800-DONORS-7 core.org WV Hospital 2013 Challenge Overview Holly J. Mitchell, MPH, CHES Professional Services Liaison and DLWV Chair
800-DONORS-7 core.org Partners in crime
800-DONORS-7 core.org OPO Service Areas in WV 55 counties 51 hospitals –Including 1 Organ Transplant Hospital CAMC KODA LifeLine of Ohio LifeNet CORE (in red)
800-DONORS-7 core.org Facts about WV Population: 1.86 million (2012) Date founded: Jun 20, 1863 Celebrated our 150th year of statehood this year! Capital: Charleston Mostly Rural (& beautiful!) Known as the Mountain State and we are Mountaineers
800-DONORS-7 core.org WV Hospital Challenge April 1 st through August 31 st Involved all OPOs (CORE, KODA, LifeNet and LOOP) that serve WV. Mirrored Arizona’s successful program. Partnered with the WV Hospital Association. Encouraged all hospitals to plan out events and go for the gold!
800-DONORS-7 core.org Preparation Promoted it as a DLWV initiative. Reached out to our friends in Arizona for tips. Great guidance from WPFL. (thank you!) Decided to piggyback on Donate Life Month. Partnered with WVHA due to communication. Provided an “e-jumpstart kit/score card”. E- mailed updates and reminders via OPO and WHVA. Meetings/phone calls with hospitals.
800-DONORS-7 core.org Successful Outcome Most every hospital achieved GOLD! Lots of communication with hospital departments that usually do not interact with OPO. “Little” hospitals proved to be the BIG stars! Outstanding activities with points and designations. Excitement & Innovation. Ownership. Hospitals wanted to compete.
800-DONORS-7 core.org Lessons Learned Having other OPOs is a blessing! Promote Hospital Challenge to CEOs through letters or calls directly. Hospitals need a Challenge Team. Conference calls with participants quarterly. Non- WVHA members needed separate communication and recognition. Decide on point values of all activities. Re-evaluate participation time frame. Plan celebration event earlier.
800-DONORS-7 core.org Celebration Plans! Working with the WVHA and also all OPOs, we want to celebrate with a statewide announcement and also an award ceremony!
800-DONORS-7 core.org WV Hospitals who participated Braxton County Memorial Hospital Cabell Huntington Hospital, Inc. Camden Clark Medical Center Charleston Area Medical Center HealthSouth Western Hills Regional Rehabilitation Hospital Montgomery General Hospital Pleasant Valley Hospital St. Francis Hospital St. Mary's Medical Center Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital Thomas Memorial Hospital United Hospital Center Wetzel County Hospital WVU Healthcare-Ruby
800-DONORS-7 core.org St. Mary’s Celebration
800-DONORS-7 core.org Camden-Clark Medical Center
800-DONORS-7 core.org CAMC Donate Life Night at Power Park with CAMC General Staff L-R Teresa Hill, RN with granddaughter Abby, Sande Egnor, RN, Annabelle Shrader, Holly Mitchell CORE Professional Services Liaison, Liver Recipient Nefeterius Akeli McPherson, Back Row Kurt Shutterly, COO CORE, Lise Upshur CORE Multicultural and Community Outreach Coordinator, Becky Shrader, RN and CORE Organ Procurement Coordinator
800-DONORS-7 core.org Thank you for letting us share!
800-DONORS-7 core.org Stonewall Jackson Memorial Hospital –Opened its doors in 1972 –Located in Weston, WV –Provides services to patients in north central WV –70 bed facility, with 1 ICU (6 beds) –Level 4 trauma designation
800-DONORS-7 core.org Participant in the DLWV Hospital Challenge and HRSA Hospital Challenge Campaigns –April thru August 2013 –Hospital participation coordinated by Crystal Frazier (Accounting Dept.) and Julia Spelsberg (Public Relations Dept.) Outcomes: –1105 total activity points (Gold Level Award) –113 new registered donors
800-DONORS-7 core.org How did they make it work?? Involved their hospital –Educated hospital staff Presentations by local donor and recipient families, as well as OPO Donation information placed on bulletin boards, hospital web site, paycheck stubs, table tents in cafeteria, and employee mailings –Challenged each hospital employee to sign up 6 new donors –Invited staff to work informational booths at local events and the hospital
800-DONORS-7 core.org How did they make it work?? – Cont. Involved their community –Looked for educational opportunities Informational booths at 5k runs, health fairs, county fair, community meetings Partnered with local high schools, businesses, Lions Club, Rotary Club, and city council to offer donation awareness events and registry events –Flew Donate Life flags at hospital and around the community –Sponsored stories in local media (tv, radio, newspapers) Involved their OPO –Worked together to find and develop opportunities for outreach –Provided educational materials and speakers for events –Educated hospital staff whom was participating in the challenge