Doing business with DBS
Why choose DBS Our singular goal is to make doing business easier and more profitable for you.
Gotta Case? Call your Marketing Associate at DBS!! DBS Your Marketing Associate will address: Your Marketing Associate will address: Case design Case design Product choice, term, UL, VUL, etc… Product choice, term, UL, VUL, etc… Insurance carrier choice Insurance carrier choice Competition Competition Health issues Health issues Occupation/ Avocation/ Travel issues Occupation/ Avocation/ Travel issues
What you can expect from your MA? What you can expect from your MA? Same day service if request is received before 3 pm CST (24 hours max.) Same day service if request is received before 3 pm CST (24 hours max.) Calls returned with in 3 hours Calls returned with in 3 hours Quick Quotes to all carrier underwriters, if needed Quick Quotes to all carrier underwriters, if needed PDFs of the illustration or spreadsheet, appointment form (if needed), application forms and product prospectus (if registered) PDFs of the illustration or spreadsheet, appointment form (if needed), application forms and product prospectus (if registered) Follow up within 7 days Follow up within 7 days
Appointments Made Easy The DBS website is your one stop for information on carrier appointments The DBS website is your one stop for information on carrier appointments Check state requirements for appointments prior to solicitation of business Check state requirements for appointments prior to solicitation of business Download state-specific forms necessary for each company Download state-specific forms necessary for each company Check the status of your appointment with each carrier Check the status of your appointment with each carrier Once the paperwork is complete fax or send it to DBS and we will coordinate your appointment with the carrier Once the paperwork is complete fax or send it to DBS and we will coordinate your appointment with the carrier Any questions call our licensing department at ext. 209 Any questions call our licensing department at ext. 209
Tips for Submitting Applications Fixed and VUL Agent Cover Letter Agent Cover Letter Purpose, amount applied for, plan, medical or financial underwriting considerations, lifestyle information, time constraints, preferred contact numbers for yourself and insured Purpose, amount applied for, plan, medical or financial underwriting considerations, lifestyle information, time constraints, preferred contact numbers for yourself and insured Include Illustration - Even on Term Include Illustration - Even on Term Allow DBS to Order All Requirements Allow DBS to Order All Requirements Check Application for Completeness Check Application for Completeness Submit Non-Medical (Part 2) of the App Submit Non-Medical (Part 2) of the App BIGGEST TIME SAVER - IF APS RECORDS ARE NEEDED BIGGEST TIME SAVER - IF APS RECORDS ARE NEEDED Submit DBS authorization form Submit DBS authorization form VUL Only Allocation form Allocation form Managing principle signature on application and illustration Managing principle signature on application and illustration
SEND ALL APPLICATIONS TO DBS! Diversified Brokerage Services, Inc Excelsior Blvd. Minneapolis, MN / DBS
What to Expect of your Case Manager Your case manager will take ownership of the case, sheppard it thru underwriting, to issue to paid commissions Your case manager will take ownership of the case, sheppard it thru underwriting, to issue to paid commissions Tasks completed same day application is received at DBS Tasks completed same day application is received at DBS Application entered and sent to carrier Application entered and sent to carrier Exam requirements ordered electronically as the app is inputted Exam requirements ordered electronically as the app is inputted If a Non-Med (Part 2) is submitted - APS's will be ordered, if needed If a Non-Med (Part 2) is submitted - APS's will be ordered, if needed
What to Expect of your Case Manager Cont… Received, and outstanding requirements sent to you via Received, and outstanding requirements sent to you via Applications reviewed for completeness Applications reviewed for completeness Appointment with carrier verified Appointment with carrier verified Notification of application receipt, requirements Notification of application receipt, requirements Weekly case status Weekly case status Routine Case Manager follow up Routine Case Manager follow up Follow ups on - APS records, exam requirements, broker requirements, carrier action Follow ups on - APS records, exam requirements, broker requirements, carrier action Approval notification Approval notification
Policy delivery Issued Policy will be sent to DBS for review and mailed to agent, priority mail, same day received. Issued Policy will be sent to DBS for review and mailed to agent, priority mail, same day received.
Delayed Delivery Dangers Your insured could have a change in health between application date and your delayed delivery date Your insured could have a change in health between application date and your delayed delivery date Serious change could prevent delivery and require you to start over from an impaired risk standpoint Serious change could prevent delivery and require you to start over from an impaired risk standpoint Even a routine visit to the Dr. during this time may cause the insurance company to ask for a summary of the visit Even a routine visit to the Dr. during this time may cause the insurance company to ask for a summary of the visit Commissions aren't paid until the policy is inforce! Commissions aren't paid until the policy is inforce!
World Class Service Proven track record Proven track record New business correspondence driven from app to issue and paid New business correspondence driven from app to issue and paid Pending case status on Internet 24x7 Pending case status on Internet 24x7 DBS Services Department intakes and provides status updates for after-issue services. No home office “800” number referrals DBS Services Department intakes and provides status updates for after-issue services. No home office “800” number referrals Beneficiary or owner changes Conversion/exchange service Collateral Assignments Re-projection requests Bank change service Premium drafting problems Lapse warning notices Reinstatement requests Fund account allocations Death Claims
Meet your DBS Life Sales and Marketing Team Kelly Bjordal x246 Tanya Lindstrom x223 Joel Johnson x222 Relationship Manager Sales/Marketing Coordinator Relationship Manager Marketing Associates Brandon Johnsen x230 Jann Varner x221 Steve Peters x219 Cheryl Hausauer x220