FVS Carbon Reporting Using the Forest Vegetation Simulator USDA Forest Service Forest Management Service Center Forest Vegetation Simulator staff.


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Presentation transcript:

FVS Carbon Reporting Using the Forest Vegetation Simulator USDA Forest Service Forest Management Service Center Forest Vegetation Simulator staff

FVS Carbon Reporting Using the Forest Vegetation Simulator Collaborators Stephanie Rebain – USDA FS, FVS Group, WO-D Don Robinson – ESSA Technologies Ltd., Vancouver B.C. Nick Crookston - USDA FS, Rocky Mountain Research Station Coeli Hoover - USDA FS, Northern Research Station Linda Heath - USDA FS Northern Research Station Jim Smith - USDA FS, Northern Research Station Richard Birdsey - USDA FS, Northern Research Station

FVS Tracks variables such as fire hazard, fuel loading, and snag levels over timeTracks variables such as fire hazard, fuel loading, and snag levels over time In addition to thinning and harvesting, users can simulate wildfires, prescribed burns, and other types of fuel treatments such as chipping and pileburns.In addition to thinning and harvesting, users can simulate wildfires, prescribed burns, and other types of fuel treatments such as chipping and pileburns. Calibrated for most FVS variants (not AK and CS)Calibrated for most FVS variants (not AK and CS) Southern variant specifically calibrated for the Ozark-Ouachita Mountains, but is being expanded.Southern variant specifically calibrated for the Ozark-Ouachita Mountains, but is being expanded. Fire and Fuels Extension

FVS Assess fuel levels and fire hazardAssess fuel levels and fire hazard To compare fuel management prescriptionsTo compare fuel management prescriptions Create visual images of stand conditions and fire hazard for communication with the publicCreate visual images of stand conditions and fire hazard for communication with the public Examine tradeoffs between fire hazard reduction and other objectives, such as wildlife habitatExamine tradeoffs between fire hazard reduction and other objectives, such as wildlife habitat FFE Applications

FVS FFE combines the vegetation predictions of FVS with: Existing fire behavior and effects models (Behave, FOFEM, Consume, Nexus)Existing fire behavior and effects models (Behave, FOFEM, Consume, Nexus) Estimates of fuel accumulation and decayEstimates of fuel accumulation and decay Estimates of snag fall down and decayEstimates of snag fall down and decay FFE Model Components

FVS Potential Fire reportPotential Fire report Fuels report (biomass values)Fuels report (biomass values) Burn Conditions report (for simulated fires)Burn Conditions report (for simulated fires) Fuel Consumption report (for simulated fires)Fuel Consumption report (for simulated fires) Mortality report (for simulated fires)Mortality report (for simulated fires) Snag reportsSnag reports Carbon reportsCarbon reports FFE Model Output

FVS Every stand component has a biomassEvery stand component has a biomass Estimates biomass (tons/acre) in:Estimates biomass (tons/acre) in: Surface fuel (by category)Surface fuel (by category) Dead standing treesDead standing trees Live standing treesLive standing trees Estimates biomass removed and biomass consumedEstimates biomass removed and biomass consumed FFE Fuels Report

FVS Biomass estimates are DRY tons/acreBiomass estimates are DRY tons/acre Live and dead tree biomass is composed of 2 pieces:Live and dead tree biomass is composed of 2 pieces:  Crown biomass Based on tree specs (species, dbh, etc.)Based on tree specs (species, dbh, etc.) From published literature (papers by Brown and others)From published literature (papers by Brown and others)  Biomass of main stem Biomass Calculations

FVS Biomass of main stem: Based on volume estimate (cuft)Based on volume estimate (cuft) Then a lbs/cuft conversion factor is assumedThen a lbs/cuft conversion factor is assumed lbs/cuft factors are derived from the species- based specific gravity values in the Wood Handbooklbs/cuft factors are derived from the species- based specific gravity values in the Wood Handbook Example: specific gravity of Ponderosa pine is * = 23.7 lbs/cuft Biomass is not reduced for defectBiomass is not reduced for defect Biomass Calculations

