1. Initiate and administer enforcement procedures 2. Collect, finance, bond or otherwise borrow money 3. Manage and operate the storm sewer system, 4. Implement BMPs at all municipal facilities 5. Obtain property necessary for SMP facilities
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Impaired Waters Adding a clarification on what is meant by negligible changes; changes to land use of less than one acre of impervious cover; and assessment of potential improvement projects. compliance determinations for MS4s collaborating to satisfy load reduction requirements. Defining the ‘bubble’ compliance with load reductions to a watershed, whereby MS4s may be credited for reductions within watershed boundaries.
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation MCMs Addition/Clarification MCM 2 – Public Involvement/Participation –allowing the public to participate in development and implementation of SWMPs MCM 4 – Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control –prior to NOI being terminated under the construction stormwater permit, regulated MS4s are allowed to sign off on the projects. A coordinated requirement for MS4s to accept notices of termination, consistent with the construction permit requirement
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation MCMs Addition/Clarification MCM 5 – Post Construction S-Water Management Green Infrastructure practices achieve runoff reduction. To facilitate implementation, the permit requires: –Training municipal officials in Green Infrastructure –Consideration of Green Infrastructure in development of municipal plans and laws development Permit also allows for MS4 Banking and Credit System –Offsets from construction projects –Provide twice the pollutant reduction –No-net increase of pollutants in impaired waters
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation MCMs Addition/Clarification MCM 6 – Pollution Prev & Good Housekeeping –Incorporate runoff reduction/GI into routine upgrades to stormwater conveyance systems and municipal properties
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Additional Areas Added –Two additional maps show areas where Watershed Improvement Strategies must be implemented EPA approval of the TMDL entitled “Shellfish Pathogen TMDL for (d)-Listed Waters”. EPA approval of the TMDL entitled “TMDL for Phosphorus in Lake Oscawana”. Watershed Improvement Strategies
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation
Numeric Pollutant Reductions –Quantified reduction requirement by waterbody for each Watershed Improvement Strategy –Specified deadline for planning/implementation On-site Systems Requirements –Maintenance/Inspection Change the three year schedule to five year Inspection of the whole system (absorption area, not just the tank) Watershed Improvement Strategies (cont’d)
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Long Island On-site Systems –Target on-site systems within effected storm sewersheds for inspection, maintenance and rehabilitation coastal areas with slopes or low infiltrative soils, poorly functioning or improperly designed and maintained on-site sanitary systems –Identify problem areas and conduct regular field investigations/inspections in those areas of residential and commercial –Document inspection of on-site systems Watershed Improvement Strategies (cont’d)
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Public Comments Received and logged in ~ 100 pages, ~ 50 commenters WIS areas requirements –Deadlines –Reduction rates –Septic inspections Possible Administrative Extension
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Questions Contact Information Shohreh Karimipour, PE (518) NYS DEC Division of Water General Permits Section 625 Broadway Albany, NY