What is KBE? The KBE systems defined as: The use of advanced software techniques to capture and re-use product and process knowledge in and integrated way. Knowledge-based engineering (KBE) is an engineering product development technology wherein the knowledge of the engineered product and its design process is captured and embedded into software system(known as KBE systems) and the use of this system in the design And development of similar new products. The main objective of KBE is to reduce lead time by capturing product and process knowledge. The core of the system is the product model where product and process knowledge is stored. External databases are used for labeled data. Input to the KBE system is usually customer’s specifications, which in turn gives several kinds of output when being processed. The system software is object-oriented and can therefore perform demand-driven calculations.
Existing Knowledge Structure has following drawbacks:- Disorganized Existing designs, database if not maintained in order make reusability difficult. Volatile Knowledge that is not documented, like knowledge in the human mind, can be lost when people leave an organization. Insecure Databases which are not centrally maintained are susceptible to change by users and become unreliable. User unfriendly Often, captured knowledge has not been documented well, with result that it becomes difficult to understand. Excessive While capturing knowledge is essential, too much knowledge would lead to confusion and in turn affect re- usability.
Advantages 1.Reduces time to market and lead time 2.Reduce production costs 3.Automates repetitive tasks 4.More innovative 5.Product Optimization Optimizing the design is easy - trial and error goes fast 6.Allows for the reuse of critical knowledge and designs 7.Suitable for analysis and simulation processes 8.Reduces overhead costs 9.Skilled staff turnover is not a big problem 10.Costs and time use can be reduced by 90%
In the above figure, KBE system starts with customer requirements and end with customer satisfaction. (C2C process) In this C2C loop process have more four steps like KBE application design, design the 3D or 2D models, Graphical User Interface (GUI) development & integration of GUI and CAD data.