FVS Every stand component has carbonEvery stand component has carbon Estimates carbon (tons/acre or metric tons/ha) in:Estimates carbon (tons/acre or metric tons/ha) in: Live trees and dead trees (above and below ground)Live trees and dead trees (above and below ground) Surface fuel (down dead wood, forest floor (litter & duff), and herbs/shrubs)Surface fuel (down dead wood, forest floor (litter & duff), and herbs/shrubs) Estimates carbon removed from the standEstimates carbon removed from the stand CarbRept keyword produces reportCarbRept keyword produces report Carbon Report

FVS Tons/acre of carbon = 0.5*tons/acre of biomass (except forest floor is 0.37*biomass)Tons/acre of carbon = 0.5*tons/acre of biomass (except forest floor is 0.37*biomass) Reported in tons/acre or metric tons/haReported in tons/acre or metric tons/ha Values based on FFE fuels report biomass estimates or uses biomass estimates in Jenkins et. al. (Forest Science 2003)Values based on FFE fuels report biomass estimates or uses biomass estimates in Jenkins et. al. (Forest Science 2003) Jenkins equations are based on national meta- analysis (simplified equations based on dbh and 10 species groups)Jenkins equations are based on national meta- analysis (simplified equations based on dbh and 10 species groups) FFE Stand Carbon Report

FVS Follows merch harvested carbon through timeFollows merch harvested carbon through time Estimates harvested carbon in four categories:Estimates harvested carbon in four categories: Forest ProductsForest Products LandfillLandfill Energy – emitted with energy captureEnergy – emitted with energy capture Emissions – emitted without energy captureEmissions – emitted without energy capture Based on Smith, Heath, Skog and Birdsey 2006 (GTR-NE-343)Based on Smith, Heath, Skog and Birdsey 2006 (GTR-NE-343) FFE Harvested Carbon Report

FVS Oak-hickory stand in the OzarksOak-hickory stand in the Ozarks Inventoried in ft2/acreInventoried in ft2/acre Compare a no management simulation with a shelterwood simulationCompare a no management simulation with a shelterwood simulation 2006 – prep cut ft2/acre (min. dbh = 4”)2006 – prep cut ft2/acre (min. dbh = 4”) 2011 – sheltewood cut - 70 ft2/acre2011 – sheltewood cut - 70 ft2/acre 2016 – removal cut2016 – removal cut Regeneration included in simulationsRegeneration included in simulations Example Example

FVS Example Example Year Trees per Acre Basal Area (ft 2 /acre) Canopy Cover (%) Stand Carbon (tons/acre) No Action simulationNo Action simulation

FVS Example Example Shelterwood simulationShelterwood simulation Year Trees per Acre Basal Area (ft 2 /acre) Canopy Cover (%) Stand Carbon (tons/acre) Removed Carbon (tons/acre)

FVS Example Example

FVS Example Example Shelterwood simulation (CarbCut keyword)Shelterwood simulation (CarbCut keyword)

FVS Example Example Shelterwood simulation (CarbRept keyword)Shelterwood simulation (CarbRept keyword)

FVS No statistics output (CIs, sampling error) and currently can only estimate biomass and carbon at the stand level (not for individual plots)No statistics output (CIs, sampling error) and currently can only estimate biomass and carbon at the stand level (not for individual plots) Stem biomass / carbon calculated from volume does not include barkStem biomass / carbon calculated from volume does not include bark How good are these estimates anyway? Validation is necessary!How good are these estimates anyway? Validation is necessary! Limitations

FVS Where To Get Stuff FVSFVS software, documentation, training schedule, etc. FSVEG software, documentation, etc. FIA mapmaker website

FVS FVS Support Staff Forest Management Service Center 2150 Centre Ave, Bldg. A, Suite 341a Fort Collins, CO FVS Hotline Erin Smith-Mateja Gary DixonBob Havis Chad KeyserStephanie Rebain Erin Smith-MatejaDon Vandendriesche