CAMPUS EXPECTATIONS Living & Learning on Beacon Hill Suffolk’s Community Standards Public Safety
City of Boston ResidentsStudentsTouristsEmployees Freedom Trail Government, Business & Industry Sports Teams Restaurants
Village of Beacon Hill Residential Neighborhood State Government Mass General Hospital University Buildings ½ Mile Square 10,000 People Live on the Hill
Suffolk University Police & Security (SUPD) Staffing: 24/7/ Full-time Police Officers 33 Full-time Security Officers 5 Full-time Dispatchers Student Security Workers Sawyer Building, 8 Ashburton Place Non-Emergency: Emergency: Suffolk University Police and Security Department SuffolkUniPD SUPD617
Emergency Phone Numbers On-Campus: (617) Off-Campus: 911
SUPD Police Officers Police Officers are warranted Special State Police Officers under Chapter 22C, Section 63 of M.G.L. Enforce M.G.L., university policies and regulations and Boston city ordinances Provide public safety for all students, faculty, staff and visitors of the university Walking escort service RAD: Rape Aggression Defense Program Informational tables and events Safety alerts Duties & Powers
SUPD Security Officers Duties & Powers Access control of university property Enforcement of university rules and regulations Trained first responders Stationed in campus buildings Enforce sign in and sign out procedures and residence hall rules and regulations Manage Suffolk ID card system
Dispatch & Student Workers Duties & Powers Dispatchers are stationed at the Dispatch Center in Donahue Lobby (41 Temple Street) Answer radio and phone calls Enforce Campus Rules and Procedures Charged with dispatching officers to numerous service and emergency calls/incidents Stationed at locations around campus Observe and report incidents directly to SUPD
Advising Students About Personal Safety Always carry your Suffolk University ID Never leave valuables unattended or out of your sight Always be aware of your surroundings Know your campus and areas you frequent Pre-program emergency contacts into your phone Don’t be flashy with your belongings Avoid dark and unpopulated areas Always have a back up plan Utilize the “Buddy System”
Emergency Response Incident command Fire and shelter-in-place drills Emergency alerts and timely warnings Echeck-in
Talking with You About Your Student FERPA is a federal law that requires Suffolk University to protect students’ education records We may inform parents/guardians of: – Alcohol or other drug violations – Health and safety emergencies – Loss of on-campus housing or interim suspension
Release of Information
Community Standards Suffolk University has sought to educate students who—as leaders in law, business, and professional and civic life—will live by the highest intellectual and ethical standards. In search of this ideal, Suffolk strives to create an environment in which learning is a shared responsibility that is pursued in classrooms, studios, and laboratories; internships and study abroad programs; co-curricular and extracurricular activities; athletic fields; residence halls; and the city of Boston and beyond. The Suffolk University Community Standards and other policies are intended to contribute to the education and growth of student members of the campus community. The University will hold students accountable for their actions as a necessary part of community life.
Being a Good Neighbor Noise Responsible use of alcohol Respect Safety traveling to/from campus
Prohibited Substance Use Alcohol – Medical Amnesty Policy Marijuana and other drugs – Medical marijuana Drug paraphernalia Tobacco and nicotine Electronic cigarettes
Treating Others with Respect Bias Incidents and Hate Crimes Bullying Social Media
Academic Integrity Students are expected to do their own work Academic violations are handled through the Community Standards Sanctions range from a 0 on the assignment to an F in the course
Sexual Misconduct Important issue receiving national and Suffolk University attention Prohibited by law and by Suffolk University Negatively impacts a student’s ability to live and learn Creates a negative community environment
Prohibited Conduct Non-Consensual Sexual Activity Sexually Exploitative Behavior Sexual Harassment Stalking, Relationship Violence and Dating Violence This policy applies to all relationships: male-female, female-female, male-male
Role of Alcohol & Other Drugs in Sexual Misconduct Research tells us that alcohol is present in 75% of college sexual assaults Compromises good decision-making Increases vulnerability
Reporting Sexual Misconduct Student Affairs – Title IX Coordinator Residence Life & Housing (RA/RD) Suffolk University Police Boston Police or local law enforcement These offices will work closely with students to maintain privacy as permitted by law.
Retaliation & Interim Measures Retaliation is prohibited Interim measures include room changes, class changes, late withdrawals from classes, counseling and health support and no contact orders
Support for Survivors Counseling Medical care and referrals for trained sexual assault nurse examiners Academic and housing accommodations Law enforcement assistance University grievance procedures Referrals to the Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) and other agencies
What Would You Do?
Expectations for Students Bystander Intervention Everyone has a role to play in the intervention and prevention of sexual violence Everyone is expected to not harass or sexually assault anyone Everyone is expected to be an active bystander, intervening before, during or even after any form of sexual violence Everyone is expected to assist and support survivors of sexual violence
Resources Counseling Center – 5 th floor, 73 Tremont Street, (617) Student Affairs – 12 th floor, 73 Tremont Street, (617) Suffolk Police – Donahue Lobby, (617) Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) – (800)
For More Information Contact Student Affairs Ann Coyne, Senior Associate Dean of Students Deputy Title IX Officer for Students in CAS & SBA Elizabeth Ching-Bush, Assistant Dean of Students 73 Tremont Street, 12th Floor (617) Office