Must take picture of my cute face again I’m already cute.. Nvm! YAY! Act cute time! Cheese..
Content Page Our thoughts Framework Aloha Project Inbound calls Customer Acquisition Service Recovery
“I’ve learnt a lot of invaluable lessons in CRMCC 2. I’ve made quite a number of new friends! I’ve gained more confidence in myself! CRMCC 2 is a heart-warming place! If given another chance, I would want to stay in CRMCC 2! I just love CRMCC 2!
Week 1-Frame work Introduction Briefing on framework project Brainstorm Approval from supervisor Developed framework (click here to view website)click here to view website PowerPoint
Start Week 1 Introduction to CRMCC2Receive Framework Project Brainstorm Supervisor’s Approval Develop Framework PowerPoint Week 2 Framework Presentation Frame Work Flow Chart
CRM Call Centre 2 Heart-warming but a very “cooling” place Deals with inbound and outbound calls A place where the best modes of communication gathers
Start Week 1 Receive Aloha Project Figure out SPSS Program Split into 3 groups Tabulate Survey Results Week 2 Compile Aloha Results Submit to Supervisor
- 800 Survey done with Civil Servants through the use of Call centre - 30 survey questions - The previous batch from CC2 had done the call survey - Key in all the data into SPSS program - Split into 3 groups Aloha Website:
- Put knowledge of SPSS into use - Learnt time management between 2 projects - Learnt how to effectively manage human resource - Coordination between members - How to manage tedious admin work
- -To juggle between 2 projects - To meet daily targets - To keep up with the speed of your partner - Hassle to keep Serial No. in order
To learn how to set up an inbound call centre to handle incoming calls. To understand the process of handling inbound calls effectively.
Customer Calls Call Agent receives the call Call Agent determine Call type and update system Customer explains the purpose of call Call agent add customer information into the system Call agent to update Closing type
1)Each team is required to define 8 customer data fields 2) Each team need to brainstorm and listdown all the expected calls and write down 3 scenarios and get ready for the role play. 3) We need to set our Key Performance Indicator also known as KPI 4) Compile the feedbacks of the calls made and have to submit a 5 page report which includes Introduction, Role of Your Call Centre, Key Performance Indicators Set, lessons learnt and recommendation to improve on the inbound call process. The dateline for the report is Week 3.
Serial No Name Address Telephone Age Occupation Race Call Status Extension Number Feedbacks
Receive Customer Acquisition project Do up Proposal Supervisor’s Approval Design Marketing Campaign Write scriptsRole PlayInternal ReportCompile Results Customer Acquisition Report Week 5 Customer Acquisition Report Completed Submit to Supervisor Customer Acquisition Flow Chart
Proposal Our company firstly plans to use telemarketing radio station advertisements and road show as our main promotion tools We set our target audiences and advertisement period Design telemarketing campaign Proposal
Compile result from the role play Analyze the result referring to the convention rate Recommend on our company’s marketing strategic Internal Report
As we found out that tele- marketing is the most efficient, we set tele- marketing as our main marketing tools and follow by radio station advertisement and road show.
To turn a dissatisfied customer to a satisfied customer Ability to handle difficult scenarios and turn an angry customer into a satisfied customer Ability to retain customers Ability to control personal emotions
Each team is required to develop a service recovery process for both call centre and service centre touch points related to the nature of the business. Required to generate 5 complaint scenarios and responses to those complaints. Each team member has to role play over the phone as both complaint customers and call agents. Customers need to evaluate the call agent’s ability to handle complaint scenarios.
1.Did the CSO use proper greetings? Y/N 2.Did the CSO listen attentively Y/N 3.Did the CSO understand client’s complaint? Y/N 4.Was the CSO able to provide solution or alternative solution to the client? Y/N 5.Was the CSO able to manage the conversation? Y/N 6.Are you happy with the service after you have feedback your complaints? Y/N 7.What are your suggestions for improvement? Y/N
Angry customers call to complain Call agent receives the call Call agents try to resolve customer’s complains by providing alternatives/solutions Call agent updates system and find out purpose of calls Angry customer explains complain contents Problem Resolved Escalate Customer complaints to top management SatisfiedDissatisfied
1.Late Delivery 2.Server Down 3.Wrong Payment 4.Damaged VCD 5.Rude Delivery Man Recording
Help to review call agents’ attitude towards inbound and outbound calls This will reduce conflicts between call agents, as each call agent will be identified the responsibilities they had to bear. Can learn from one another the appropriate tele- communication skills Essential when identify important information revealed by other customers.
Credits… Special thanks to… Mr Bryan Phua Ms Priscilla Li Ms Laura Lam Ms Liu Jia Xi Mr Li Jia Wei Ms Soh Wee Kee