Thanks to Ken, Alicia and Student Council for making this happen. Wednesday: Look at Me, I’m Make-Up Free! (No cameras allowed) Thursday: Celebrate your heritage Friday: National Day of Silence
Lots of Positive Feedback on the Survey Adults could be seen in some rooms where there were no students (everyone needs to be in a safe spot) One room answered the door One door unlocked Talking in a room immediately after unlocking: stay put and stay quiet until all clear over PA
When the door was opened the person did not ask for the code word or anything just said sit tight for now. Follow-up with an unannounced drill. It is very hard in my classroom to have all the students fit in the back corner of the room. The gentleman who opened the door made a comment about it. Is there any other place we can fit a few students? It's only going to get harder to squeeze in the corner with class sizes growing. Streamline the checks so it doesn't take all period.
Please remove all artwork before vacation Clear Rescue Windows Unplug Extension Cords See Rodney of you have any questions It’s a great time to start your Spring Cleaning! Summer program will be using the entire school this summer: Take Personal Belongings Home
Don’t give points for extra credit or use bonus points; seek only evidence that more work has resulted in a higher level of achievement. Reminder: All grades should be visible on the parent portal now
8/30 Opening Day at HHS 10:00 at building, eSchool training and Staff Meeting 8/31: Staff Development : School Improvement Planning Building Based goals 9/1: Building Day, Work in Rooms, Department Meetings, Core Team….. More information coming soon
.8 LOTE 1.0 Family and Consumer Science .8 Technology 1.0 Art 1.0 Counselor 1.2 AIS Reading .6 Health .4 PE .9 Music
HHS LMC at 7:00 tonight The Board will adopt a budget
Meeting on Tuesday 4/26 after school This meeting is not mandatory, Keith will be explaining procedures at this time Jen can also answer questions at the grade 6 meeting on 4/28 We will not be available to answer questions on the morning of the tests
SST Plan – The final decisions for an SST plan must be followed just like a 504 Plan or an IEP. SST Forms – when you receive an SST Survey form, please fill it out and return as soon as possible. ◦ All subjects are important to here from. ◦ The quicker they are returned the quicker a meeting can be scheduled and completed for our students.
ELA testing 5/3 & 5/4 Math testing 5/11 & 5/12 Please confirm that Keith has received all of your teams students’ 504 Plan testing accommodations. ELA day 1 about 90 min. ELA day 2 about 115 min. Students stay in testing room for 1 st, 2 nd, 3 rd periods
Keith will put together the days Room and Proctoring schedule and have this information for the Staff on 4/26. ELA listening section ◦ Proctors please pre-read this section before the students arrive and the test begins. ◦ Please read at a moderate pace. ◦ Please give clear pronunciation and pause if/when need. ELA Answering Sheets ◦ Please note to the students that they should cross out any incorrect answers on the bubble sheet. DO NOT ERASE.