ICT Indicators in the Arab Region Khalil ABURIZIK ITU Regional Officer for Human Resources Development for the Arab Region Capacity-building Workshop on Information Society Measurements: Core Indicators, Statistics, and Data Collection Beirut 7-10 June 2005
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Telecom Indicators
Growth of fixed telephone lines in the Arab Region Number off fixed lines Est.
Basic ICT Indicators
Growth of number of Internet Users in the Arab Region Internet Users Est.
Growth of Mobile telephone subs in the Arab Region Mobile subscribers Est.
Growth of mobile versus fixed line in selected countries
Telecom Indicators Forms Information TechnologyCellular Subscribers Main Telephone Lines (ML)GDPPopulation User per 10,000 inhab UserHosts Total DSLISDNPer 100 inhab Total ML per empl Faults Per 100 house holds Per 100 inhab Total Per capita USD TotalDensityTotal KSub K k per 100 ML per year KB USD Per sq.km M Country M Million B Billion K Thousands The forms below were designed to serve in collecting data for updating the Arab Book: Telecommunication Strategies in the Arab Region
Regulatory framework Level of competition ISPISP IM T GMPCSGMPCS MS S FS S Ca ble TV Pa gin g Mobile VS AT Da ta Leas ed Lines WL L XDS L Int ’ l Long Distance Local Servic es Digit. Anl g.
Regulatory Framework Form ISP IMT 2000 GMPCSGMPCS MSSMSS FSSFSS Cable TV Paging Mobile VSATVSAT DataData Leased Lines WLLWLL XDSLXDSL Int ’ l Long Distance Local Services Digit. Analo gue. Services subject to licensing
ICT Table Information Technology Cellular Subscribers Main Telephone Lines (ML)GDPPopulation Users per 10,000 inhab UserHost Total DSLISDNPer 100 inhab TotalML per empl oyee Faul ts Per 100 house holds Per 100 inhab Total Per cap US D TotalDen sity Total KSubsSubs K k per 100 ML per year KB USD Per sq.k m MCountry , Algeria Bahrain Comoros Djibouti B: Billion M: Million K: Thousands
ICT Table cont’d Egypt (Jan 2005) Iraq Jordan Kuwait ,72 7 Lebanon Libya Mauritani a 265, , ND 20,2 6 4, ND 30,0 88 Morocco 22251, , , Oman
Qatar , , , ,6 95 8, Saudi Arabia Somalia Sudan Syria Tunisia United Arab Emirates Yemen Palestine Last Update Dec 2004 Last Update Dec 2003 Last Update Dec 2002
Our experience with data collecting 36% answer in month from demanding the data 18% answer after the reminder ML per employee, Faults per 100 ML per year and DSL subscribers are least to be answered K (000), M(000000) and B( ) are sometimes confusing Many administration suddenly complain that their data is not up to date just when they need that Companies are reluctant to release their number of actual subscribers We have focal points and official contacts. Operators and regulators do not follow the ITU forms, definitions or that info is restricted
Areas covered in the 50 Telecom Indicators Telephone Network Other services Quality of Service Traffic Tariffs Revenue Staff Investment NOT YET covered in the Arab Region Office statistics What is your priorities? Who will do it? What kind of data bases?
Telephone network Telephone main lines in operation Total capacity of local public switching exchanges Main lines connected to digital exchanges Main lines which are for residential use Main lines in urban areas Public pay phones Telephone main lines in operation Number of localities with telephone service
Other services-> Mobile services Number of telex subscribers Cellular mobile telephone subscribers Radio pager subscribers Leased circuits Public data network subscribers Videotex subscribers ISDN subscribers Digital cellular mobile telephone mobile subscribers Mobile data subscribers Population coverage of mobile network
Other services-> Data services Number of telex subscribers Radio pager subscribers Leased circuits Public data network subscribers Internet subscribers Internet users Community access centers / terminals centers Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) Subscribers, Number of Hotspots
Quality of Service Waiting list for main lines Percentage of telephone service faults cleared by next working day Percentage of calls which fail Telephone main line faults Percentage of calls for operator service answered within 15 seconds Complaints per 1000 bills Customer satisfaction rate
Traffic Local telephone traffic National telephone traffic International telephone traffic National telegrams International outgoing telegrams National telex traffic International outgoing telex traffic Dial-up Internet traffic Fixed to mobile traffic Mobile traffic International Internet bandwidth
Tariffs Telephone service installation charge Telephone service monthly subscription charge National call charges International call charges Mobile communications charges Leased line charges Packet-switched data communications network charges Local telephone service Internet tariffs
Staff Total full-time staff in telecommunication services Revenue Total revenues from all telecommunication services of which: Revenues from telephone service Revenues from telegrams and telex services Revenues from other data/text services Revenue from leased lines Revenue from mobile communications services Other revenues
Costs->Value-added Total expenditure for telecommunication services of which: Operational expenses Net interest payments/receipts Taxes Depreciation Other expenditures Value-added Salaries Interest on loans Dividends Retained profit
Investment Total annual investment in telecommunications, including land and buildings Total annual investment in telecommunications, excluding land and buildings 1. Annual investment in research and development 2. Annual investment in telephone switching equipment Total annual investment a) Foreign b) Mobile c) Fixed